WPXI Traffic twitter (@WPXITraffic) reporting a "bicycle Hit-n-Run Accident with Injuries. Bloomfield: Liberty Ave at S Matilda Street."
2013-03-13 07:12:28
That intersection is pretty terrible. the traffic coming from S Mathilda is aggressive because the traffic on Liberty refuses to stop or slow, even for pedestrians.
Hope the cyclist is okay and that the driver gets caught.
2013-03-13 07:39:43
That intersection is awful for everyone, but especially for pedestrians and bicyclists. I'm trying to find the description of the car. If I do I'll post it here.
2013-03-13 07:57:15
Nooo! Not another one!
Any word on the condition of the cyclist?
2013-03-13 08:27:45
I think that intersection is due for an upgrade, preferably a stop light with ped signals.
It's always sketchy there, people make blind turns, ignore vehicles / bikes right of way, fail to signal when pulling in to the gas station, pulling in to the bike lane and sitting there when trying to exit the gas station and cut through the bike lane to get to the gas station (driving down it, not turning across it).
2013-03-13 09:12:25
some ped activated walk signals (like at liberty/17th) would be awesome there
2013-03-13 09:35:30
The woman hit is my Co worker. Everyone is pretty upset at work. She has a broken leg
2013-03-13 09:55:15
Anybody know who it is? This is AWFUL!!!!! :(
2013-03-13 09:58:59
Marcel, send her some well wishes from all of us, especially those of us who have to go through that intersection (I did about an hour ago)
2013-03-13 10:24:24
@Erica, I sure will
2013-03-13 10:29:59
Please let her know that I've been thinking about her all morning (I was driving by right after she got hit and called 911). I'm so glad that she wasn't more seriously hurt. I really hope the bastard who hit her gets a swift kick of karma.
2013-03-13 10:42:25
@mm, since you seem to be in touch, any description of the car?
2013-03-13 10:43:42
That sucks, best wishes to the victim and while a broken leg is awful I'm glad it wasn't worse.
2013-03-13 11:07:46
Oh man. That sucks. Liberty is terrible even though there are bike lanes. Well, in that area, the newest paint is nearly gone because people drive on them.
2013-03-13 11:08:30
There are hospital cameras at this intersection, yes?
2013-03-13 11:38:18
Assuming there was a collision, and not a "run off the road" incident, there may be some physical evidence. What color was the bike? There may be some bike paint on the (dented) car. There also might be some car paint on the bike.
2013-03-13 13:50:25
Ditto what Erica said, MM. Please tell her we hope she heals quickly and that they catch the driver.
2013-03-13 13:57:03
Healing thoughts send her way!
2013-03-13 14:00:25
i just happened to be walking down liberty when that poor girl got nailed. now, i'm no car expert, but i'd say it looked like a 90's american-made car. it was super-light blue, almost white, and she had a red bike that may have scratched up the front-right side.
hope she heals up soon. i cant believe that Jerk just drove away. unreal. smdh
2013-03-13 15:01:57
Every time somebody gets hit my coworkers always think it's me, so you could tell her my coworkers were thinking of me :P
In a way, every time somebody gets hit, it reminds all of the people who know we cycle to drive more cautiously around bikes
2013-03-13 15:16:59
@notreally, thanks for the info.
I hope the girl/woman will be ok.
2013-03-13 16:45:28
Man, it sucks! Hope she will be OK.
2013-03-13 16:49:31
This is my coworker as well. I was angry and crushed when she wrote me about what happened.
How many times must this happen Pittsburgh! This is how we treat our best citizens that are trying to make our city a better place to work, visit, and live.
2013-03-13 17:01:32
What my boss told me today, she is doing well. She just recently got hired with us so she doesn't yet have health insurance and her time off will be without pay and she did have surgery to repair her broken femur. I don't know much about the car except she did roll over the hood so there should be some damage. I'm not posting her name or personal info for her privacy.
2013-03-14 07:49:10
Mr Marv; We don't need to know her name or personal information. We like to know the details of the incident, because at some level when we read the news I think we all mentally put ourselves on our bikes at that location, and anticipate the scenarios that might have played out. I've justfied that behavior in myself as "pre-planning" for a potential incident thar I might experience.
But, most importantly, I think we all seek to know that SOMEONE knows the victim, so that the victim knows that there is a whole community of people out here wishing them a full and speedy recovery.
The bit about the lack of health insurance -- or even worse, that health insurance was likely to be available within days, doesn't help in the case of a hit and run. I am really sorry about that bit, too.
2013-03-14 08:03:44
Holy shit. She rolled over the hood and the driver drove away? Is there a description of the car yet?
