Anyone know if you can take your helmet into Pens games?
2013-12-13 13:30:03
General Information: 412-642-1800
2013-12-13 14:12:41
Would be interested to know the answer... I always take a bus on the rare occasions I make it to a game, mostly because I'm not sure what to do with my helmet (and bag, although I can leave that at home and just take a lock)
2013-12-13 17:31:31
I've had people bring full briefcase-sized messenger bags in although I think they can refuse to allow it. The security folks seem to be pretty nice (though I go to a lot of games so maybe they trust me). At the playoffs the NHL gets more involved so typically they get a little more rigorous. And this goes for Pens games only, concerts are probably different.
There's not a lot of room in the seats so I'd limit your cargo.
2013-12-14 11:41:30
Thanks, maybe I'll give it a shot.
The seats are definitely tight, but when I go I usually get tickets from a friend who has seats in the last row. It has the advantage of having a ledge between the back of the seat and the wall where you can put stuff. It's way farther from the ice than the last row of E in the Igloo though (although you can see the scoreboard...)
2013-12-14 11:49:01
I went to a Pens game last month and was allowed to bring my pannier with helmet attached to it with me.
2013-12-14 14:00:15
They let a potentially armed Bruins fan into the game?!?! Someone needs to contact security.
2013-12-14 14:16:40
Wearing a Bruins jersey nonetheless. This city is in trouble.
2013-12-15 10:30:10