@ Edmonds -
We have a grid of about 20-30 count locations where we like to get count data. I often list locations in the east end, because that is where the volunteer pool is, frankly. This season I have volunteers to fill 2 north side locations, and about 14 east end locations, based on convenience to a volunteer's home or work.
That said, I have count locations pretty much throughout the City.
We have often counted at the Smithfield Street Bridge. The spot you mentioned is also a good one. We've counted further out on West Carson, at the McKees Rocks Plaza. It's just not a priority unless it can be covered by staff, or we have a volunteer willing to do it.
We'd love to have someone count there.
We also periodically add a new location, just to get a feel for what's happening there. We've done counts at Washington Boulevard and ARB, on Friendship Avenue, up my way at Benton and Termon, and at a number of other locations, just to sort of get a feel for what is happening there. All of those were based on user recommendations. If you have an idea on a location you think we might be missing, or where you are surprised at the number of cyclists you see, please let me know via PM or email. I might not be able to get to it right away, but we will consider it.
Your comments have generated another idea for me, based on self reporting of commute patterns, but there are some elements I want to think about before I commit to anything.
So, bottom line, if you want to count along West Carson Street, YES PLEASE. I'd love to have you do it. That's really important data right now.
Anyone else, there are locations on south side, along local trails, downtown and in other areas we are still looking to fill!