@ unid0rk. Dude, you are classic.
this strawman position you've built never happened,
I don't know what you mean here.
You mean, a classic strawman argument?
Like you addressing a post to me, then ranting incoherently about the use of the term "invisible riders," when I've never used that term?
(Neither on this forum, nor anywhere else. Just a strawman of your imagination.)
How are any of my arguments like that? I hope none. I don't see any in this thread.
Are you trying to tell me that drivers never get freaked out and hostile over near-accidents with barely visible bikers?
If you are trying to tell me that, you are simply mistaken.
Are you trying to tell me it never happened to you?
What was that driver that said he couldn't see you at Ellsworth and Neville complaining about, then? If him shouting at you wasn't a problem, then why did you mention it here? If it WAS a problem, then the problems you've had with drivers due to you not having lights is greater than zero.
Sure, people here refer to dangerous, barely visible bikers as "invisible" when we all know they are at a least a little visible - possibly when it is too late to avoid hitting them, but still somewhat visible. I don't think they are trying to fool anyone.
You ran into driver in Oakland who was hostile to you for reasons other than you riding lightless (perhaps for other reasons, I should say. Jury's out on that one.), so drivers aren't concerned with near-fatal accidents?
i mean, this guy had every RIGHT to pull right into a crosswalk with people walking (and manualing a bike) through, right?
Classic strawman argument there, too, isn't it?
Can you find any better examples of a strawman on this board?
I mean, like, ever, not just in this thread?
You know, if you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will find that immediately juxtraposed to him using a dishonest rhetorical tool, he names that tool, by accusing the "maintream media" of frequently using it.
Were you trying to highlight your uses of the strawman in a similar way?