Eleanor, I hear you. We're frustrated too. But here's the deal. MOST other cities have MANY traffic engineers on staff divvying up the work load. We have ONE. MOST other cities have an entire CREW of pavement marking staff. We have ONE maybe TWO guys who drive a paint truck and ONE maybe TWO guys who can paint stencils by hand. MOST other cities, if they can't do the work themselves, put out the jobs to bid and MULTIPLE companies bid. There is ONLY ONE company that can do this type of work in our entire region other than the municipalities themselves. MOST other cities have a SLEW of people making signs in the sign shop. We have ONE guy knockin' on heaven's door if you catch my drift.
It's all about allocation of very scarce resources. Unfortunately budget projections aren't doing us any favors in this cash-strapped city of ours. That's why we need to build our numbers and be vocal. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
So yes, I'm very frustrated. I hear all of you and your frustrations. But you have to believe me when I tell you that WE ARE CHANGING THINGS. Just look, the City's nearly finished with it's Route and Sign plan and is now looking for money to implement it. It's about to embark on a multi-year Comprehensive Transportation Plan (MOVEPGH) that values all the same things we value: livable communities, complete streets, mulitmodal transportation and will include a brand new fancy Bike/Ped Master Plan. Well, "fancy" is my word.
The city is about to put in 20 more bike racks in the next week and has 60 more to put in of the 200 the Mayor's office pledged to install a year ago. BikePGH is about to donate an additional 100 racks to Citiparks and the Parks Conservancy. That's 200 more bike parking spaces in our major parks that weren't there before.
Look, this work is slow-going sometimes and it drives us all crazy. There are some things that we all know can happen more quickly, and we're trying to figure out exactly how to address them. I promise you, we are working on it. Your membership dollars are hard at work.
For all of you who are reading this who have not yet become members, please do so. This is what we are trying to solve.
Remember, Portland wasn't built in a day. They started back in the 1970s. Most of our sister orgs across the country who are implementing amazing infrastructure have been around for decades with full-time staff. BikePGH is not even 9 years old yet and has only had staff for 5. These things take time.
Silver lining: In case you didn't hear, Senator Casey was in town yesterday with the Mayor to announce a $2M plan (1.5M from the feds) to plan for a multimodal corridor from the edge of downtown to the edge of highland park (with the hopes of taking it all the way out to Oakmont). This corridor is to have passenger rail and a bikeway. Sure, they're using the word "trail," but we're going to advocate more for a separated bike lane design. This study will be done in a year-18 months and will prequalify us for tens if not hundreds million more dollars in implementation funds from the feds. This is a big, big deal to say the least.