2013-03-14 08:15:08
Un-B-lievable!! No way the driver can claim ignorance. I hope they get caught and do some serious jail time for this.
Does anyone know if there are any leads yet? Was this even on the news? I didn't see anything last night or this morning.
2013-03-14 09:43:02
Would it be out of place to suggest a combination fund-raiser and awareness event? Fund raising to help the victim defray some of her costs, and awareness because it's needed? I for one would be willing to help, and willing to donate.
2013-03-14 10:32:59
Yes, ajbooth, it's totally appropriate to suggest an event like that. I'm a close friend and will speak with them about the idea. I also organize events and fundraisers, so perhaps we could keep in touch.
As for gathering testimony & evidence, further description of the car (how many doors, SUV or not) would be excellent, I would happily do an artist-rendering of it if need be! Does anyone knows the legalities behind obtaining video footage from near-by businesses (PNC Bank, gas station, etc.) ? I guess clearly something police would have to obtain, but do they do that in situations like this?
2013-03-14 10:55:30
Ugh, just connected a friend's crash I heard about last night with this hit-and-run thread.
a brick, yes please keep in touch with the message board if they are open to a fundraiser event, or if someone is already planning one that the public can also go to/participate in.
2013-03-14 11:43:25
"Does anyone knows the legalities behind obtaining video footage from near-by businesses (PNC Bank, gas station, etc.)"
In a previous instance where a crime could have been caught on a PNC camera, I went to PNC (I work for them) and they would not do anything unless the police came to them. Zero sense of community, empathy or justice, they will do nothing unless the crime is against them or the police seek them out directly.
2013-03-14 13:03:33
ok, so i have been googling cars all day, and i *think* it looked something like a buick lesabre. i'm not saying it was a buick, but it was similar. wish i had taken a better look, but i had this wild idea the driver was going to stop and pull over. it still blows my mind.
also, i think a fundraiser is a great idea. anyone have connections to organize something like that?
2013-03-14 13:49:48
Erica, any idea if Big Idea would be willing to do something if the victim is interested?
2013-03-14 14:08:28
I am old friends with the victim and was just at the hospital. They looked up car pics and said that the car looked a lot like a Lincoln MKZ.
A fundraiser sound great and I'm happy to help in whatever ways I can.
2013-03-14 14:43:16
Did they have any idea if it was a newer model or older model MKZ? Also is white or light blue what we're looking for?
2013-03-14 14:47:34
Erica, any idea if Big Idea would be willing to do something if the victim is interested?
Actually, Brick works at the big idea with me, so if she ends up helping to plan a fundraiser, it would be easy for us to get involved - we'll have to run it by the group first though.
2013-03-14 14:49:30
They thought it was a newer model and were not positive that it was an MKZ, just that it looked like one. Also they saw it as white, but said that it was entirely possible that a really light blue read as white in the daylight.
2013-03-14 14:52:30
A femur fracture in a young, healthy person usually results from a lot of force.. Ugh I hope they catch the bastard. Hopefully the driver is insured and auto insurance covers medical bills.. If the car/driver is found.
2013-03-14 16:24:02
Just got back from the hospital visiting her. She's beat up but in good spirits. Family just got to town a couple hours ago, so she has someone to look after her 'round the clock. she'll be in the hospital for at least 2-3 more days. she also said she's cool with her identity being known, so if you know Jai/MJ/MaybeJai, it was her.
really bummed about this. if a benefit is put together, i'd be glad to assist.
2013-03-14 21:01:09
Hi, I registered just to post here. Hardtravelin, thanks for posting about visiting MJ. I would also be glad to help with any kind of benefit event. If music acts are wanted, the other band I am in would gladly play. (Not the band that MJ is in, of course.)
2013-03-15 08:17:35
good to hear people are on the lookout for the driver/car.
keep us posted about fundraising efforts!
sending healing thoughts.....
2013-03-15 09:37:32
What about a ride from BikePGH to OTB Bicycle Cafe, routed through Bloomfield? Ending at OTB with some sort of fund raising effort?
2013-03-15 12:24:04
Doing something at OTB is definitely an idea.
As far as I know folks are still waiting to hear if MJ wants a fundraiser and if so, if they have preferences for what that would look like.
2013-03-15 14:16:33
Looks like a fund has been set up. Info here:
2013-03-15 17:06:32
2013-03-16 14:08:54
Spoke with MJ last night. They are OK with a fundraiser, and are incredibly thankful for all the support and well-wishes.
In-case some folks do not use PayPal, I am currently trying to source a physical location where people can drop-off donations to MJ's wellness fund.
