Er, um....
The World Naked Bike Ride was in June and we totally missed it. Nuts.
Er, um....
well, pittsburgh's always about 3 years behind...
i'm not gonna organize it, but i'd ride in it. protland's saw like 2000 people or something
I'm afraid to see what my junk looks like all smooshed up on a saddle.
I'm afraid to see what my junk looks like all smooshed up on a saddle.
That makes, well, everyone, then.
you can really tell the difference between riding a regular bike to a recumbent.
you can really tell the difference between riding a regular bike to a recumbent.
Yep, totally different skid-marks.
Years? You mean decades.
I'll get GPAC on it!
A G20 NAked ride!
A G20 NAked ride!
Zinka won't be applied to only the nose on that day...
I can't be sure but I think everyone who responded to this is a male, interesting! My sense is there are some female lurkers out there wanting / waiting to respond.
all this balls talk... i'm sure they were just waiting for the invite!
Hey erok, here's your chance!
especially disconcerting considering this:
@Lyle: If Philly can do it, then Pgh can do it.
@Erok: That story is mainly about obesity. How many obese cyclists do you know?
Actually, I know a couple of cyclists who used to be overweight, but credit cycling for both getting and keeping the pounds off.
We could be onto something here. WNBR-PGH-2010!!
erok, there were only 25 cities in that survey. Guess which one they didn't include?
To be fair to our philly friends, anger and arrogance are uglier than avoirdupois.
i have thought about organizing this in pittsburgh. i would love, love, LOVE to make this happen. next summer could be perfect.