may the wind be always at your back
i heart strong tailwinds
who's with me?! sorry to those who were headed the opposite direction this evening. made me so happy I frankly forgot the headwind I had this morning.
i actually enjoy riding in a strong sidewind... its kind of like a battle with god, and so far i'm winning... it usually involves lots of involuntary cursing...
I was riding in a strong crosswind Tuesday morning and didn't realize how far I was leaning into it until I rode past a building that blocked the wind and I nearly fell over...
Im with you Salty, I always enjoy riding across the highland park bridge in a strong crosswind, I get a good lean to fight the wind, then it stalls for a sec and I just about swerve into traffic.
Ha ha. Yeah, yesterday was brutal. Seemed everywhere I went I was pedaling into a head wind. I even had to pedal downhill.
Brutal indeed. Heading downriver to get home was particularly unpleasant.
Thing is, it is easy to fail to notice tail winds.
"Wow! I'm making good time today! Finally getting into shape! Good coffee this morning!"
Then you turn around to go home...
What's the quote that floats around the velo-interwebs?
"There is no such thing as a tail wind. Either you have a headwind, or 'you feel exceptionally fit today.'"
Or something like that.
Talking like this always makes me think of the Epic/Brutal Report i.e.
I just about swerved into a tractor trailer this morning. I was fighting a sidewind when an 18-wheeler passed me with slightly less than three feet to spare. It blocked the wind and WHAMMO! I shat myself.
Sidewinds are fun to fight, I agree.
Once a headwind actually kept me stock still on the street where I live, where I usually just coast down the slight slope from a stop.