Details on Team Decaf rides?
I need a Tuesday Team Decaf ride buddy
I just did my first Tuesday Team Decaf ride and I am slow. Anyone who is slow would like to buddy up on Tuesdays with me let me know. It wont be so bad if I fall behind if I'm with someone. Btw It was nice meeting all of you Tuesday riders today, sorry I forgot all your names.
I'd be interested. I did my first one last week and got left in the dust after about 8 miles. I can do the distance, but my speed is meh. Also, I do it on a commuter bike.
I have a commuter also, and after 8 miles I was left also. I could do 100 miles, just slower than the group. I'll be there next Tuesday hopefully with a slower group riding with me. So who's with me?
i may be able to make it every other tuesday. i thought about trying it out.
If I know some others going, maybe I'll check one out.
I'll do it.
@ Pseudacris. Sweet I have no idea who you are or what you look like but I know it will be a great fun ride. Thanks for joining Team Dropped lol.
I thought this was a slow, regroup at the top of hills kind of ride?
@ salty. No I was pretty much alone 10 miles out of the 25. They did regroup but lall the fast riders regrouped then moved on.
@ Stefb. Every other Tuesday is cool, I'm in
@mr marvelous: I'll be the slow one on the commuter bike - lol. Seriously though, I'll send you a PM describing what shirt I'll be wearing day of the ride or something. I'll recognize Stefb or Kayla if they decide to come.
@salty I suppose 'slow' is all relative. My first TeamDecaf ride was 2 weeks ago. Someone handed out cue sheets, and the riders seemed to break into little clusters pretty fast. It was definitely not "no drop" and I was thankful that I knew most of the route but, being dropped on what's billed as a C level ride kind of killed the point of going on a group ride, for me anyway. Mostly it was folks on road bikes.
FWIW I did all right on the uphills but got crushed on the down slopes.
i'd like to try out these rides. it's always been on my to-do list, but i never really got around to it.
i have no idea whether or not i could keep up. my guess is no, based on the information here. i once kept up with reddan (mostly) for a whole group ride, and i was pleased as punch about that, but i'm not in as good shape, nor as light.
hills are my bugaboo. i can put out plenty of power, i think, but it's just tough to climb when you weigh 215 pounds. but it does make for some good catching-up on the downhills!
anyway, keep me abreast of what's happening, and i would also like to join.
I would have to drive 70 miles, but I think I'll try to make it down for the ride for the sake of being social and putting some faces to the names on here. I'm in the same boat, commuter bike that can go the distance but not so much the speed (37mm tires and fastest gear being 48front/11rear).
I showed up for the Team Decaf ride today, mostly because I figure I need to pile up some miles to make up for the past three months of nothing. (I think I managed +100 miles this past week. Ok, but a bit short of respectable. I sense that I'll need to log at least 500 to get back on track. Anyway.)
I did a few Decafs last summer and generally had a good time (especially on the after-season ones, with smaller crowds). So I was looking forward to it.
It was a fair crowd. Most of them looked like serious bikers (mid- to high-end bikes, lots of lycra). In contrast I was in my grungy commuter getup (street clothes, fenders, pannier). Oy, the shame. But so what? I was here to get in some miles.
Things started off ok, until we got to Penn where I decided to take off my windbreaker. I thought I could do it without getting my feet out of the pedals. Silly me. I managed to catch up to the tail somewhere on Beechwood above 5th. Not good enough. I cut a corner by powering up Beacon then dropping down a side-street to Beechwood. At last! Some bikers! I had managed to get myself back into this (no drop!) ride.
These guys don't do stop signs, I discovered. So I found myself (along with fellow traveller Rick) bombing down Greenfield with no one else in sight. At least we were making good time (but at the 25mph speed limit; I figured I ought to be nervous about going fast, at least for a while).
Then I made a crucial mistake, assuming that the ride went to the bottom of the hill then onto the Jail Trail, like the cue sheet said (well, in my recollection of it). Silly me; the group had done the same ride last week and decided to do "something different" this week. I think they went over the Greenfield Bridge (but whatever, we weren't in on it; or maybe we just failed to listen up when this was announced).
Rich and I stopped at the post-Bates on-ramp and managed to figure out our (my) mistake. What to do? We decided to continue following the cue sheet and intercept the ride (which was now supposed to come down Penn). We hit them at around the bus depot. Of course this was the front pack. We should have waited.
Everyone seemed to know each other, in that roadie kind of way, and were chatting away about this and that. But, hey, I was here for the miles. Once we got back on the Jail Trail the ride started to breeze along. I end up behind but still kept up the pace (~18mph according to my flaky computer). Memo: I need to work on my acceleration (in addition to everything else). I also noticed the following, though maybe I'm just being sensitive: the front pack would periodically stop to regroup, which was great. Except that they would always seem to ride off each time I got to them. This happened, like, three times. At which point I decided to go home.
I'm looking forward to next time. Really.
@ Ahlir I was in the group of the 3 riders that kept getting dropped. I remember you trying to take off your jacket, and I remember you passing me on Beechwood. I wasn't ignoring you I was just working so hard to catch up to the group I was in a zone for about 10 miles till I did.
It sounds like there is enough interest (and need) to start a second group leaving from the same place at the same time(every other Tuesday for stefb of course). Perhaps, Team Half-Caf?
Sometimes my son comes out for this and we usually get dropped and then do our own ride home. We'd be happy to ride with the slower folks.
I have to admit I am guilty of being a lycra-clad rider otherwise, but I am friendly. Usually the protocol is the fast people wait for the slow one, then the slow one rides through without stopping and the fast people catch up. So they aren't taking off as soon as you get there, they expect you to keep going and they'll be with you in a sec.
I spoke with John (the old ride leader) the other day, and he said the ride has gotten too big to really keep the group together, especially given the variety of skill levels. At this point, I think it's morphed into "here's a route, find some folks to ride with" kinda deal. Obviously not ideal, but as someone who has led large rides before, it is terribly difficult to keep things together when the group is large and diverse.
I believe there is a ride led by the Major Taylor club folks that is geared toward newer/more leisurely riders.
Major Taylor rides on Wed at 6:30 from OTB. Tonight we are going to check out the newly finished trail towards McKeesport.
If there are new riders there we take it easy. If only fast riders show then we ride fast. So the ride adjusts based on the skill level of those who come out.
To be fair to the Decaf rides they are listed as C which is 12-15 mph average. You have to go faster than that to avg 12-15 if you are slow on the hills. So in the end, even the speedy ones are probably not averaging much more than 15 in the city.
@ Sarah_q it would be great if you come on the Tuesday rides with some of us slower riders. But from reading some of your blogs it sounds like you are a great and fast rider.
Spandex alone will boost my average time by about 5mph, right?
"Team Half-Caf..." I believe that should be Team Skinny De-caf.
I did the Tuesday team decaf ride yesterday for the first time this year as well. I did it fairly often last year.
I was the guy on the fixed gear with the bike bag (and one of the few not in spandex ).
The ride is technically no drop, but it breaks up into some smaller groups pretty quickly so you'll want to find some people going your speed to regroup with.
It sounds like a lycra version of CM
Mr. Marvelous has a pretty nice commuter, so I'd be scared of performance in say a clunker like my own bike
Don't plan anythig around me. I sometimes have to stay late at work unexpectedly. I also may be able to keep up with the head of the group without killing myself.
Ok so this Tuesday we all meet and Team Dropped will stick together. (We will work on the name later)
I may show up.
@ Pierce. I do have a nice bike...... but it has a terrible engine.
team abv?
@ ahylir Most of them looked like serious bikers (mid- to high-end bikes, lots of lycra). In contrast I was in my grungy commuter getup (street clothes, fenders, pannier).
To me, you sound like a serious biker. They sound like sports bikers.
My impression is that the Team Decaf folks try to be open to anyone that wants to ride with them and they make an effort to stay together.
OTOH, their natural pace is faster than riders like me (and some others here). I'm guessing that Dan (the leader) would really be open and appreciative towards a group of people that wanted to ride a little slower.
I'd love to join with the slower-paced riders sometime, but I'll be busy most tuesdays for a while.
Thanks, Mr. Marvelous. (A+ board handle, by the way!) If I'm riding with my kid we'll join the Sanka ride. Otherwise I'm likely to go out with the faster spandexians.
Folks, I didn't mean to start this long of a discussion. I actually did enjoy myself; if I hadn't had to stop I would kept up just fine. The folks I caught up to were fine, friendliness-wise. The mildly snarky last paragraph was really about the hard-core front pack. I'm sure they're all very nice people in real life.
There's really nothing wrong with Team Decaf as it's constituted. As someone pointed out, riders sort themselves out according to speed and everyone ends up happy. This actually works better the larger the group since you're more likely to end up with enough others travelling at your speed. I wouldn't want to see Decaf split up over something like this.
Finally, as a gesture of good will and in support of the universal brotherhood of cycling, I am willing to go out and buy myself a cycling jersey. But I just might get wool.
Just to repeat:
I'm looking forward to next time. Really.
Ahlir, what size are you? I have an unworn wool jersey that I'm realistically not likely to lose enough weight to look good in...
I just dropped in on this thread, so I haven't had the time to read everything, but I'll offer the following...
I am one of 4 ride leaders. I have a Team Decaf website here. Check it over for a few more details and some of my ride maps.
Yes, the group is mostly road bike, spandex-wearin types, but not me. I wear riding jerseys for visibility, but no junk-enhancing spandex pants. I don't even clip-in, running shoes and Power Grip straps on my pedals. My bike is a basic urban commuter/hybrid, you may have seen it on Wheelset of Fortune or Tag-o-Rama (only 4 tags, but trying for more).
