Just read about this. I work here in Carnegie but I'm not sure where that street is. WTF is going on with people lately? Just wait till Sunday when there are hundreds/a thousand of us all over the city.
hit and run child in carnegie
Child not seriously hurt
2012-08-03 20:36:17
2012-08-03 20:40:25
Yeah. Make sure your helmet cam is up and running
2012-08-03 21:23:22
Knowing a little of that neighborhood, it's on one of my routes home, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some other asscake trying to shortcut some traffic using that street.
2012-08-03 21:35:02
My Contour is charging as I write this. I will be wearing my "Don't run me over" jersey. Lets show the burgh what having ALOT of bikers on the roads would be and should be like. If you guys see me tomorrow be sure to say hi and I will do the same.
2012-08-05 02:47:13