Came out of my office yesterday, unlocked my bike, and got pretty much across the street before noticing my back tire was sounding odd.
(I've recently been using a water bottle that's a little smaller and noisier than my usual, so it took me a moment to catch on that that wasn't where the rattling was coming from.)
Pulled up, realized my rear tire--the tube in which is just a month or so old--was entirely flat. Flipped it over, and discovered the tube folded over...
Either I am the world's biggest moron at tube installation--yet it lasted like this for weeks--or someone came by sometime during the day and, frustrated that they couldn't steal the bike or even its front wheel, instead deflated the tube, took the rear wheel off, took the tube out, folded it in half and stuck it back in the tire, then put the tire back on the wheel just well enough to be convincing and put the wheel back on the bike.
Perhaps I'm extra pissed because I was already having a bad week, and I not only missed meeting up with my Friend but missed Sara Watkins' performance at TRAF and half of trivia---some part of the back of my mind can see how this could almost be a prank if I were in a much better mood---but who the fuck does shit like this?
(And, of course, although I managed to ride from TRAF to the North Side, and thence to Lawrenceville, last night, this morning the tire was halfway to flat again--and, of course, I didn't have time to figure out why. Fortunately I already have a spare tube in stock...)
This week's lesson: In Oakland, lock your frame and both your wheels.
...and ride a cheap bike.