By Wheelmen standards the ride is average speed. By most other accounts, it's fast. We love having new people. In years past, it was a NO DROP ride, but we aren't officially a No Drop group now. We talk about how to insure that slower riders can join us, but we need riders who want to step up and say that they'll stick with the slower riders. I welcome a slower ride group and anyone who wants to help out with the slower segment.
Just an fyi - I am leading the group next week (June 21) and we'll be taking a 22-mile hilly ride through Fox Chapel. I expect that the hills will slow the group down.
@Ahlir you are right about the ride, it is fun and I did have a great time. The only point of this blog is so I can find a few riders who ride at my level. But I love Team Decaf and will be there every Tuesday from now on.
Btw I wear spandex so I look fast when I'm going slow
I finished the ride in the 2nd group, including mr marvelous. The faster group probably beat us by 15 minutes easily. My computer tells me 13.3 mph average. 23 miles.
Here's a link to last night's map Big Figure 8
A link to next week's ride (June 21) Zoo and Fox Chapel Loop
@ TeamDecaf Leader, you are right the group ride is a No Drop ride and the faster riders did waint for us after about 4 of us got droped. I think the topic got miss understood, I just wanted to see if a group of us slower riders would like to buddy up on the ride. I have no complaints and what you guys do is wonderful. I hope I didnt offend anyone I really do love the ride
@mr marvelous - no offense taken.
And to reiterate - I would love to have a dedicated group that takes it a little slower and insures that no one gets dropped. Please join us.
I've been looking forward to the Tuesday ride all week, im hoping for a big group. Anyone who wants to buddy up with me ill be in the Livestrong spandex and livestrong helmet and livestrong sunglasses. Ill look like im the fastest Guy in the back of the group. I guess we'll call this ride La Tour De Fox Chapel.
I'm still planning on it, so I'll look for you Mr Marvelous. I'm short, female, and have a silver bike with a step-thru frame.
@ Pseudacris sweet. So ill be looking for a fish swimming up stream? And you'll be looking for a anime Japanese Kung Fu master riding a bike
I love a good fish ladder, just say'n. Speaking of which, Copper River Salmon are in season *YUM*
I'm still up in the air as to whether I'll make it, since I live 70miles East of the burgh, but my brother lives in Highland Park, so it might happen *crosses fingers*
Is your kit all Livestrong yellow? I'll probably wear a blue bike PGH shirt.
It sounds like more people should do the Thursday Team Caffeine ride again. The "22 mile hilly route through Fox Chapel" was a staple of that ride back in the day. I think it just needs a regular ride leader to step up...
Wasn't there also a "Team Half-Caf" ride that split the difference between the two groups? I know that was more informal, though.
Yes, for a while (one summer?) there was an informal group that would do a somewhat easier ride Thusrday nights.
I work til 6 tomorrow but if I can get off a few minutes early I can probably change and make it to Highland Park in time.will be wearing a black and yellow Thick jersey on a black bike if I come.
@johnwheffner: check the ride calendar - I think I recently saw someone is revising Thursday rides leaving from Harmar.
Or I'm losing my mind.
Or both.
The Team Caffeine rides do still leave from Tazzo d'Oro on Thursdays. There is actually a Yahoo group for that ride. That WPW Thursday ride is a different animal.
I'm glad the Tuesday ride is getting a lot of buzz, I hope we start getting groups of 60 or more people.
Yes, great to get a little buzz on the ride. I'm looking forward to adding riders.
I'll see you all at the ride.
I think i will have to start next week. Not gonna make it tonight.
The Tuesday ride with a group of slower riders was a success, even if Pseudacris was the only member of Team Dropped the showed up. It's a great ride and the slower group is a lot of fun hopefully more will come next week.
I hope to! As I said before, I'm not in the city at the moment, so it's hard to commit to these rides; otherwise I would have been there.
I'm in a wedding this week, up in Dubois, so I have to use my gas money sparingly *sigh*
I'm still going to try again next week!
That was a good hilly challenge with great views! Perhaps the slowest Team Decaf ride TeamDecafWeekend and ALMKLM have ever been on, but the company and route were great. I hope to see you next week!
Yeah thank you Almklm and Team DecafWeekend for riding with the slow group, my legs are feeling it today. Can't wait till next week.
(Insert winky emoticon here.)
Hey its that time again, who is joining me for another Tuesday Decaf ride. Last week was great, I'm hoping to get more people to join Team Slow! The Tuesday routs are a perfect way to see the beautiful side of the city and challenge yourself, and the company and conversations in the slower group are great.
Note: I've been trying to re-post the message from the Team Caffeine mailing list here, but something is triggering the spam filter (or, there are five of the same posts that I can't see).
New map tonight - "Zoom the Tombs" 21 miles through 3 city cemeteries.
Leaving Tazza 6:15 sharp.
Apparently the spam check doesn't like the direct link to the map.
Get around the spam filter by posting a harmless message, then using the Edit button to put in the links.
Zoom the Tombs that sound awesome. I'll be there! Is anyone going to join me?
That does sound awesome... I don't think I'll make it though (I really need to move closer to the city *sigh*).
@ headloss don't loose your head over it. Hopefully one day you'll join team slow.
i'm pretty sure stef is going.
I'm 80% sure I'll be there. And, I know this route fairly well, so I won't feel too bad if I get left behind the other Tomb Zoomers.
@ Pseudacris 80% is good enough for me. I'm glad you know the route thats a big help.
Wifey working, so can't make it this week. (Insert frowny emoticon here.)
See you next week.
I went to burgatory after work instead and i (regretably) ate a(n entire huge) veggie burger
Sold us out for a veggie burger and didn't save us any. You missed a awesome ride, hope to see you next week.
I will make one of these, damn it.
Yeah it was so good, but I probably should have taken half of it home and then gone for a ride at some point. I need to make one of these rides also. I doesn't sound like they are ending any time soon, so I still have time.
The Zoom the Tombs route was really fun.
+1 on Zoom the Tomb ride being fun. The Tuesday team decaf rides are my weekly high.
Like boostuv, I WILL make one of these. I keep working til 6 on Tuesdays which makes it nearly impossible to get there in time.
we DID get to heckle lucia on our way back home from burgatory though!
Anyone riding tomorrow?
Just an fyi for anyone interested... I'll be leading the same route as last week - "Zoom the Tombs."
In previous years, we followed a pattern of riding the same route 3 weeks in a row. We've fallen off that pattern this year, but I'm moving back toward that style for several reasons. Riders become familiar with the route making it easier to find their own way, riders know in advance where they can bail if they want/need, and riders have greater retention of how to get around the city when the route is repeated.
Join us!
Count me in - I liked that route!
I like that idea of repetition of the routes. I'll be there I'm definitely hooked on the Tuesday Decaf rides.
stef is going to be there if she isnt feeling sick.
Oh it would be so easy to be lazy tonight. Feels quite toasty out there.
I met mr marvelous and the elusive ahlir! I really should have hung back with the second group, but I brought my fancy bike and wanted a fast ride.
I can't really say this about the entire group (in fact, people seemed to be riding appropriately when I passed the second group on the way home), but i will tell you about my experience with what I think was the lead group of about 10 people. I kinda got the feeling that i was among other type A people (which isn't a bad thing, since I am also type A and like to go fast), but the group was not riding in the safest fashion. I know that an announcement was made at the beginnig of the ride saying to stick to the general rules of the road. Of course I don't expect everyone to take turns stopping and putting their feet down and counting to three, but several people did not even touch their brakes while flying through several stop signs on beechwood near the park. That made me uneasy. Saying "car back" and seeing people continue to ride near the double yellow, when they could have safely moved over to let cars pass. We did stop at lights, but there was more than one occasion when the front half of the group pulled out when there was a car who had the right of way coming at us less than 500 feet away. At one point a rider was riding over the double yellow for no reason. I found myself thinking " no wonder drivers hate cyclists", and at that point I stopped, checked to see if the tag was picked up, and then turned around and went home. Now I am by no means the model for perfect cycling, but I actually felt unsafe in the group. Sorry to rant. I don't mean to badmouth the group. I don't want to deter anyone from going, but I think if I am able to make it again, I will bring my single speed and hang with the more relaxed group.
@ Stefb I agree that there are a couple of riders that could use a refresher in riding etiquette. But don't let one or two bad riders ruin the fun of the Tuesday ride for you. I don't know about the front group or how they ride but I do know us slower riders do try to follow the rules of the road. There has been a couple of bad rider on the ride and TeamDecafWeekend has been great at listening to concerns and addressing them. TeamDecafWeekend is very approachable and does take steps to keep the ride safe and fun. Btw it was awesome meeting you, I hope to ride with you again.
Yeah you, too!
I don't mean to sound whiney about it. I was thinking more about it and I realize that I have never done a group ride that wasn't a flock ride. I guess I do notice bad riding on the ms150, pedal pgh, etc. I just felt kinda like I wanted to apologize to people in cars for some of the bad riding I saw. And I would hate to see anyone get hurt, too.
Maybe next week I can come....maybe...
Or maybe not..I have my motorcycle safety course the next two Tuesday evenings. Meh.
Sounds like a really fast critical mass. Shame.
This might be an outcome of the growth of the group, as someone pointed out earlier in this thread. The "rules" on their old web site seem pretty reasonable to me and it was announced before the ride that people should obey traffic laws. There was also a reminder & request to not pass other cyclists on the right, which apparently someone did a lot of the previous week. Due to the size of the group and the varying levels of speed & etiquette, the large group breaks into smaller ones pretty quickly. I didn't get the impression that many of the riders participate in this message board, though, except for most of Team Dropped.
