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Help posting photos

Can someone provide me laymans terms on how to post photos? i've tried and am not sure based on what i've seen already posted relative to instructions. i am not very familiar with HTML. thks -w
2009-05-18 14:03:41

the photo has to be on the internet somewhere already. so if it's a photo that you want to post, you need to put it on flickr, or photobucket or something first.

then, you get the photo's url-it usually ends in .jpg

on many computers, you can right click on the photo, and select "copy image location"

then the html is:

img src="http//www.yourphotourlhere.jpg"

except add the "<" ">" around it.

2009-05-18 14:43:07

okay, so it sounds like i am screwed because my pics are all hosted on my desktop...unless i set up yet another account on the web.

is it an "overhead" issue for Bike-Pgh that this BBS is primitive or some other reason (or should we start another thread to discuss this)...?

ignore this second rant - if indeed you can host the pic on your hard drive (and I simply misunderstood you).

thank you for addressing this. wp

2009-05-27 13:20:29

all messageboards that i've used work this way. they usually only let you upload your profile picture.

i only use a handful of messageboards, but i haven't seen one that allows you to upload pictures to the host's server.

2009-05-27 13:25:45

Getting a flickr account is pretty simple. I got one a couple years ago for the sole purpose of posting pictures on this board. And that's still mostly all I use it for.

2009-05-27 13:29:12

If you have a GMail/Google Reader/Google-whatever account you can also use their photo-hosting service, too. They offer more free storage space than the Flickr, too.

2009-05-27 13:48:30

thanks - i am active on google and will try that route.

as an aside, most message boards allow you to upload directly from your hard drive using non-HTML protocol (GUI/WYSIWYG or whatever it's called).


2009-05-27 14:04:29

2011-05-27 18:13:32

2011-12-17 20:56:34

MzK1s.jpg test

2012-06-20 01:51:20

2012-06-20 02:06:44

2012-06-20 02:11:19

Just copy the whole thing I posted exactly, but take out the [] brackets on either end and substitute <> brackets

2012-06-20 02:11:46

it should look like this

2012-06-20 02:12:08

2012-06-20 02:18:55

So close! Just needs a space between img and src and a set of quotation marks before the beginning of the URL :)

Edit: JK, looks like you're in the process of editing that post

2012-06-20 02:19:33

i give up

2012-06-20 02:22:17

Nooooo you can do it. Literally just copy and paste what dmtroyer posted and you should get this:

2012-06-20 02:24:08

I'm going to bed. I'll try in the a.m.

2012-06-20 02:27:34

mr marvelous, c'mon. :) It's easy...

2012-06-20 02:33:31


2012-06-20 02:43:45

This handy guide has code that you can copy, and then just replace the sample url with your picture's url.

2012-06-20 05:27:04

2012-06-20 08:16:41

congratulations, mr. marv!

2012-06-20 12:09:42

Thanks for all the help everyone

2012-06-20 12:14:58

now, can you do a link....

2012-06-20 13:57:03

Sigh no I can't

2012-06-20 14:07:19

so what are all the tags that are supported?





and of course <a href='http://blah'>...</a> (anchor, for links)

and <img src='http://blah' />

any im missing?

2012-06-20 17:40:00

there's the unordered list...

  • Unordered List Item #1

  • Unordered List Item #2

Having trouble showing the code for this one...

2012-06-20 17:58:09

is the bbpress markup for that the same as standard html? (<li> tags inside of a <ul> tag)

2012-06-20 18:19:08

i'm pretty sure strikethrough works, too, but i don't remember how.

2012-06-20 19:08:24

Block quote

bold using the "strong" tag

underline? (I think doesn't work bc it would serve the same pupose as bold/strong text; someone using a text reader would hear underlined text with the same emphasis as bolded text. Hence, quite a few websites have moved away from allowing underlined text.)

italics, but using "em" instead of the "i" tag (apparently that was cause for internet flame wars during the Web 2.0 change.)

strikethrough? (I've seen examples on other boards where the proper tag for this was "del", "s", or "strike")

Edit: looks like not all of this works, for now...

Edit II: tried the unordered list ("ul" using "li" for each list item) and I can't seem to properly format any text after the list, it shows up between list items

  • here is the first item in my list

  • here is the second item in my list

Here is the text that should be after my list that will likely be inserted between my list items. I tried to separate it using the "br" tag

2012-06-20 19:30:26

hmm, I've used the unordered list on this board a number of times before... maybe it was always at the end of my post!

2012-06-20 20:20:02

I miss the old markup

2012-06-20 20:46:13

"i" was not really correct as many fonts used online don't actually have an italic face and were actually oblique faces or just slanted. Same with "bold". "em(phasis)" and "strong" are more acurate for describing what the copy is actually doing.

2012-06-21 00:03:39

  • here is the first item in my list

  • here is the second item in my list

Here is the text that should be after my list that might be inserted between my list items or might be below. I tried to separate it using the "p" tag for a whole new paragraph.... and that didn't work, either.

2012-06-26 19:53:19
Testing new mobile browser
2013-03-22 08:24:01
Testing to embed a video, I thought I saw that we can do this now; Heels on Wheels from on Hmm, linked but did not embed.
2013-10-31 09:06:24 Hmm, weird, edmonds59. I tried to post your url above and yeah, no embedding. Maybe it only works with youtube.
2013-10-31 09:36:34
Thx for checking!
2013-10-31 09:49:15
I really miss the nice photo upload button a lot. I just don't post photos anymore because it's gone. (not that I can't do it, I'm just lazy and that made it easy)
2014-12-07 10:17:23
I also miss the old photo upload button; hopefully it returns as part of the current maintenance. Let's see if I can post a photo from Photobucket. This should be a photo of an old iron furnace that's up above the Yough River Trail, which we found yesterday on a 'cross ride.
2015-01-18 17:31:26
If you have a Twitter account, I have found it helpful to tweet a photo, then grab the tweet and post that link here. That automatically picks up the photo. Example: I used Twitter's "Copy link to tweet" option here.
2015-04-01 17:09:36