And there are spambots
Gravitars have disappeared - some of them anyhow
Hmm, are you seeing what I'm seeing (or not seeing?) About 50% of the gravitars on the board are missing. Weird.
I'm working on getting rid of the spam - yeah it's everywhere.
I just deleted about 10 spam posts - when I deleted them, the gravitars came back.
I was feverishly deleting spam posts and didn't think to retain the name of the newbie spammer. I want to pass it on to erok if any other spam posts show up. Let me know if you see any spam. Email me - directaxis57 [at] gmail [dot] com
I've seen hidden xml code screw up the default settings in another forum which I moderate... odds are, that was what caused the gravitar issue. I doubt that it was even intentional, just bad code inserted by what ever programs they were using to copy/paste the spam.
Thanks for the thoughts, Drewbacca.
Damn, I wish I had saved a copy of some of the spam posts - I'm curious now.
yeah, the board and site is getting a makeover soon, so hopefully that will take care of the issues. there will be a more robust captcha. trying to avoid having to approve people or making you type a captcha before posting a thread
Looks like the gravatar folks just had a temporary site outage, unrelated to spammers here.
Yeah when I tried to open some of the broken images directly earlier I got "504 Gateway Timeout"- definitely unrelated to this board. Also the broken images started well before the spam.
Not that I spend too much time on the board or anything
"Not that I spend too much time on the board or anything "
Oh, I just figured that you were a robot... :p albeit a robot that speaks English and encourages the use of steel framed cycles!
Spambots are back!
@Drewbacca a robot that speaks English and encourages the use of steel framed cycles!
REAL artificial intelligence!