The rules posted on the old Team Decaf web site seem pretty reasonable (I tried to put the link, but I think it is getting blocked). I suspect the current issues have to do with the growth of interest in the ride. I don't think a lot of people on it participate in this message board, so I'm not sure the best way to reach them. At the start of the ride was announced the expectation to obey traffic rules and to not pass other cyclists on the right. When the group is large, Dan announces it twice: once at each end of the blob of people to make sure everyone hears it.
I think there are some people who have built up speed and endurance on the trails or in large charity rides who are not aware that they are endangering themselves and others.
Due to the size of the group, it splits up pretty quick. I think the ride could change if enough fellow riders decided to set examples or take leadership in that area. Team Dropped I think does a pretty good job of riding safely & reminding ourselves & others to check each intersection for themselves & not block cars unreasonably. One guy was blocking a (honking) car in a lane on Beechwood for no good reason. Even though it was his right to be there, it was just rude.
This is par for the course with most club rides. I don't fault the ride leaders, either--folks do these rides for different reasons, and bring different attitudes toward road behavior. FOC is pretty unique, methinks, in its mission.
If anything, experiencing/observing an average club ride will promptly make one realize that simply riding a bicycle does not bring about some sort of road behavior enlightenment. It has everything to do with the attitude of the person atop the saddle (similar, it would seem, to cagers as well).
i just don't think i will ever understand why someone who wants to put their serious face on and train hard would chose to stay in the city to do it when there are so many great routes available out in the 'burbs and farm country that require no stopping for miles on end.
bjanaszek spits hot fire. The same people that drive cars ride bikes.
"Sounds like a really fast critical mass. Shame."
The shame is that a post about the behavior of a few participants on last night's ride have created the above impression. I see poor cycling behavior almost every time I do Team DeCaf. But I also see poor cycling behavior almost every time I drive across the East End.
The vast majority of Team Decaf riders are just out for a nice evening ride. To be honest, what cburch just said makes a lot of sense to me, and I can't figure it our either.
But please avoid painting TD with such a broad brush. The sub-group I ended up riding with last night probably had a median age of close to 40. We stopped a lot (especially atop Calvary Cemetery), chatted quite a bit, and were respectful and courteous to each other as well as the traffic around us.
We should all be careful to make judgements based solely on a post. Come see for yourself before labeling TD or any other group "like Critical Mass," because at least in this case, it couldn't be farther from the truth.
I have met some wonderful people on the TD rides and I plan to ride with them every Tuesday, come ride with us I promise you'll have fun.
The shame is that a post about the behavior of a few participants on last night's ride have created the above impression. I see poor cycling behavior almost every time I do Team DeCaf. But I also see poor cycling behavior almost every time I drive across the East End.
I'm sure all the drivers out on the road got a similar impression. That is the shame I was referring to. We should all work to be better ambassadors for cycling. Just because you see it all the time doesn't make it okay.
I'm not sure why anyone thinks there was any negativity towards TD or the leaders of TD, it was clearly a statement concerning individuals on the ride and not the ride itself. I wouldn't be surprised at all to discover that the individuals were the same pair that I watched blatantly run a few red lights on a different day. It's bad enough when someone on a bike shows a disregard for safety (nevermind the law), I think it's compounded when a serious cyclist on a nice bike and wearing spandex rides the same way; it definitely leaves a bad impression on drivers.
I look forward to joining a TD ride when I'm in town on the right day of the week.
I am glad that people are bringing up things that make them uncomfortable, its better to bring it up and have the issues addressed than to just not come back. We will all work together to make this a better ride.
Yes, i don't mean to just slam the entire ride And discourage people from going. I am really glad that there are group rides like this and others around the city. Dan is super nice every time I talk to him, and I am grateful to people who put the time into organizing and leading rides. It was my first club ride experience, and like i said, as with any group of anything, there is usually someone who breaks or bends rules, or who is just annoying or a jackass.
I've been too busy at work to comment, but a quick overview of my thoughts...
I'm not happy that we have riders who stir up the distaste for cyclists by drivers. Sadly, we do have such riders and I have no control over them because we all get separated into small groups.
I'm afraid that going through red lights and taking the entire lane when there's clearly room for cars and bikes will result in new laws that will have bikes licensed (oh no@!) and require built-on-the bike turn signal lights.
We all have to be respectful of each other on the road.
Just another fyi... there are 4 leaders of Team Decaf this year. I'm the most active, map-makin' web-updatin' leader. Last year, I created the Team Decaf Weekend rides (which I've now kinda forgotten about). The guy who started Decaf years ago passed the baton at the end of last year.
We're not exactly coordinated - the downside of volunteerism. Road riders have been doing this ride for a long time - it has a life of its own.
My website with more info Team Decaf
@dwillen, headloss - my point was that it's bs to smear TD as "a really fast Critical Mass" based on somebody else's post. TD is VERY different, and has no political agenda, as does CM.
Yes it is a shame a few TD riders rode poorly, but cyclists exhibit poor behavior whether on group rides or not. No one (and certainly not me) said that observing it made it okay, my point was that you see it all the time in and out of group rides.
Sorry to vent on this, but it gets my ire up because the reality of TD couldn't be further from Critical Mass.
Yeah I wouldnt say that it was even close to critical mass.
The Team Decaf rides I've been on struck me as well run and freindly. A bit fast for me.
The vibe of the fastest people seemed a bit "lycra-clad steroid-boy wannabe" to me. That leads to some bad behavior.
I saw no one be deliberately provocative, though. It's hard to imagine that happening. That thoroughly differentiates the ride from CM.
TeamDecafWeekend does a great job, IMO.
Ok lets take a deep breath and relax. I don't think this is what stefb was trying to say. lets end this all with saying we love the Team Decaf ride and we all will try to do our part to make it a fun and enjoyable ride. We can also say Team Dropped rocks!
Only slightly off topic: I rode with the Major Taylor group Wednesday night leaving from OTB. It was a fun ride – 16 riders, faster than Flock but slower than (front pack of) decafe. We went through station square, north side, riverview park, back to OTB. About twenty miles. If you are looking for a group ride on Wed. I’d recommend it.
I second Marco's suggestion. The Wednesday OTB ride is really great; the atmosphere is low-key and welcoming. And they're actually serious about that no-drop thing.
I haven't been on any this season (schedule issues) but I did manage several last summer.
I had a great time on every one of them. If you find the Tuesday WPW ride a bit off-putting, definitely check out the OTB ride. If nothing else, the group's culture is much more sensitive to urban cycling and to respecting traffic laws. But the routes are just as challenging as the ones in the WPW rides.
Anyway, check it out.
I just might! I guess I was spoiled with the flock rides and was a little clueless on exactly what a club ride might entail
Thanks for the tips about the Wednesday OTB rides. I'll definitely try adding that to the mix. I know I can't do the one next week but will try after that. Ahlir, do you ride home through Panther hollow afterwards? Does the Major Taylor ride end after dark?
Panther Hollow would be the (best) way to get back for those of us in the East End (unless you're restless, in which case downtown and Liberty should do you). Ending time really depends on circumstance; my recollection is that the ride ends enough before dark to still make it home before night. There's always the option to bail when the shadows get too long (I've done it).
I haven't had issues with Panther Hollow into the evening (YMMV). I'm happy to convoy with others up that way; let people know you're going and that'll be that much more incentive for other east-enders (well, for me at least) to make it to the ride.
If I end up going on a Wednesday ride (more probable in the next couple weeks than a Tuesday one), I'll be going home through Panther Hollow. I'll post here closer to the ride if I'm going or not.
Ahlir, thanks, I'll drop you a message when I can do one of these. If I'm tired I like to be extra careful about where I pedal in the dark on my own. There's also a bus that goes from South Side Works to Bakery Square - so that's a good fallback option for me.
[edit] Kayla, great, thanks! I think we just posted at the same moment ...
Do the Major Taylor folks run any rides out of the Kingsley Center these days? Those might be more convenient for the East Enders among us...
Bring your water bottles its gonna be a hot muggy ride today
Been out of town for a few weeks, but I'll be at the Team Decaf ride tonight. Definitely going to want double bottles.
I wasn't around for whatever breaches in etiquette occured recently, but I have certainly been guilty of a few myself in the past. For that I apologize.
I've developed some bad riding habits. I'm making an effort to be better about it, particularly on group rides. The last thing I want is for the way I ride to discourage others.
To all the people from the boards who do the Tuesday ride, "Team Dropped," etc.:
See you there!
@ AviS187 welcome to Team Dropped we never leave a man (or woman) behind. See you at the ride
Too tired tonight to go. Too hot, too. Cburch told me he was probably just passed by who he thinkis was mr marvelous, who was wearing a team postal kit.
@ stefb that was me. I wish you made it I had the best ride of my life and no one from Team Dropped showed to share it with. Hope you make it next week
My schedule was off this week. I'm planning on next Tues (+ next Wed).
i was hoping all week that this would be the week i finally try the team decaf ride. anyone else going? i have to decide between this and the cmu meeting.
Not going to make it, studying for my finals. But 80% sure I'll make it next week
Team dropped- makes team decaf "good to the last drop," as it were.
I'm guessing only geezers remember that ad.
[duplicate post - it wasn't THAT good]
I'll be there with a friend. Will be my first team decaf ride, but I'm excited to check it out.
I'm riding a commuter and probably expect to be with "Team Dropped".
I'm heading over. Bring lots of water! @MrM good luck with those finals!
I hate staying home to study while you all are riding. Team Dropped Rules
If you have a super beginners newb out of shape slow as hell club, I might show day.
To be very honest, I would probably be too intimidated to show up. Not that you guys seem rude in any way.
@Italian - we prefer to just call it Flock of Cycles Party Ride.
There were a lot more people on the ride than seen here... these were the folks still enjoying the view when Team Dropped conquered the ascent!
yeah, it turned out that it was the time i was finally able to join team dropped. unfortunately, i thought the ride was at 6:30, so i biked by, saw no one, and then just went on a ride of my own (which was still pretty awesome). next time, for sure!
