Wow. I have had some bad rides before but this is the worst I've ever heard of! Sorry.
Have you ever had a really bad ride
Today was just one of those rides that just wouldn't go right. Getting on my bike trying to get to CCAC from Stanton Heights in 45 minutes is never a good way to start the morning. (I know some of you could probably make the trip in 30 minutes but it takes me an hour.) Coming down Stanton hit a stick going about 35 mph ended up twisting my ankle but did not fall. Ran over a squirrel on Negley in front of the nursing home. Almost fell again, never hit a squirrel with a car who hits one with there bike? Slid on train tracks on S. Neville street and crashed. Now I'm covered in dirt and pulled a muscle under my arm. Got to class and realized I forgot all my books and assignments at home.After class It rained the whole way home, I usually don't mind the rain but my ankle and side hurts my bike is rattling and I'm miserable. Then on Negely some hooligan ran up to me and acted as if he was going to push me off my bike. I stopped to yell at him, then realized he's twice my size and so are all his friends. Decided to leave quickly and ended up pushing my bike half way up Stanton because my side hurt to bad to ride. Sigh.... thanks for listening I feel better now.
Generally, after the second mishap in a row, I figure that there is a karma storm somewhere in the universe and I should just go hunker down somewhere safe until it passes.
That stinks, sorry about your day Mr Marvelous.
Think about all the great rides you've had, there are likely many more of those to come.
Please consider making a police report when hooligans threaten you with physical violence. Zone 5 police: 412-665-3605
@ Lyle I feel like I got hit by a Karma hurricane.
@ Pseudacris sometime I forget the importance of reporting trouble, I could be saving another cyclist from having a bad day too.
mr m - sounds like you hit a jackpot of awful... at least tomorrow couldn't help but be better? Though I don't know you at all in person, that description makes me want to send a (sore side sensitive) *HUG* your way.
Me winding down from a really bad ride, naked and waiting for some CT scans! (Oct. 09)
As long as you're alive at the end, I suppose it could always have been worse
mr marvelous:
When the day gives you lemons, make lemonade. (Helps wash down the grilled squirrel.)
Took some Advil and just got up from a nap feel better.
@ Ejwme I guess the only person I have met so far from this Board is Pierce (nice guy). I was planning on doing my first Tuesday night ride to meet more of you all, anyways thanks for the well wishes I do feel better.
Btw ordered some delivery from Chinese Restaurant as comfort food, it was cold stale and nasty, tasted like it was cooked 8hrs ago. This day sucks lol.
@ dwillen you win I cant beat the photo, glad you are ok now
mr marvelous: Hope you understand my cynical comment above was entirely in jest? You and dwillen and the docs and whomever have my sympathies, and condolences. This isn't NYC and riding shouldn't be such a life threatening experience. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Slightly OT, why is it the only Pgh residents who routinely respect us as proper vehicles are the squirrels, bunnies, deer, bear and raccoons? They insist on pacing us, then darting across our paths, especially at night. I've not facilitated their "suicide by bicycle" attempts, yet, but it's just a matter of time.
@ fungicyclist I did appreciate the humor it got a smile out of my cranky self. When I ride I often see the wildlife along the road but this was the first I've had a suicidal one. The cyclist behind me when I made squirrel road were horrified.
Maybe it's just me, and I really do feel bad for the squirrel, but I would seriously have taken the thing to a taxidermist and had the fur mounted onto my helmet to warn other cute fluffy rodents that bicycles do in fact hurt.
Sorry to hear you had such a suck day; when it rains, it pours. Had that stick done it's job, none of the other crap would have happend, right? :p
@ headloss you are right the stick could of ended the pain of the rest of the day lol. Can you imagine me riding down the street with squirrel fur on my helmet..... instead of in my spokes
wow, that's a bad day but at least you didn't post naked pictures of yourself on the internets like dwillen just did!
@mr marvelous, glad you're okay.
I ran over a squirrel the other day on my bike, but it was already dead and mostly flat. Why I didn't see it before I hit it, I have no idea.
when walking around Squ'ill as a child/teenager, I regularly had squirrels throw things at me (angry chatter, aim, fire, more angry chatter... vindictive little bastards), but I still feel bad whenever they get damaged. Stupid cute tails.
I was once going about 40 mph down a hill and a squirrel did the ol' left-right-left-oh-no thing in front of me. I ended up running over him. Both wheels. surprisingly I hardly felt a thing. I sort of felt bad, but I got over it after a second or two.
goodness me! but that is a bad day!
i've had bad days, but such a conglomeration of circumstances as you experienced must absolve years of bad karma accumulation.
my last "bad day" was last week, when i tried to bike to pay rent only to have the bank branch i visited to obtain the money be closed, then pinch flat, then after quickly changing and hurrying to a different bank, find the office where i had to pay my rent be closed. it felt worse because i thought i would be out of town for the rest of may, but then the day gleamed brightly from the moment i realized i would be leaving a day later, giving me one more may week day.
i hope your next day shines as a beacon to all who've ever had bad days. in comparison to today, it had better!
when the internets were shiny and new, I found an MIT site documenting their initial experiments on squirrel fishing. Now there's a whole site:
As of yet, I have not had a particularly close encounter with either the deer or the skunks that inhabit my neighborhood. Frankly, I'd rather mash a squirrel.
Count your blessings, as I count mine.
Pesky winky butted plagiarizing MIT no-account schlubs ripped off us Baltimorons and our Hopkins funded Rat-Fishing It's been a pastime in B-more for decades, though formalized in 1993. I can not participate (since they instituted "rules"), as I'll only fish with a fly rod, and artificials.
There is no honour or dignity in "Squirrel-Fishing". I remain pleased with my decision to turn down MIT's scholarship offer ages ago.
However, should anyone run down a black squirrel (a phase of the grey squirrel, generally), could you please save the tail for me? I tie flies with the fur...
I had squirrels do this to me in Delaware (luckily I never hit any, but did have to slam on the brakes a few times)
I read this yesterday and wanted to come down and somehow make your day better
If you get near Olney IL, Marionville MO, Arden DE, or Brevard NC, be prepared to deal with white squirrels. Marionville video.
Its funny that my ride today was uneventful, it was actually boring. No squirrels, no hooligans, no sticks and no crashing. Evil little squirrels