Caffeine poisoning?
Got that sick feeling
Ever find that no matter what you eat, and how much you hydrate, you still feel nauseous throughout your entire ride? I usually do well with a good breakfast (including some protein), lots of plain water, and a few different snack bars or gel (or, an Enervit pill every so often) while riding. But for the past few weeks, on and off, I feel sick for almost my entire ride (25-50 miles, depending on the day).
Any suggestions?
I've been feeling sluggish lately too. I think it's the heat. At first I was ok with it, but week after week of it has really slowed me down some. I think eating right after you ride is important & I havent been doing that consistantly latly either (also heat related). So it's probably a combo of issues.
I am sick at home with some odd chest cold or whatever this is. Not sure if something is going around or what, but I got something. Can't remember the last time I was sick let alone sick in the summer.
The heat's gotten to me same as Marko - it was fine for the first few weeks.. first month. But now, 6AM is the only hour I can be active and not nauseated. I've found skipping dinner has helped tremendously, even when I run/bike in the evenings. Cutting way back on sugar and carbs has also helped. I pretty much eat veggies, tuna salad, and egg salad now (too hot to cook)
I know nothing about you or your personal life, but sometimes females are nauseated for a very specific otherwise non-cycling, non-heat related reason, that the normally obvious symptom of which may or may not be happening, and the stress of cycling could aggravate. Just in case, figured I'd throw it out there, apologies if that was intrusive or offensive in anyway.
I had the chest cold as well. It slowed me down seriously. I wasn't really nauseous, but I felt really run down and was coughing off and on.
i have found that certain foods affect the way i feel for days after i eat them. the more whole foods i eat, the better i feel overall, whether i'm hungry or not or exercising or not. however, when i eat (crappy) pizza, for example, i feel bloated and not too far from nausea for a few days.
I would refer to Chris' and Dan advices in regards of eating/drinking. For a lots of people eating just gels/bars would upset stomach. If you are riding 50 miles it would be at least 3 hours in the city. And more realistic about 4-5 hours. So there is time for at least one but better two solid food consumption(s).
@ejwme no offense at all. you're right about that, and i totally get it. but, this is a different issue i think. i'm feeling sick in a different way.
@hidden variable, i, too, have found that eating more whole foods, and staying away from some sugars and fried stuff helps a great deal. the gels and snack bars are often full of sugars, hence when i'm feeling nauseated i don't want to go anywhere near them.
the heat is probably a big factor. i do know that in general i prefer to ride in the early mornings, or evening (though, by the end of a hot day getting on my bike is one of the last things i want to do when i feel drained).
i also know that when i have an acupuncture treatment, these symptoms tend to go away for a while. perhaps this is caffeine and sugar overload, exacerbated by the heat. hence, it's probably time to make an appointment.
thanks so much everyone! don't know why i didn't figure out & get on the message boards much sooner than this! but, thanks a bunch!
Benzo said, "I had the chest cold as well. It slowed me down seriously. I wasn't really nauseous, but I felt really run down and was coughing off and on."
How long did it last? I hope to ride soon.
FWIW, vitamins/supplements on an empty stomach makes me nauseous.
I have felt do run down. Don't know how I did the decaf ride last night (stayed back in the group.. Maybe that helped). Wanted to do the PMTCC ride Tonight but not even sure I have the energy to get home.
Heat exhaustion?
Tired and hungry all of the time.
I have felt kinda gross on and off for a few days. Similarly nauseated, tired, generally feeling "bleh" (on and off the bike)
Theory #1: Super-scary plague only transmissible among cyclists, oh noez (yeah, maybe not so plausible)
Theory #2: Heat- and dehydration-induced migraines w/ extended postdrome symptoms (extremely plausible for me, no idea if it applies to anyone else)
How much time elapses between when you eat your meal and the start of your ride?
How long into the ride before the onset of nausea?
Obviously, #1. Transmitted at the rest stops on PP (Bicycle Heaven common water bottle dipping bucket?) I didn't get it because I did the 25 and never saw a rest stop.
bike zombie plague.
that can't be the only vector; i never found that rest stop or those buckets
but wait, i did help fill buckets on saturday...
oooh, so THAT's the "special additive" that was going into those buckets, after being in the sun from 9-4:30 i needed to leave setup, i was more cooked than 45 min microwaved bacon.
what's the air quality been lately? that could also be a factor, hitting people along more congested routes or people who live near them more than others. I went for a run along 5th in rush hour once (was headed for Negly to do laps on the hill) and almost vomited because of the exhaust - I just wasn't used to it.
I work In healthcare. I am very cautious of disease transmission. I have a suspicion that I am malnourished (yes, obese and overweight people can be malnourished), may have celiac spru, or I just haven been riding too much, working too much, eating too little, and humidity and heat don't mix well with asthma.
I never noticed the dunk a water bottle thing at the rest stop or I may have insisted that it be removed.
I usually ride within about 40 minutes after i eat. Sometimes an hour, but no longer than that. In fact, that would be pushing it. Heat exhaustion and air quality indeed. I didn't even check that there was an air quality warning today. Sometimes my brain goes on auto-pilot: "Ah, pretty day. Must go ride."
I'm fine eating right before a hot bike ride, as long as it's not beans, noodles, or too acidic. I've thrown up after a short ride in extreme heat from those three types of food.
I like food. Food tastes good.
I was somewhat glad to read this post, to realize that I'm not the only one. I've been commuting a lot more lately, and it's not an easy ride. 10 miles each way, 1600 feet of climbing, West Liberty Ave, over Mt Washington, etc. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, my legs felt like rubber. I woke up Wednesday on time to commute, but went back to bed for an hour and drove in instead. Back on the bike this morning, and I felt like a million bucks.
Take a rest day? Maybe you just need to recharge?
Yeah I am taking a rest day today.
I think it's official: road today, felt sick on some new hills, and decided it's the heat and humidity. Great ride other tha that sick feeling on and off. I'm taking tomorrow off!
The heat did not bother me one bit.