It sound like an awesome ride, sorry Team Dropped I wont let you down again.
40 people on the ride, big group!
Another great route. @MrMarvelous, get that homework done so you can check it out next week!
I wanted to mention that the volunteer group leader this week made a point of asking people to observe stop signs and traffic lights.
Now that my finals are over with and my MSF class is done I'm gonna try my hardest to make it out next week.
@ Pseudacris I'll be there next week, and thanks for wishing me luck on my finals.
So what was the ride this week it looks like you did a big climb.
The route was called "Go West!".
I'm skipping some major details here, but it went roughly like this...
Highland > Friendship > Penn > 31st st Bridge > River Ave & Trails past the stadiums & Casino > West End Bridge > Chartiers Ave > West End Overlook > back down to E Carson > Trail on S Side of the Mon > Panther Hollow > Ellsworth etc.
The biggest climb was up through the neighborhood of Elliott to the magnificent view.
Not going to make it again this week its Mrs. Marvelous's birthday so im taking her out on all day ride of the city. Where is a good lunch spot I can take her that is spandex acceptable.
I might do the Wednesday ride if anyone from Team Dropped wants to join me.
RE lunch - maybe RedFin Blues (under the 31st St Bridge) or the Cafe at the Frick (fancier, w/ nice high tea service, but they also have random museum goers and outdoor seating, so just hold your spandex-wearing head high - bike parking in front by the toll booth)?
At this point I'm planning on the Tues + Wed rides.
@ Pseudacris thanks for the tip. I'll see you and the rest of Team Dopped on Wed, and this is the last Tues I'm gonna miss.
Have wednesday off so I'll probably see you there!
I should have started reading this thread ages ago. For some reason, it's incredible motivation, I want to go ride more now
Im going to do the ride tomorrow but im not planning to ride fast or hard so Team Dropped will probably drop me. I ran over a Yellow Jacket nest with my lawnmower yesterday and got over 150 stings to my legs. Ended up in the ER because of how much venom I took in. Anyways ill just take it a little lower. Hope to see you all there
Oh no, that's terrible! Aren't they the ones that can sting repeatedly? Sorry for your experience - that happened to my brother when we were sliding through the woods when we were kids.
I'll be there Tuesday.
Most painful experience this year. Yeah the sting multiple times...... like 150 times lol. Im ok just very painful when I do a big climb now.
holy crap, i did that once but i only got stung maybe 10 times - i thought that was bad enough...
Damn, that's terrible! You should get yellowjacket super powers or something from that. Like the ability to fly after eating a popsicle out of a garbage can.
I have the super power of painfully swollen legs and the ability to out run a swarm of yellow jackets.
Wow I thought it was bad last year when I got a flat in Ohio on a trail next to mosquito lake and ended up looking like I had the chicken pox
I just didn't feel good this whole day, my legs hurt and I felt strange most people get only 5-10 stings when the come across a nest apparently 150 stings get you on antibiotics, steroids and pain killers. Probably shouldn't of gone to work, and I couldn't make the ride home. Mrs. Marvelous had to pick me up.
Sounds like laying low in an air conditioned room might be good for a few days? The treatment also sounds rough on a body.
Or go back to the hosp if you're still feeling bad?
[edit] if you think you might be having a delayed allergic reaction of any kind - get yourself back to the Dr. a.s.a.p. (please)
It doesn't sound like you should be riding Tuesday night, MM. Takin' it easy might be a good idea.
I think I can finally come on this. Might bring the fixed gear and hang with team dropped.
Ok back to urgent care..... cry. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Sorry Team Dropped I wont make the ride. Thats three week in a row I've missed now.
Be well, MM. Relax, we'll see you next week.
I think I'll try to come to this, this week. Just got a new bike, I'm pretty eager to try it out.
I will be making this one.
What is the route?
Urg, I'm probably not going to make it to tonight's ride after all. I will try to make next week.
I will be on a single speed if my stomach holds up. I will likely stay with team dropped as to not get annoyed again at the front. Though I would love to pass the serious riders on my single speed
I'm not leading tonight, but I believe we're taking the "Go Forward" route. It's on my website, here:
So, I don't really know anyone that's going on this ride tonight, but if someone sees me (I'll be the quiet guy with an Orbea), please introduce yourself!
Just got back, had a blast! I was on the blue/white Fondriest with the ridiculous graphics and the Livestrong jersey.
Anyone doing this tonight?
Of course, I'll be there, but I'm not the leader tonight.
I'll be there as well
I have approximately 20 minutes to decide if I'm coming.
Does this leave at 6 or 630?
[edit] nevermind...when is this heat going to end?
I had a great time. Did nearly 30 miles. Definitely a workout on a single speed trying to keep up with people with more gears. But it seemed that the pace slowed after the first 15 miles, so that was good for me. This was my first time going up hazelwood. It kinda sucked but my motivation was knowing that i have seen news coverage of shootings in that area unfortunately and the fact that i didnt now the route and had to keep up. I had no idea there is a beautiful view of the city from bigelow street in Greenfield. Loved it. Met some nice people, too. I must remember to bring more water next time.
I just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean that we were in a dangerous situation or anything in hazelwood. Hope it didn't come across that way. I just meant that I needed a motivational factor, even if not totally true
@stefb - I've ridden down Hazelwood's 2nd avenue on a saturday night. There are definite opportunities to purchase pain relievers or companionship, if one were so inclined. A freedom from restrictive governmental regulations on the market economy as it were.
I don't think the section of Hazelwood Ave the ride goes on is part of the "free trade zone," though.
Few people can ride as strong as Stef - I think she was the only single-speed cyclist. I'm impressed, jeez, I couldn't keep up with my 27 gears.
Oh thanks. If you ride enough that way, you get used to it. I usually dont ride that fast on a regular basis, but I can when I try. I think I may climb certain hills slower on a bike with gears cause I am bad at shifting.
Anyone riding tomorrow? The weather is going to be perfect.
20% likely this week.
80% (+) likely next week!
@ Pseudacris 20%? Thats your lowest calculation yet! And 80%(+) is the highest calculation yet. Its good and bad all in one.
See you the 23rd!
I'll be there.
I'm planning on coming tomorrow, since I already know I can't make it next week.
considering it. what is the route?
@ Stefb I don't know the route I've been out of the loop for a while, It would be great to see your awesome climbing skill on your single speed. Considering getting a single speed myself after reading about how strong it made you.
Oh cool! I love my single speed. There are some hills that I am sure I am just unable to climb with it, but I haven't had that happen yet. I helped that i started to haul heavy stuffy on my commuter.
Dave is leading, I'll be there. He's been talking about the West End Overlook or Riverview Park routes.
cool. i have never ridden up to the west end overlook.
I'm in! It'll be good to see you all again.
@ Stefb & Marko82 thanks for carrying me up up the hill, this is the fastest I ever rode in my life. Can you believe I kept up with the fast group the whole ride. Someone needs to check Stefb's bike for an engine because I never seen anyone so fast on a single speed.
There are faster, I am sure, but thanks! It was great riding with everyone. Next time i will do the optional hill. May do it tomorrow. Beautiful view from the overlook.
Mr. Marv: I was the other rider in the Thick jersey, FYI. Pretty good ride tonight, I way underestimated that hill going up to the Overlook though.
The optional hill scares me. Being off the bike for so long I wasn't sure I was ready for it maybe next time.
@ Boostuv you looked remarkably like your avatar.
I wish there would have been a few of me at the top of the overlook if thats the case...
Yeah, that would've been nice. Definitely underestimated the hill too, but what a great view from the top. I was the guy on the Orbea who peeled off at Ivy Street. Hope to see you guys on Friday at the Flock!
Also, Dan, did you get pictures of the group at the overlook?
West End Overlook
Any update on the woman who crashed? I witnessed it and it was pretty bad.
What happened.
coming down Lorenz from the overlook, she was about 10' in front of me and used her left hand to signal that we were about to turn left. She started swerving, used her brakes to slow down, which caused her to lose more control, and then went down pretty hard. She was conscious when she left in the ambulance. luckily there were a few Physicians in the ride who were able to quickly attend to her...since there was a 2 minute hold with 911.
I didn't see it... Broken arm, fractured skull from reports that I got from other witnesses. She went to AGH via ambulance. She was aware, knew her name and was speaking when she left.
I'm going to initiate an accident report from the Wheelmen Group, I may be in touch, to get details.
@ Richw - I was wondering if you were on the boards or not.
On my way back to Oakland I was riding with a guy named Rich and this girl stopped us on Penn Ave to ask where was safe to bike at. We were barely able to get out before the light turned but hopefully she signs up!
You can't ride a bike without meeting someone who is in the health care profession. Glad that there were capable people around until the ambulance arrived. I had no idea this happened. No wonder we were the first group back by quite a whille despite having to go fairly slowly on the south side trail. I hope she is ok. I am off the rest of this week, But I am gonna check with the residents at work next week to make sure she is ok. She might still be there next week if she had a head injury. I do work in ortho at AGH but i do lower extremity stuff. We have really good surgeons who do upper extremities if that is what she needed. Man, that totally sucks. I know I probably can't post about anything, but I want to go by and say hi if I can.
I feel really bad and wish we all could do something for her.
I've left a message on her phone, I'll let you know if I hear back from her.
Better news about Mary...
Her daughter didn't have complete information, but she said that the preliminary report is that she had a really bad concussion, but they think that nothing was broken, not even in her arm.
She stayed overnight at AGH.
Mary, if you're reading this, get well soon!
That is better news, thanks for the update. & yes Mary get well soon!
Wow, I didn't know anyone fell. I hope you get well soon.