I will happily assist in planning an event at OTB once I familiarize myself with that space and what can happen there. Would someone else will manage the bike ride aspect?
I am also thinking an art & music show at Mr. Roboto, and maybe a dance party. Folks can get a hold of me through The Big Idea's events e-mail (
thebigidea+events@gmail.com), just put MJ's name in the subject line.
As for the investigation, I located all the cameras I could see on S. Mathilda and Liberty Ave. West Penn's security reviewed the tapes, and while they didn't see the accident, they will keep the video material in-case it proves helpful. It's true for Commonwealth Bank police would need to request the footage. If anyone finds out the case number or detective's name, that would be incredibly helpful in getting pertinent info to the police.
2013-03-16 15:01:45
Brick, you're awesome.
2013-03-16 15:38:43
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see this reported on the local news at all. Is there a reason why? I would think that if word got out to the general public, the vehicle would have a better chance of being Identified.
2013-03-16 17:18:30
I have been trying to figure out how to keep her position at UPMC saved. She just started and I not sure how to save a new hires position. Talked to a few people and no one has answers. Would a mass email, letter writing, or phone call from everyone help?
2013-03-16 18:03:00
Nice of UPMC to both make a new employer pay the medical fees and then not potentially keep her on as an employee. She should have waited (90?) days before getting hit by a car
2013-03-16 18:11:59
I don't know what to say about UPMC, so I'll say nothing (now).
I don't know what to say about media coverage. I'm almost afraid to say anything, for fear of triggering the trolls. That's all the more reason to do so, though, if only to get the trolls' names.
I have thought of constructive things to do, but they're too private and/or too early to talk about them here.
I am really happy to see that the bike community is turning out to help. Again. Though I'm sickened that we have to, both because of idiot drivers causing injury, and because the way health care in this country doesn't get paid for.
2013-03-16 21:47:04
show at roboto followed by ride over to otb? otb is super awesome and i'm sure they would be more than happy/able to accommodate a large group. as they have proven many times over.
2013-03-17 00:50:44
Hey y'all, here's what's in the works:
- An event at OTB, maybe early April (not sure of the nature, but will be working it out)
- Show at Mr. Roboto in April (working the date and performers out now)
- Dance party in May, probably at Brillo if the space can be got...
- Something awesome at Artisan Tattoo Gallery... not sure what yet, but open to suggestions!
A bike ride to OTB would be amazing, we are working on orchestrating stuff now. If you want to help, send me a private message here with your personal contact and what you'd like to help with...
2013-03-17 12:14:17
I witnessed the aftermath of a hit and run on Liberty at 37th street about 3:30 am on Saturday morning.
A pedestrain was hit by a car. What I saw was someone picking the guy up and putting him in a car to take him to the hospital.
There was blood.
I'm not sure if what I've seen is of any use for finding the perp - but I spent a cold hour waiting to talk to police that never came.
Security at West Penn said the guy was delivered and would pull through. (From how the victim looked as he was being stuffed in a car and driven away, I wasn't sure that either would happen.)
Be careful out there.
2013-03-18 10:40:49
Mick, that's awful. We're going to make hit and runs a big issue for the mayor's campaign.
2013-03-19 15:26:15
While obviously we need to reduce the number of these incidents that happen, I read Mick's comment as being also to some degree an indictment of our police department, which just doesn't seem to care about us: I spent a cold hour waiting to talk to police that never came.
I've had varying interactions with the City PD as well; after I attempted to report someone who'd passed me far too close while shouting obscenities and was told by the responding officer essentially that it was my fault for taking the lane, I pretty much gave up on zone 2. (I had a better experience with a zone 4 officer after a similar incident on Millvale Ave.) And of course this doesn't even get into how bike-involved incidents are handled further up the chain.
The police obviously have a large number of competing priorities and a comparatively small amount of resources. But we must ensure that our political and police leadership take seriously not only provision of space for cycling so that fewer incidents happen, but also the response to incidents when they do.
2013-03-19 15:44:48
So exactly how do the police spend their time when they are not enforncing traffic laws and following up on or investigating hit and runs?
2013-03-19 19:21:58
stefb wrote:So exactly how do the police spend their time when they are not enforncing traffic laws and following up on or investigating hit and runs?
Donuts? :)
2013-03-19 19:58:19
Mikhail wrote:
stefb wrote:So exactly how do the police spend their time when they are not enforncing traffic laws and following up on or investigating hit and runs?
Donuts? :)
more like off duty strip club detail work.
