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Highland Park Trails Meeting

FYI, if you live 'round those parts:

Please join us Monday, Nov. 14th, 6:30PM, at the Union Project (corner of Stanton and Negley). Show your interest and support for trails in Highland Park. The meeting will be a good opportunity to lend your ideas for trail improvements and future trail connections in the park.

2011-11-08 21:28:31

I hope I can make this

2011-11-08 23:41:34

Is there a link to this? or the complete description?

2011-11-09 16:06:34

Sorry, no. I can forward you the PDF poster I received, though.

2011-11-09 16:21:12

The Morningside website has info, too.

2011-11-09 17:53:46


please come tonight and show support for trails in highland park!

2011-11-14 18:06:13

Did anyone make it to the meeting? Some family stuff came up, and I couldn't attend.

2011-11-15 11:57:54

Yeah. It was cool to see the maps of the

area and know that there are trails around

and people working on them. Brainstorming

mostly resulted in more access points for the

trails (morningside) and better signage for

the trails.

A bit of disagreement over what was

possible for the near long term in terms

of new trails.

I can see why the new trails at frick

popped up. Trails are apparently like

harder to build than roads if done through

the proper channels.

2011-11-15 13:26:08

"Trails are apparently like

harder to build than roads if done through

the proper channels."

That is so sad. Glad the signage issue was brought up - I love exploring, but sometimes I just want to know where I'm going and how long it will take. I'd use HP more by bike if I had confidence of navigating it correctly.

2011-11-15 17:16:05

I had to work late but cburch went and told me just about the same thing. There seemed to be hesitance or reluctancy regarding new trails.

2011-11-15 17:52:05

Are there any trails in Morningside? The only "trails" I know about are the switchback like-thing behind the Oval and the five second trail from Villanova Rd to Natoli Field.

I didn't even know about this meeting until now, but I like the idea. I think they could have a bunch of switch backy trails going up and down the valley between Morningside and Highland Park.

2011-11-15 18:04:56

Nothing is technically in Morningside yet, but there is a trail that starts at the intersection of Butler and One Wild Place that will eventually wrap around to the Oval trail. There's a fair chunk of it done already, and one can get up near the swimming pool via other trails.

2011-11-15 18:20:06

for those in the know... i texted my bro

who was sitting next to me and was like

"this is why 276 exists"

2011-11-15 18:58:14

um... what's 276?

My dog and I have found all manner of trails through that park, unmarked, but with... clear indications of intentional, permitted, and planned human movement on them. Some of them are clearly "pre-trails" while others are mysterious trails. There's one that goes down from the pool to *almost* Butler and One Wild Place, but sort of stops at the wrong intersection... maybe that's the one brian is talking about but there's no safe/clear way to actually traverse the last 20 feet to the intersection. Even the dog looked at me and was like "where do we go from here?" It was an awesome trail, clear and wide, just no destination.

2011-11-15 20:03:56

Personally, I think it would be cool if you could get a path/trail running parallel along Butler St./Allegheny River Boulevard along the hillside above the Highland Park Bridge interchange that would connect One Wild Place with Washington Boulevard. That could be an ideal bike/ped project to deal with that nightmare stretch of road.

Of course to me, it should be a really simple matter to make a bike/ped path along Washington Boulevard too with all the space on the one side of it, and yet that still hasn't happened yet...

2011-11-15 20:18:00

^ +1 billion.

2011-11-15 20:31:49

impala - apparently it exists? There is the

butler trail from that intersection of

one wild place that goes all the way up to

the pool, then there is a trail from the

pavilion nearest meadow street to get down

to the police station / bike oval...

276 is the rogue trails that appeared in frick without anybody's permission

2011-11-16 00:13:52

Funny thing is the guys that built 276 said pretty much exactly the same thing about why it was built.

2011-11-16 05:42:44

steevo - there's no access to the trail that goes up to the pool from the street. Unless you go around the corner, into the street in butler, then climb the hill side and wade through "jagger bushes" to the trail. I'm all for creative solutions but I don't think I could haul my bike and butt up that hill and out of that lane fast enough to call it safe or sane.

I had no idea that there were rogue trails... I kind of figured one wasn't supposed to just willy nilly trail blaze through the wilderness, but hadn't realized that actual trails were in place.

Has anybody warned the deer that they are not allowed to put in trails either? The antlered scofflaws run amok down there.

2011-11-16 17:54:19