Good to hear. best wishes.
I spoke to Mary this evening. She's still having dizziness and has been told to take it easy and stay home from work for a week. She doesn't remember the accident and she asked if I could pass on a few names, phone numbers, and email addresses of people who witnessed the accident. She wants to hear directly about what happened. If you've spoken to me about the accident, I've probably given Mary your name.
She seems resilient and anxious to get back to normal life, but she is going to take it easy for awhile.
What is the route tomorrow? There is a 50/50 chance I will be there.
I'm leading - we're going to Riverview Park. The route goes through Polish Hill on the way there.
22 Miles
Ride map here:
Thanks for the pictures of the West End overlook. I have a bike pittsburgh message board avatar now!
Sadly, I'm missing the ride again this week. Need to work late. Have fun!!!
Looks like I'm gonna make it..... hopefully.
Unfortunately I have to miss it this week as well. I have to work late too. Have a great ride everyone!
That was fun! I wanted to give up several times but i stuck with the lead group (even if it was in the back). Great workout. I may bust out the road bike next time, but I like to challenge myself to keep up with everyone else.
Mr. M did you finish? We sort of lost you after the 31st street bridge.
@ Marko82 yeah i barley finish. I don't know what was wrong with me but I just didn't have any strength in my legs. I felt like my body reached its limit. Never happened to me before and I dint like it. As awesome as my ride was last week was as awful as it could be this week
Sorry to hear. Sounds like you might not have eaten or drank enough, happens to me way too often.
Yeah just got done eating and I feel powered up.
Yeah if your burps on the ride dont taste like dinner, you didn't eat enough. Sorry to hear about your bad ride. It happens.
That ride was fast. I wish I could keep up with the lead group, but no, not a chance.
@TDW That ride was fast. I wish I could keep up with the lead group, but no, not a chance
That seems to be a recurring theme for social, presumably no-drop rides lately.
Team Decaf isn't billed as a no-drop ride. It may have been years ago, but it hasn't been for at least a few years.
Its a fast social group. There are enough of us "slow" riders who stick together at our version of fast pace.
i WILL make this ride before the end. i'm still sad i missed the zoom the tombs rides (which i named, apparently). and that the only ride i've actually been able to make so far, i got the time wrong and was 15 minutes late. seriously, one of these days.
So it was you who suggested Zoom the Tombs, that's awesome! Thanks. I've been meaning to look back for the thread where that name came from. I recall asking for ride name suggestions for a cemetery ride map I was creating, but I couldn't remember who coined "Zoom the Tombs"
I'll be joining this ride again soon. I'm one of the slow riders (maybe the slowest!). I'm working on some special project deadlines this month so have been busy into the evenings often. Missed the last several Tuesday night rides & lots of good Bikefest stuff
And one more thing about Tuesday night rides...
We'll be shortening the mileage as we lose daylight.
Awww. Lights are good
This last ride killed me after the ride I at dinner the passed out still in my spandex. Nothing like waking up with a spandex wedgey.
@ Pseudacris I hope you can make it again soon it was lonley at the back.
sounds like you "bonked" mr marv, basically meaning you used up all your fast energy stores (glycogen). A sports drink or other source of quick carbs helps or dial back the intensity of your ride so your body can rely more heavily on fat metabolism for power instead of glycolysis.
@ Tabby you are probably right about bonking, all I had before the ride was a Cesar side salad. I knew something was really wrong was when I got dropped by Rick, even if I had the flu I shouldn't of got dropped by him lol.
So the major Taylor ride went up to river view park tonight also. Funny thing - yesterday I thought I was struggling cause I was low on energy. Today I noticed the same thing on my commute to and from work. Before I left for this ride tonight, I looked at my rear brakes and saw that they were crooked and I had a brake pad that was making some contact with the rim. It wasn't exactly loud, so I didn't notice over the other noises my bike makes, d'oh. I am SMRT. I was able to spin up to river view instead of standing and mashing. I was surprised at the difference.
@mr marv... You aren't slow, you just aren't as fast as the fastest riders, that's all. We kicked butt last night, I logged the fastest average speed for a Tuesday night ride and there you were beside me at the finish line.
For real. These rides are tough. And it only takes one red light to get separated from the lead group and it is really difficult to catch back up.
@ TDW you are right, the front group was super fast yesterday. I think I probably burned myself out trying to keep up with Marko82 and Stefb. (Hopefully by the last ride I'll be able to keep up with them) Next week I will eat before the ride and pace myself.
i may not be able to make it next week because of work. the week after that i will be in Hawai'i, but I should make it to at least one or two more in september before they're all done for the year. same goes for the major taylor rides.
I am in Monroeville seeing patients all afternoon. I am gonna really try to make this tonight.
@ Stefb hope you do make it + it probably would only take you 15 minutes to make it from Forbes on your single speed
From what I understand the last ride might be @ the end of September so we need to get a really big group together before the last ride. I'm going to make every ride till the end.
I work in Fox Chapel till 5 so I'm hoping I can get back to Oakland and get to Highland Park before 6:15. Going to be a close call.
edit: Anyone know the route so I can try and play catch-up if I cant get there in time.
As long as I get out of work on time (or close to on time) I will be there tonight. I'm planning on being there for the rest of the rides as well.
Great ride, it was nice to have Team Dropped back again. We did miss TDW on the ride.
So yeah the ride was fun except for the assholes that threw bottles of lotion at riders in the front of the group from their car windows as they passed us. I could hear them laughing. Fucking morons. Someone could have gotten hurt. I did scream at them and call them assholes, but in hindsight, what I really wished that I did was get the bottles off of the ground and turn around and squirt the contents back into their open windows, after all, they were stuck at a light.
Nice and mellow at the back tonight. Thanks to team dropped for letting me hang with you
@ Stefb did that happen at Giant Eagle? I heard some yelling but didn't know thats what happened. yeah I would of backed you up if you squirted it back at them.
@ Marko82 you always make the ride fun, I'm glad you hung with us today.
Nice ride. Got stuck at a light and wound up lost on the North Shore for a bit but turned out alright.
Was fun to ride with Team Dropped. Thanks!
Yah it did mr marv. People suck.
I really do need to do a team dropped ride one of these weeks. I thought it was gonna be last night but I was with the middle group instead. I thought about it again and I needed to get home almost as fast as I could cause I have a bunch of things to this week before i leave for vacation. So that means that I won't make it next week. Have fun!
Bummer, I missed it - worked until after 10:00 last night! Busy.
^ You were missed!
@ TDW Yeah you were missed. Sorry you got stuck at work sounds like a long day.
@ Psedacris it was good to have you back on the ride, and you made the ride fun leading Team Dropped down Stinky Spring Way.
I know it will be the day after the holiday but is anyone coming this week? I'm planning on it.
Not in town. Sorry.
I'm going to come. Hopefully the ride isn't canceled by rain tomorrow.
^ yeah I really hope its not rained out, I bet the weather is beautiful in Hawaii.
it is in kona and in hilo. Lots of cyclists also
^ sooooo jealous its raining here and 62 degrees is the high temperature.
Between insomnia and a project deadline, I am probably going to miss tonight's ride. And, next week I am traveling. I hope the rides continue into the fall? I am not adverse to riding in the rain!
^ the forecast doesn't look good anyways so it looks like You picked a good day to rest up. And I just put an order in Amazon for new rain gear so im up for riding in the rain.
Just got an email the ride is cancelled due to weather.... cry, wish we had Hawaii weather.
Such a shame, I was really looking forward to breaking in my new raincoat.
Sorry guys, yeah, we cancel when it's raining.
High speed descents and rain = pain. rain should cancel.
Well it is drizzling here, but should pass and dry up shortly. I wish I had a bike here.
Does anyone remember the Fox Chapel rout we did a few months ago. I remember it had a lot of tough climbs and I want to ride it during the winter to keep in shape.
Dan keeps pdfs of the Tuesday rides here.
Dan keeps pdfs of the Tuesday ride maps on his site.
^ Oh yeah I forgot thanks.
^ Thank you. That's perfect!
What is the route tomorrow?
Ride Map pdf here, 18 miles:
I'm leading this week (9/13) and planning to state up-front that I'm riding at a real C pace, not racing to the finish - stopping maybe a few times at hill tops or to regroup. Anyone who wants to ride ahead at rocket speed or chill at the back of the pack with me is welcome. We leave promptly at 6:15, meet at Taza D'Oro, Highland Park.
It will be dark by the time we return, bring lights.
^ I'll be there, probably chill in the back of the pack with you.
I may bust out the road bike
I'm planning on being there this week, so I'll be hanging out with you at the back in all probability. I also won't forget all of my blinkies this week.
Great ride today, it was perfect weather. Kind of sad that there are only 2 more rides.
Stef kicked my a** tonight, must be the 17 pound bike…
stef can kick anyone's *ss.
That was a nice ride this evening; I hope I'll get to do it again next week. I might even go for the 'bonus' hill.
I had the 3rd heaviest bike at just over 31 pounds.
It WAS the bike. It is a sweet bike but I think my single speed is heavier. I will weigh it and my commuter and report back haha
This was my second ride and I also had a great time. I was with the group that almost lost half of us when a driver came into the intersection without stopping. Does anyone know where that was? While riding by, it looked like the stop sign was missing from that intersection... Might be worth a 311 call.
Also, I was just following the leader, but I assume we dis not take any of the "challenging" side routes?
@Frisbee, that was in Swissvale. Looking at Google maps I think it was at Monongahela and Schley Avenues. Street view does not show a stop sign at that intersection. 311 is only for the city so would need to report to Swissvale.
That was scary as hell!
Monongahela and Schley is part of my twice daily route. What happened? You all were on Mon and someone just pulled out?
