Hmm, I will have to figure out how to do that.
google map error correction
does anyone else almost obsessively put in bug reports to google maps for bike routes? I just looked back through my email and just got my 17th correction made this year... only one was denied. am i the only one?
You're not the only one.
I reported 42 issues last year, but only 12 so far this year, since they introduced the Mapmaker feature where you can fix many things yourself (though it's not always easy to use).
Admitting you have a problem is the first step....
I do it constantly, never been denied. My favorites so far: you can't get from my office to the turnpike (0.2 miles away, something ~5000 people do twice a day); GAP is a toll road; there's a highway through Allegheny National Forest called "Quebec Route" (there isn't).
I saw their car on the highway this AM, not sure if it was taking photos or not.
For as much as people give them a hard time, the fact that exists at all completely boggles my mind. It's like the concept of a library to me - something that regularly astounds me that humans came up with and then put into practice on such a grand scale.
I've been using google maps to plan trips in other countries, using ferries and buses on systems I wouldn't otherwise know exists. Totally awesome.
@ejwme I wonder what the deal is with the quebec route stuff... I've reported 3 different places where that has happened.
I have put some things on Mapmaker but there is usually some delay getting them to regular Maps even when it's "approved."
The Quebec route thing was affecting all of U.S. 30, from Oregon to Philadelphia. Some of it is fixed, some of it is not.
For a while, Stanton Avenue was renamed something crazy, the name of some road in Michigan, and that was eventually resolved.
I reported a while ago that the Parkway East was labelled as a road in Quebec, looks like lots of other people did as well. Note that it's only sort-of fixed: Rt. 30 is noted in text, but not as a symbol. The underlying bug is probably still in there.
I've also noticed that the Pittsburgh map has gained all sorts of extra detail (like parts of the Great North East Passage!). And the extension of Sylvan in Hazelwood (is that actually passable?)
I would assume that a lot of it has come through from people using Mapmaker.
and here I thought the Bloc Quebecois was moving south to escape Harper, or perhaps attempting to invade the south to make us speak French and eat poutine (which really isn't that bad, IMHO)