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Got flagged down, not what you think

On my little lunch bike ride in the strip this afternoon I was casually riding back to my office via Railroad St when I slowed to let a truck pass and avoid a huge pot hole. I was in no hurry.

The truck, a contractor's large F-150, stopped and waved me down. I figured he just wanted to ask me directions so I pulled up and stopped. He starts asking me about my bike (a Kona paddywagon) and why the wheelbase looked so short. I was a little shocked but we had a nice little chat about the bike and why I would ride it. The two in the truck worked on and rode bikes a lot when they were younger and I guess they were just bored.

Just thought I would share.

2010-03-09 20:28:37

Once in the strip I got "NICE BIKE, ASSHOLE!" from a truck. Possibly related?

2010-03-09 20:38:06

I have had good conversations with Ford F150's when I am in the turn left lane and they are going straight, about the cost of gas, and how I could bike to work and they couldn't. I think there are more people in motorized vehicles who want to be on two wheels but can't for whatever reason....

2010-03-10 01:30:21

Yeah, I know a few people like that but they are usually just making excuses.

I think these guys were contractors and were just wasting time. Pretty sure I noticed a logo on the side of their truck.

2010-03-10 15:09:23

Caitlin: I think you need quotes around the word can't. Unless they were actually using their truck for cargo...

I've had a couple of occasions where someone was honking and getonthesidewalking at me frantically, yet remained behind me at a red light. A guy in the next lane over shouted, "nice bike! :D"

I think he was trying to offset the general poopiness of the person behind me. It worked.

2010-03-10 15:10:46

re: verb "getonthesidewalking", love that.

2010-03-10 15:29:20

well sometimes you need a truck for work and you have to drive. i am one of those people. i mean i guess you can figure out how to do anything if you really want to...

2010-03-10 19:09:49

I was standing in Market Square this morning and a guy said "nice bike" as he passed by. I wasn't sure if he was sincere or making fun of me but he turned around and we chatted for a moment about the trails and the GAP gap at Sandcastle.

2010-03-10 19:52:28