Tabby, there was a group of about ten or so cyclist going East(?) on Monongahela at a good 20mph with Schley street to our right. As we got to the intersection a woman drove into the intersection without even slowing down until it was almost too late. Her passenger must have yelled something judging from the look on his face. She ended up half way into the intersection -coming inches away from hitting at least two of us. She clearly should have stopped since we were on the main street and she was essentially hitting a T, but without a stop sign she just kept on going. BTW, it was still light out & the sight lines are good there.
yikes! that sounds like it was really close. Right she was definitely the side street so should at least be yielding, but you'd think there would be a stop sign posted.
If anyone wants to repot that, the contact for public works is:
Phone: 412-271-0350
Yeah that intersection had no stop signs or yields for anyone. I was trying to see if there was a nubbin of a sign that might have been hit and a sign never replaced but there wasn't. I had my brightass front light on at that point. If she even looked in our direction, it would have caught her eye, even though it was still light outside.
^ It seems like every time you run into a little trouble I miss it ( referring back to the lotion bottle incident). Sorry you guys had such a close call glad you all made it out o.k.
^ Yeah, crazy, I hadn't heard about the incident either.
Did anyone see the golfer who hit the ball while riders were going by at Schenley Park? He was about 15 feet away from the street/riders when he decided to hit. I didn't see the actual hitting because I was maybe 25-30 yards ahead, but I heard the noise. Did he hit the fence between him and the riders?
@ TDW He didn't hit the fence he hit me. The ball hit my frame and the Tee hit my fork, I was pretty ticked. But kept riding when I realized it was on purpose and him and his buddies cheered and all had their clubs in their hands.
What a bunch of jackasses! I can hardly believe it, but I saw him winding up with a big smile on his face. I was thinking that he looked like he might hit the ball, jeez! There were like 27 of us - we should have gotten the posse together and done a little street justice on him
People are such cockbags. I blame the fact that there are stupid college kids back in town for all of the recent incidents.
Anyway, I weighted my single speed bike ( bike and me minus just me on a scale at home) and it is 25lbs with lights and water.
Also Dan, you were right about the major Taylor rides being over. I was on my way home from work around 620 and swung by OTB and there was no one. Booo. Weather is still nice enough to ride. I looked on the wheelmen's ride calendar and the major Taylor rides are still listed.
Ps- you know that they sell brass knuckle belt buckles? They sure do feel and look real.. I may or may not be in possession of "belt buckles". Just kidding though. I don't know how to throw a punch, but I would love to look threatening with them. However, I don't think I can intimidate anyone. What may be a blow to their masculinity is if i yell at them. What are they gonna do? Hit a girl?
Oh, also some dude on a scooter made an illegal left around us at balm and negley(I think) and marko got right up beside him at the next light and told him what he did wrong. It was so great. And he did it without yelling. It would have been effective but I think the guy on the scooter didn't have the mental capabilities to comprehend what marko was telling him.
I was at the front of the group when the scooter cut us off. We were stopped at the light and he came up on our right side. He stopped for the light and started talking to us, friendly, asking who we were, where do we ride, etc. Smiling, he said something like "I'm going ahead now" when the light turned green. When he moved forward and cut us off, a group of us just bust out laughing. Another jackass!
yeah as he was pulling away he said he was getting in front of us. haha. "oh by the way, i am pulling a dick move right about... now..."
So for those keeping score at home:
-1. Jerk on scooter cuts group off by making a left turn from the right hand lane
-2. Jerk deliberately tee’s off golf ball into group
-3. Jerk almost hits group by running stop sign
+1 Nice fireman who stopped traffic for us (fire in Swissvale)
+2 Nice kids in point breeze who rode with us for a block
+3 Nice hundreds of other cars who treated us with respect and no incidents
But as horrible as the first three may sound, I had a great time! (Not sarcasm) It was great weather, a challenging route and all of the cyclists were friendly and supportive.
I just don’t want anyone reading this thread to think that these rides are somehow more dangerous than their normal riding – they are not. It was just a very weird night.
Someone is not explaining the scooter thing too well - he was being friendly and told you what he was going to do and it was still a dick move?
Golf ball thing sounds much worse, WTF? I'd have taken his club and broken it on the nearest pole. Or something.
Yeah, not gonna lie, if someone tee'd off in my direction I dont think I'd just keep riding. The could have seriously hurt someone and not to mention done some damage to the bike.
The golf ball thing seems like a pretty serious crime.
If you'd announced that you were taking photos of the perpetrator and calling the police, I'm guessing they would have run away, being outnumbered. Causing them to interrupt their game and run away would have been nice to see, regardless of whether the police did anything.
But it's easy to second-guess when you're not 15 feet from a bunch of guys holding metal clubs.
Its a lot of tough talk saying you would walk up to a group of guys with golf clubs and break it over a tree. There was about 30 off use and we could of probable ganged up on them, but I do know that a few young ladies ride alone around that area and the last thing I want is a group of drunk young golfers targeting any of them for revenge of the beating we gave them.
@ Marko82 you are absolutely right, I really do love the tuesday rides and I hate to have one or two stupid incidents make people think the ride isn't fun. We have so much fun on the ride it makes me a little sad to know its almost over till next year.
Mr. Marv, I would probably have gone to the clubhouse, with your 30 witnesses, and reported the incident, mentioning the option of filing a police report, and giving a description of the group. It's a publicly run course, and I seriously doubt that they want possible repercussions from mentally deficient idiots like that. It would be lovely to have that group return to the clubhouse and get a talking to from the management.
That's why I said "or something", it was partially in jest. I fully realize it's much easier to be tough from my couch than actually being there, and I'm not really a violent person by nature. Breaking the guy's club seems like a pretty just punishment to me; getting into an actual fight would be less good. Ratting them out to someone is more rational but I'm too cynical to believe that would do anything.
^ I agree I have very little faith in the Clubhouse bringing justice to cyclist or even caring. The word of a group of bicyclist vs the word of a group of golfers...
But I got over it quickly I wasn't hurt nor was my bike, I also didn't want to spoil the ride with my drama.
i would have gotten some satisfaction from seeing dangerous people get in trouble. i didn't even know that happened, or i would have yelled.
A golf club is a pretty fierce weapon. just ask Elin Nordegre. I don't think physically confronting the guys would be a good idea.
Reporting it to the club, while the guys could be IDed would have been nice - but it would have wrecked the flow of the ride.
I'm planning on going to Hawaii and making an attempt to learn to surf. I had this exchange on a surfing forum:
> ..stay outta the water and
> should stay on the golf
> course.
Damn, dude.
I'm OLD. Not dead
This incident does not change my opinion of golf.
Excellent Mick!, I tried it several years ago, failed and had to eject it from my bucket list. But here's what you need to practice: stomach crunches - you need to be able to pull your knees to your chest in a snap. Flexibility, esp hamstrings - sit on the floor and do toe touches until you can get your chest close to your knees. And practice laying on your stomach on the floor in kind of a pushup position, and jump into a tight kneeling ball without taking your hands off the floor. That was my downfall. Go for it!
Better surf than golf, any fn day.
@Edmunds. Will concentrate on streatching and squat thrusts.
If worse come to worse, I might have to give it up and sit on the beach. The sorrow of that would probably drive me to drink.
And drugs.
Me sitting on a beach in maui, baked.
The horror!
mick there is always stand-up paddling!
Looks like the rain might clear up tomorrow afternoon. Anyone up for Team Dropped?
@ Pseudacris I'll be there I'm glad you are coming we only have 2 more Tuesday's before it's over. I'll be there and the rout is a very peaceful one.
Great! Which route is it?
um..... I don't remember but check the posts we made about it last week in this tread it'll tell you everything.
Ride Map pdf here, 18 miles:
Like last week, I'm leading and planning to state up-front that I'm riding at a real C pace, not racing to the finish - stopping maybe a few times at hill tops or to regroup. Anyone who wants to ride ahead at rocket speed with their group or chill at the back of the pack with me is welcome. We leave promptly at 6:15, meet at Taza D'Oro, Highland Park.
It will be dark by the time we return, bring lights. I'm hoping it will clear up, but fyi - if it's wet, the ride is cancelled.
Defiantly bring lights it got completely dark before the end of the ride.
I am feeling a bit under the weather. There is a cold or something going around at work already. I hope to be there though. It is a good sign that I ate my breakfast without doubling over in pain like I did after I ate or drank anything yesterday.
If this is the same route as last week, I may meet up with you guys somewhere along the way
^ hope you are feeling better.
Thanks. I made it. I did miss the beginning. I wish I had know others were doing the second optional hill. I was already through the turn to continue the regular route when I saw people doing that hill. Oh well. Nice pace. Can't wait for next week.
I finally got my first bike related injury. Lost my balance on some mud and pulled off my finger nail on a fence, I guess I'm officially a cyclist now. The ride was fun and Team Dropped really got dropped today. Cant wait for next week.
Oh ouch! Sorry to hear that.
Doesn't really hurt @ all. Still had a lot of fun
Mr. Marv... getting pelted with golf balls and having your finger nails ripped out by rogue fences does not make you a cyclist (although you ARE one). It just means you have ridiculously bad luck. Hope you feel better.
@mm - ouch! didn't know about your injury - sorry 'bout the weird alt route. I hope you mean part of the nail and not the whole thing!
Fun ride tonight -
@ Pseudacris I'm fine and It's always fun when you lead Team Dropped, I liked the alt route.
@ Pseudacris, stefb, mr marvelous, Marko82 and any other Team Decaf rider or Tag-O-Rama player...
I'm thinking about leading Tuesday evening's ride to the current Tag-O-Rama tag (if it hasn't been taken). Anyone interested in obtaining the title of "Team Member on the Highest Number of Riders to Group-find a Tag?"
