Went to ride the trail and realized it was closed, was thinking of just going through it anyways...really don't want a ticket though. Any easy way around this? Thanks!
2014-05-06 12:00:20
What are the endpoints and in what direction/ time of day?
2014-05-06 12:51:35
Good question. I couldn't really give you answer, but I might conjecture as follows:
From the east you will run into a (new) fence with locked gates (at Hazelwood). From the west you run into fence+gate just after the trail zags up to 2nd Ave.
To get through the western approach, try the gate just past the underpass. It's not always locked. Or, go east past the trail parking lot and along the ballast until you reach the road (2nd). You may be able to get between the two endpoints if you stay closer to the river (though I wouldn't know). Or, less advisedly, follow the railway track until you're near a road, around where that big rubber hill sits. I've heard that it's best to explore on Sundays when the area is quiet.
2014-05-06 14:07:28
Alternate route, Hot metal bridge to southside trail, take southside trail to keystone metals, at the yellow chicanes with stopsigns, take that road (baldwin road) away from the river. You'll see a staircase on your right going up to the bridge sidewalks, carry your bike up that set of stairs, walk down a small walkway and choose one of the other two sets of stairs which will take you over the glenwood bridge on either side. Take glenwood bridge to 2nd ave in hazelwood and hop the tracks to duck hollow trail.
2014-05-07 08:55:26
@Benzo's suggestion is a good one. My niggly comment is that you should take the stairs on the western (far) side of the bridge. That way you don't need to cross 2nd at the other end (it's a speedway at that point).
One caveat: Part of what you're crossing is a rail yard. On occasion a long train of cars will be sitting there and blocking your way (well, you could always scurry under a car but... don't). Just ride west on the access road (or on-street to Vespucius).
2014-05-07 10:35:18
I've been asking for a Ft Duq Br bike/ped walkway thingy to get across those tracks since at least 2009.
2014-05-07 10:57:14
There is a path from the east side of the glenwood bridge that goes under the bridge on the hazelwood side that will take you to a place to cross as well. So you can really take either pathway across the glenwood bridge.
2014-05-07 10:57:38
path from the east side of the glenwood bridge
cool. learned something new.
2014-05-07 11:14:45
And speaking of tracks and such:
(No, I didn't, I'm a coward.)
2014-05-07 11:22:03
I spoke with RIDC and they told me the ALMONO trail will be closed for the summer of 2014. The plan was to relocate the trail during site development (grading etc.) but the RR would not coorporate with the plan.
The trail will be open on the proposed boulevard through the ALMONO site summer 2015.
for updates.
2014-05-27 09:26:30
This is such a bummer - this was my favorite section of trail into the city for the simple fact that barely anyone was on it.
Oh well.
I use the duck hollow trail and this was a perfect segment for me.
2014-06-05 15:16:26