I have lights already, but they kind of suck. I want better ones. It's not always easy to inspect lights in person before you buy, and I hate shelling out a lot of money online for lights I'm not sure are going to be right for me or my bike. Help me fulfill my childhood dreams of being a velocipedic Christmas tree!
I would really, really prefer lights that take standard AA or AAA batteries, but will consider others.
Firstly, can you suggest a blinkie that's easy to mount to your helmet?
Secondly, my current blinkies are the kind that mount with a rigid plastic housing, and you stuff little bits of black rubber inside the plastic to make it the right size to fit on your bike. This doesn't really work because there is no place for blinkies on my bike except the rear rack, which is too small, so I have to stuff approximately nine million little pieces of black rubber in there, and it's a pain in the ass and they don't hang quite right.
What I would like are blinkies that are mounted in a kind of zip tie-ish way. The mounting mechanism is a loop of plastic with little notches, and you wrap it around wherever you'd like to mount it and pull it through until it's securely fastened. I know they exist because I've seen them. Specific brands/models that are like this?
Alternately, I'll take suggestions of blinkies that are easily secured on very narrow parts of bikes and/or light-mounting suggestions.
I would like a light that 1) has a decent range; 2) has a bluish-white beam (not yellowish, which isn't that visible), 3) mounts securely to the handlebars without wobbling (though I realize that depends on how wide your handlebars are and how you mount it), and 4) probably one that blinks. I am more concerned with being seen than with seeing.
My tentative budget for a headlight is a hundred dollars, more or less (less would be great!), though I realize that really high-quality lights can cost much more. I am considering a helmet-mounted headlight as well as one on the handlebars. Suggestions?
Thank you for any advice you might have to offer!