TDW, I think that's a great idea. But we will also need to drop a new tag too. Hmmmnn?
Let's do it!!! If we get the tag, surely we can put heads together to find an interesting new one to drop just a bit off the evening's route...
Sounds like an awesome idea, It'll be my debut into the game.
Yes, I will most def ride my bike in a group to this tag, but as mentioned before, I hated riding solo to another tag I picked up that was out that way. Let's do it if it is still there.
It would be a little bit funny if the whole group showed up to get the tag and then Colin scooped us right under our noses.
i told him where it is but he isn't following. if i knew he was going to get it, i would get it before him, cause i am like that
Awesome responses - I hope we can get it.
You do realize that if you're all badasses you could return from the tag the hard way? (I say as I sit on my ass in my comfy office chair).
we're badasses, yeah, I'm feelin' it.
Are you talking Hard Way A (rhymes with "pointy teeth"), or Hard Way B (rhymes with "hello, sailor")?
Rushing to buy new tires completely destroyed both tires on something going around the detour running to Thick now.
Okay, maybe we're not badasses - pointy teeth sounds like it's gonna hurt!
I know B, what's A?
@mr m - i'm dying to know what you ran over.
A is verdant.
Regardless of degree of intended verdant/nautical badassery, I'm going to blow off my study night and try to come ride with yinz for a change.
Can someone please translate for me? I don't speak recumbent.
Ok. Either one will be a challenge.
It's just like speaking upright, but rotated 90 degrees out of phase.
"Oh stewardess, I speak jive."
Got my tires and lets say It'll be difficult for me to EVER get another flat or blow out. I'm just not sure how they perform yet I'll let this ride be the measuring stick.
Barbara Billingsley's best role ever.
Sorry to whoever I crashed into at the intersection, you were the only person of 10 or so who stopped for the yellow. I couldn't see you until you were right in front of me, and I was sort of boxed in.
I never caught back up because I had to stop again to unbend my derailleur hanger and open up the front brake because the wheel got slightly out of true. Plus my ass is raw and bruised now, so I just went home.
I see you made it far enough to get in the tag-o-rama pic though, so that's good. Hope all is well otherwise.
- Jimmy
In keeping with the apologies, sorry to that wall I crashed into. Though, to be fair, it had it coming. I think I came out worse though, ow. Also, sorry to the people behind me for being a grade-A moron.
Regardless of my personal stupidity, I still had a great time today, and a great season!
@ rice rocket no worries accidents happen, I guess I didn't realize I was hurt till I got home swollen knee bruise the size of Texas on my hip, and a slightly squeaky bike.
Thank you to all who put the Tuesday rides together I appreciate all you do.
@ Pseudacris thanks for answering the call for team dropped
@ Marko and Stefb thanks for helping me became a much much better rider you two taught me a lot about riding.
@ TDW thanks for being an awesome leader and making this all possible.
Thanks to the organizers and everyone who has ridden with me. It has been fun, and I would love to continue group rides.
Hope you got up that hill ok, mr. Marv.
That was a fun ride! RiceRocket, after we headed up Friendship a bit, one from the small group turned around to head back and check on you - I'm glad you made it home all right.
Richw_ glad it was not the river you crashed into.
While we were picking up the tag, some lady in a giant SUV with a bike rack on the back stopped to find out about group rides. Than some guy in an even more giant pickup drove by slowly and oogled all the ladies, and drove off grinning. We have fans, I guess?
Thanks to all the fast people for waiting several times!
@ Stefb nope made it up about 80% of the way before I tipped over.
I believe the toothless gentleman in the larger SUV was checking out the dudes.
So did y'all end up doing Greenleaf or Shaler?
Wimped-out, neither.
We did not wimp out! We just didn't want to get all mussed and/or disheveled before our gang-bang tag photo.
Thanks all for the great summer of rides! I'm glad to be on the email list now
As I was mounting my super bright light on yesterday I was thinking I'll never get rear ended with this on......
Then I kept getting passed by a Lazy Boy Recliner on wheels.
Dan is a machine, even if he does ride a recliner. He could kick my ass on any bike
^ +1. But everyone kicks my but
@ reddan You made this the most fun ride ever, I hope you join us all next year on Tuesdays
So anyone wanna get together on Tuesdays for more rides? I am looking to do a more brisk ride though.
@stefb: I'd be down for that on occasion.
This winter, (ideally) I'd like to get in a brisk 20-30-miler during the week and a steady-paced 65-miler each weekend.
Sounds like a plan to me if we can coordinate our schedules. I think marko would probably be interested in something of that sort
more brisk? I think that leaves Pseudacris and I out. The ride is brisk enough already. I might join you when it starts snowing, a ride in the snow would be fun.
I'd be interested in tagging along, just not now - I can barely go two minutes without hacking or blowing my nose. Colds suck!
^ hope you feel better soon
Hope you feel better!
I, too, am coming down with a Case of the Crud.
Already we have 6 cases of the flu on the hospital unit I work on. (co-workers I work with have it) It looks like its going to be a bad flu and cold season.
Ok I am getting my flu vaccine when I get home. I am constantly washing my hands here.
FWIW, I had a flu shot last November and again about 3 weeks ago
Maybe I have a cold.
Mine is clasic common cold symtoms only a lot worse than usual. It has eased up a lot today, hopefully I'm back on the bike this weekend.
Flu shot is 70% effective is what I learned today.
So, all virulent plague issues aside, this coming Tuesday looks like it'll be quite pleasant. Who's up for a brisk evening's ride? (Decent lights will be a must, methinks.)
Ok. What time? I could probably make 615
6:15 works for me. Meet up at Tazza, or in dahntahn?
Probably tazza if that is ok with you?
Tazza is cool.
My attendance this week is questionable...had nasty 48-hour intestinal bug in the house this weekend, so I'm not yet sure what I'll be up for.
Sunset for Tuesday 11 October 2011 is 6:46PM.
I hope you feel better. I am riding either way and will stop over around 6:15 to see if anyone is there.
Okay, i am REALLY going to try to make this today (10/11). Team Decaf is the 'slower' ride,correct? I don't know what to expect showing up to one of these rides..I can keep a pretty good pace (15-20mph) comfortably..Hate hills, but will do them in a group to challenge myself..Just looking to chat and ride a bit.Stefb? You gonna be out on this?
The official rides are over cause it gets dark? Not sure why, especially since the weather is still nice. A few of us decided we would like to still ride a bit. I will bring my single speed, so i don't ride super fast unless i am trying to keep up with dudes riding fast on carbon fiber bikes.
Alright, i want to try to make it out..I'm down for whatever.
I'll likely make it tonight...feeling almost human again. Probably not up for any Dirty Dozen climbs or similar hijinks, however.
Any thoughts re: route?
@ CPollack if you are planning on riding with Stefb, Marko and reddan bring your "A" game or you'll end up the newest member of team dropped. Even recovering from a cold reddan is a monster on hills.
I hope to be there. I'm still not feeling great, but I rode some yesterday so will give it a try.
Gonna load up on some immodium. Stomach will not keep me from riding. I dont care where we ride. There is a hockey game, so we may want to avoid the ice arena, but I am all for hills, no hills, whatever. I will follow the leader
Hmmm...we could always do something like Freeport Rd->Fox Chapel->Squaw Run->Dorseyville->Hartwood->Saxonburg Blvd. That'd put us around 20 fairly mellow miles, and we could always augment as desired with some extra fun on Parker or High St if we're feeling perky.
BTW, I'll likely be working the stomach-soothing nostrums as well...been a long, barftastic weekend of family fun.
This is why we need a second toilet in case we both get sick. Yeah. Sounds like a good route.. Maybe leave an option of possible detour to get a new tag, if there is one.
"Come one, come all, for the informal Tuesday Night Tazza Ride! If you're lucky, you _won't_ catch the plague and die!"
The marketing on this ride is lacking something, methinks.
Hmm, I might join up for this, I haven't ridden since two weeks ago. Just don't let me near Mr. Marvelous...
LOL! Not to worry I wont be on this ride so its safe. Next time I bring a brighter blinky light. Oh wait I already did.......
just a heads up a squaw run road-- its been tarred and pebbled below Dorseyville road, probably through to Field Club road. Most of the pebbles are off to side in a big pile allready but passing cars kick up alot of dust -- and the piece of Squaw Run from Fox Chapel Road to Field Club has a brand spanking new surface.
if you guys have the plague why not stick with the theme and do the cemetery route?
^Not a bad idea. I'm up for whatever.
(Although we'd need someone to lead the pack, swinging a dolorous bell and crying "Bring out your dead!")
Nevermind, I have to bail. Have a good ride, nice weather today.
I know where the tag is...
Does this start up again next month? Am I the only one who has really been missing this?
I have been also. Hey it stays light later starting next week.. I also hear that there is a flockish ride next Friday night..
Team Decaf rides start on the first Tuesday of April (the 3rd). We ride every Tuesday through the end of September - see you soon!
We hit the road at 6:15pm sharp, leaving from Tazza D'oro, N. Highland Ave, Highland Park. Link to the Team Decaf web page
Less than a month away! I better get my legs ready.
What is this of a Flock-ish ride next Friday??
The decaf rides look great! I'll sign up for the mailing list tonight.
welcome Lorif, the Tuesday rides are awesome and fun.
Hi LoriF - hope to see you at Team Decaf rides!
Bummed that I wont be making any Decaf rides this season. I meet with my swim coach on Tuesday nights.
Ill try to join this ride.
Thank you, mr marvelous and TeamDecafWeekend! See you all soon.
Is Team Caffine on Thursdays?
@boostuv - generally, yes, Team Caffeine is every Thursday. It's a fast, hilly, road-riders ride.
The best way to know what's up with caffeine is to join the team caffeine mail list. This mail list is shared with Team Decaf, so you'll get updates from both if you join the yahoo list.
