Hmm...perhaps a thin coat of spray-on bedliner or something similar on the insert arm of the rack?
Hitch Rack Help?
So I got my hands on a hitch rack, and when I mounted it this weekend, I noticed that there was a fair amount of play between the rack and the receiver. It's obvious that the rack is made for a 2" receiver (it's clearly not 1.5"), but it seems like the rack just jiggles a bit too much. Is this normal? Is there something that can be done about it?
2009-06-08 14:56:38
2009-06-08 15:24:30
Having some play is normal. I have a Thule hitch rack that wiggles quite a bit. You want to have some room so you can get the rack in and out of the receiver. Also you don't want it so rigid that all the road vibration is transfered to your bikes.
2009-06-08 15:28:31
Hmm...perhaps a thin coat of spray-on bedliner or something similar on the insert arm of the rack?
Or duct tape.
Thanks for the info.
2009-06-08 18:34:17