That's accurate. The Downtown one will be under the portico at the City-County Building on Grant.
Hydration Stations - none in Market Square?
I checked the hydration station map for Friday's Bike to Work day, and there are none for Market Square, does anyone know if that is accurate? Usually there is one in Market Square.
ok thanks
This is totally dating me:
The last time I was at the CMU tennis courts, they were behind Skibo (R.I.P.).
Where are they now?
In the exact same place, except that there's a yellow brick University Center there instead of ugly ol' Skibo.
Ah, thanks. I thought will all the changes in the last 18 years they might have moved. They were looking pretty beat back in those days.
That would make for a heck of an alleycat route if someone wanted to snag a dozen gulps of water!
I skipped the hydration stations on my bike route. Because A) I was late for work...very late and I wasn't feeling too hot (or more specifically overly hot) and didn't want to pass whatever it is along in case I'm contagious...
I was feeling so bad that I kept telling cyclists behind me that I was going to be slow and that they should pass....
Hope everyone had a good ride in! missed out on some sweet stuff!
Seriously: awesome loot this year. We get to feel superior *and* get cool stuff.
Yeah, really sweet loot. The water bottle and socks are especially awesome.
D'oh! And I need a new water bottle too....