2013-03-19 20:23:31
They're probably busy backing up vice guys harassing black people or arresting them
2013-03-19 20:42:09
The cops are busy practicing their tazer skills over on the South Side
She deserved it for laying around like that
And this woman was clearly in need of escalating force
I’m sorry, I know the cops have a hard job, but this issue really has me pissed off!
edit: to fix link
2013-03-19 21:04:37
wrong pittsburg(h) on that last one, but the point remains the same...
2013-03-19 21:17:31
The Pittsburgh Police are not on my "warm-and-fuzzy" list right now. I think the mayoral candidates should face some questions about how can we get a Civilian Review Board that can fire the abusive members of police force.
BUT the woman hit in Bloomfield still needs some help and this isn't the thread to kvetch about the po-po.
This link still works:
Most of us could toss a buck or two that way.
2013-03-19 21:46:51
After crossing this intersection twice a few minutes ago, I called 311 and asked for the operator to suggest that a traffic light with pedestrian-activated walk signs be put in. In the meantime, she said she can send police out to patrol during busy times (I told her that I guess rush hour is okay, but it's really busy all the time).
I think this is one of those places that needs a lot of people to call in about it before anything is actually done.
2013-03-20 10:24:13
Maybe this would be a candidate for a
HAWK beacon.
Short video
Longer video.
2013-03-20 11:50:24
Has a police report been filed? Would this allow some CCV footage from nearby businesses to be accessed?
2013-03-20 15:45:12
Somebody mentioned the First Commonwealth, but that's all the way down at Millvale. What about the check-cashers at Mathilda?
2013-03-20 15:48:51
thirstybuck wrote:Has a police report been filed? Would this allow some CCV footage from nearby businesses to be accessed?
I would love to know if anyone has the case number of investigating detective's name for MJ's hit&run.
As far as CCV is concerned, West Penn's security did not catch the accident itself, and has very little else that seems helpful, however they agreed to hold the video incase it can be used as corroborating evidence. The management at Sheperd Wellness Community profived me with video stills of cars going down S. Mathilda from 7:00am-7:45am, which I will be passing on to the police, though unfortunately no license plate is visible. Both the check cashing place and First Commonwealth will require an police offer to obtain to footage, probably through the serving of a subpeona (I asked at both locations).
2013-03-20 16:19:10
For anyone who wants to donate money but doesn't use PayPal, or would like to leave a "get well" card for MJ, you can drop these off at The Big Idea Bookstore & Cafe at 4812 Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield, across from West Penn (coincidentally located down the block from where MJ was hit). We will be hosting a collection point for them in the foreseeable future, just ask whoever is staffing for help.
2013-03-20 16:33:32
I'm sure @a brick will give a more formal update but from the email I received they are up to $3000! Good news!
2013-03-22 07:51:57
How certain is it that the car is a Lincoln? Or that it's newer? New Lincoln MKZ does not come in light blue from the factory. There is white and a pearl color though. I ask because I just saw a light blue mercury in squirrel hill. This car had front end damage. It was certainly not newer though...maybe late 90's and didn't look to be in the greatest shape so it would be no real surprise that it has damage. For those who know, was the car that hit the cyclist a nice, new car or a pretty unremarkable 90's thing that has lost it's shine?
2013-03-22 15:22:46
NotReally wrote:i just happened to be walking down liberty when that poor girl got nailed. now, i’m no car expert, but i’d say it looked like a 90?s american-made car. it was super-light blue, almost white, and she had a red bike that may have scratched up the front-right side....
from page 1 of this thread....hope this helps
2013-03-22 17:24:11
just to clarify, i was about a block away and only saw the car from the rear. i saw it as light blue, but it could have been pearl/light grey with some morning light hitting it. i dont think it was pure white. my memory is starting to get fuzzy, unfortunately. But from what i do remember it had taillights that were longer horizontally and the trunk edges were rounded. kinda like this guy...
hopefully i'm not confusing things. it probably looked more like the lincoln from the front or some other angle
2013-03-25 08:13:21
like this? or too old?
edit: can't seem to get the photo to post the same way I've done it before.
I can email it or try again after work...
2013-03-26 07:50:14
kelw, If you could try to repost the pic or email it to me, I'd really appreciate it!
2013-03-28 12:01:14
Becca, could you either post your email or check your PM and get it to me that way? I could email you immediately or post the photo later tonight. I think I figured out my error but can not use flickr on my work tablet. I was able to get some more details from a person who was there and he seemed to think that the car I saw was different but I'd still be happy to send/post it for you to check out too.
2013-03-28 14:12:57
90's light blue mercury with front end damage...NOT a luxury-type MKZ
2013-03-28 20:15:48