I can't go either tonight - just joined about a month ago.
How long have YOU been a member?
In light of the members meeting I can't go to tonight, I'm curious to see how long everyone's been a member for here.
Me-since 2006. I still have my laminated card
Dunno...3 years? I think I joined in 2006...
I still have a laminated card too! I think I've been a member since 2006 or so. When did Scott take the reins? I pre-date that in my membership. Also, am regretting that I can't make the meeting tonight. I was looking forward to it, but don't want to spread whatever bug has me feeling under the weather today.
Hope you feel better soon. I have been on tamaflu and z pack. It is that time of year. Take care...
I'm in my 2nd year.
2005 or 2006, I think.
I was pretty slack in actually joining, sadly. I had run at least one fundraiser ride before actually joining up. What's even sadder is that David Hoffman told me about it just after it started, and it took me three years to actually join.
2007 i think? maybe 2008? i suck.
just joined over the summer sometime. june maybe?
April 2009 I think.
I joined less than a year ago. And I will say that whoever came up with the membership in a bottle and put them in the bike shops is the reason I finally joined a sopposed to visiting the site and saying i need to join that when i get home. (I usually check the sit when I am at work and didnt feel comfortable using my credit card on a public computer)
2 or 3 years, my membership lapsed in August, though. I'll renew when I find a new job.
Hmmm, 3 or 4 years? Not really early enough.
The first bike swap got me going on membership. I had a wad of cash, the Bike-Pgh table was right there.
I was a member and let it lapse and rejoined using volunteer hours at Free Ride to pay.
Sometime, years ago, I was on a committe to try to help the city develope bike routes.
On the mapping committee, we were all East Enders, so we could talk for hours on, for example, the difference between Aylesboro and Northumberland, but we were totally clueless about how to get to North Park or Riverview.
Sometime, years ago, I was on a committe to try to help the city develope bike routes.
Were you part of the group that contributed to the big red and white bike map that came out during the Masloff administration? I got one shortly after I moved to Pittsburgh but in those days the thought of crossing the rivers frightened me. And my driving forays, especially south, often left me seriously stressed out.
The new Bike-Pgh map is way better from a usability standpoint!
I'm member #246, but completely unsure of when that means I signed up. Four years ago? Five? I don't know. I've been on the Board for three years for what that's worth.
the beast, you just made all the work to get those membership in a bottle thing together worth it
Im serious though, its a great idea and I hope that is has produced some memberships for the organization.
it has produced some, it was just a bunch of work to make it happen
first post!
just joined over the summer.
what's up erok and board.
I was posting on the message board for a year or two before I became a member. If it wasn't for the message board I may have never became a member.
I knew about Bike-Pgh in '06, contributed a couple of ideas to the '07 bike map, and officially signed up in late-'07/early-'08. I think the first BP event I attended was the map unveiling in Oct '07.
wasssssssuupp kevin!!!
I moved (back) to Pittsburgh in early May 2009 and joined a few days later, after settling in a little.
I think it was march or april of this year. Found out about bike-pgh via the crash map after my wife got hit by a car on liberty in the strip.
I am #51, but have no idea how long ago I joined- a while I guess. Maybe someone on staff would know better than I do.
heyyyyy kevin!
i've been a member for a year, or maybe a little less..
who's kevin?
I'm also been a member for a little over a year now. About the same time I've been in pittsburgh.
kevin posted above = guy who did the awesome bikefest 2009 artwork
#73 Founding Member...
I want to say 2002 or 2003 not exactly sure...