To join (it's free, the number of emails you'll get won't make you crazy, and there's no obligation to do anything), go here and join:
Sounds good, Im looking for a group ride on thursdays as I have prior obligations on tuesdays and cant make the Decaf rides. Might have to check one out to see if I can keep up.
Tomorrow this starts up again!!!!! Who's in.
If I make it hole from work in time.
Won't make it because of work, but yeah. The next Tuesday I can make it on time, I'm there.
Not this week, but next.
Is 6:15 a hard deadline?
Should be available starting in May to make these. Hooray.
Yeah, Dave. It seems it's from past experience, especially when there is not a lot of daylight left, but being that it is the first ride, it may start a tad later.
We're pretty much on time, yeah. Maybe a few minutes late, but rarely more.
I'm hoping I can start making these in May as well; I'm disappointed I can't come to them sooner.
So I'd really like to come out for one of these, but on the website it says that the ride is not for the novice (which I consider myself). Does anyone know of a group ride that is novice friendly? Something above a Flock for sure. Has anyone gone on the Sunday morning ride out of Trek Robinson?
MTCC Wednesday rides out of OTB?
@rzod I am not sure about this year but i think Sunday ride is close to class C (12-15 average) and Monday ride is split in two -- Class C and Class B (17 mph average and more hills). I know that PMTCC rides with Trek on Mondays. Faster guys go with B riders and slower ones go with C.
Did you ever try Wednesday OTB lead by PMTCC? It gives you an idea how it's going to be paced.
Just got an invitation. Some PMTCC guys are going to join the TeamDecaf's ride.
Ugh I am stuck in bethel park at work still. I may be cutting it close
Not going to make it. In fact I might not make this ride till May. Cry
I hope to catch up with this ride and start the Wednesday night ones, too, in late May. Miss everyone!
@ Pseudacris I'll probably start when you do. I ran into unexpected scheduling problems, I probably will never make the Wednesday rides.
Cool - see you later this summer then! I hope the cross fit is going well.
Anyone going tonight? I hear that there is a chance of rain and it may be chilly, so dress accordingly. I will be there and plan on doing dan's post-ride ride as long as my intestines behave.
Post-ride ride?
For the aspiring ultra-distance nutters amongst us, I'm planning to lead a 20-40 mile ride into the boonies every Tuesday after Decaf returns to Tazza. That way, we get the social ride with the group, some extra miles, plus evening/nighttime riding experience.
That said, I'm likely out for this week, due to family needs.
@ reddan I'll join you sometime in May if I can keep up.
@mr marv: You'll certainly be welcome.
It'll likely be in the 13-15mph range for rolling average. Good lights and reflective doo-dads will be required, as we'll be hitting rural roads of questionable surface in full darkness.
Sounds fun reddan. I wont make it this week either - damn taxes: mine, my mothers, my brothes, my cousins, grrr I'm an engineer not a damn accountant! But I'll probably tag along when I can.
Hoping the weather holds off, but right now, on, it looks like it's about to start raining. Rain cancels.
Wont make it this week but I'll be there next week.
We made it the entire way and stayed dry. Nine riders - not bad for 40 degrees and threatening rain.
I must have just missed you. I got there at 6:18 and saw no one. I got a good 26 miles in without rain anyway.
@stefb - ^ Yeah, I looked at the time when we left, 6:15 sharp. Missed ya, sorry.
No it was my fault. I was watching the 5pm news and they said rain was on its way. Before I knew it, it was 6pm and I wasn't dressed nor was my bike ready to go, and I realized it wasn't raining. I think I need to sign up for the mailing list. I might have seen the route and caught up had I known where you were going.
This is a repeat of an earlier post...
The best way to know what's up with Team Decaf (Tuesday) and Team Caffeine (Thursday) rides is to join the team caffeine yahoo group. This mail list is shared with both ride groups.
To join (it's free, the number of emails you'll get won't make you crazy, and there's no obligation to do anything), go here and join:
Role call for tonight?
I will be there again... I shouldn't be late unless I have trouble getting the bike together.
Not going... again. I'll start going the first week in May, I hope. Until then, working every Tuesday night.
Nice ride. The extended version with Dan and crew was fun as well aside from Sarah's double flats.
Yeah, I was really digging on that rolling stretch of Fox Chapel Rd from Guys Run to Powers Run.
Wish I could have continued but I had an angry hip, plus it was getting a bit late. I may have to rethink these extra miles on a weeknight. I just want to go back to bed right now. I am interested in which route you guys ended up taking.
@Stef: We did Freeport->L on Guys Run Rd(fun long climb)->L on Fox Chapel Rd(awesome fast rollers)->S on Powers Run Rd(fun descent, watch your brakes!)->R on Freeport and back to town via Highland Park Bridge.
That was super fun, thanks Dan for guiding the bonus miles.
Is anyone doing this tonight?
I might be in for tonight. No bonus miles, though...I've got some work to do at home later.
Not I, gonna stay off the bike this week in hopes this knee pain will stop.
I'm in, but probably a middle-pack rider tonight.
@boostuv: IME, doing some really light, easy flat riding (even in a trainer) will help recovery better than staying off the bike completely.
Yeah marko, I will see what I can do on the single speed tonight speed wise. I kinda wanna go out for a ride right now also but I do have chores around here to do.
I went to this for the first time last week, I'm going to try to start doing this every week... although tonight I have other plans, so maybe next week (although that conflicts with BikePgh volunteer night, so...)
I was planning to go tonight but I went on a 25 mi ride once today and since I am still recovering from bumping my head decided not to push it. It's so nice outside and I want to ride.... but trying to be smart (for once) and not over do it.
I think I may hit up this ride next week.
Yay Scott! It is a great ride. I met a bunch of nice people in this ride.
I agree with stefb, I have met awesome people on this ride. It is my favorite ride. Btw I'll be back near the end of May
(edit) I sprained both of my ankles so it might be even longer till I ride.
I assume it is on tonight still. Anyone coming? I am trying fixed again after many years. I will try not to hurt anyone. I feel like I am trying Clipless for the first time again when I switch to fixed.
I'll probably be there. Weather looks fairly promising, or at least unlikely-to-be-craptastic.
Rain's stopped, doesn't look like it will start again. Haven't gotten an email though. I'll be there, let's hope it's on.
My housemate reported downpour in Lawrenceville fifteen minutes ago (415pm), but it's clear and sunny in Oakland now...
Here's your current TDO weather report @4:53pm: sunny skies, but clouds on the horizon, and evidence of the very recent torrential downpour remains. Not sure what to think, I haven't heard from Dan.
@5:23 - The clouds have become decidedly darker and are again covering the sky... so I'm thinking this does not bode well.
well, i psyched myself out (and ended up having to swing home first anyways, but I could have intercepted the ride somewhere)... but it looks like it was a nice night after all - was there a ride?
There was indeed. A few sprinkles at first. It looked like it could rain at any time during the entire ride.
Well, four people including myself were rolling Highland up to the park on our own ride. We passed Tazza D'oro at 18:09 and I did not notice people there.
i was there and i noted about 4 riders going up to highland park.
it was a mellow ride this week, which worked out well. i nearly ate shit only once cause i forgot that i couldn't stand and coast. good times.
@Stefb How many people were there? Somehow I did not notice bikes on a side walk...
There were probably 30 riders. I wasn't the leader tonight- and when that's the case, I don't send emails. Generally, I'm the leader every other week. Bill and Dave each lead once a month. I always send an email on my lead days.
Sorry, I was too busy to check the board today - jeez, I should have thought to post that I was determined to ride.
Oh I thought that you sent our emails weekly. I never noticed that they didn't come weekly. It was a more mellow ride. I only almost ate shit once when I forgot that I couldn't stand and coast! Nice ride. I had fun.
Scratching my had... I missed 30 people and I was looking for them. We could join the ride and have mileage above 50.
New ride map for this Tuesday (May 15). "The Lost Overlook" map created by co-ride leader, Bill. A pdf of the map is here. I'm thinking we'll do one of the big hills on week one, maybe both hills on week 2 and three. Prepare to climb.
Here's a pic of where we're headed.:
Cool! I think I'll bring a snack with me since it looks like a good place for a picnic
This is near fineview or in it, huh? I took a photo there before. Some cops parked on the hill gave me a look like I was crazy.. Dunno if it was for climbing or climbing in that direction?
@Marko -- bring a stool, or a padded blanket. Great view (Fine, even), but nothing to sit on but paving stones and concrete.
Yes, stefb, Fineview.
I think I need to sit this one out given my current concussed condition, but this ride looks pretty sweet. And the weather is perfect.
That was fun. I hung back this week. What a fine view at the top of the climb!
Several people came out onto their porches to say hi tonight & see what was happening as we rode up that little hill after the stop at the overlook. What a nice ride! (except for the cagers on East Street.)
Thanks, Dan and all who put the ride together
Always a blast riding with new people. I had a lot of fun on this ride and surprised myself riding up that hill.Haha. Had i been alone or with a friend i would've walked half of it i bet. I was feeling good and could've rode twice that tonight i think.Fun time, can't wait for the next ride!
Some of the 40 riders who joined us.
Awesome picture. I can't wait to ride with all of you again
Tuesday might be the new Friday.
So who is in today? I'll try to be there on time today.
TDW, is it going to be Fineview again?
I'll likely be there.
I will. I am waiting to take my rear brake off of my bike until after these Dirty dozen hill descents. I hope it doesn't rain.
i was hoping to join today...
but someone gave me free primus tickets instead
i hope the weather is as nice next week
Want to go, but have to much to get done. Leave for del fest in the morning. I've never packed so much shit on a bike! Have a good ride, cheers
B.S., enjoy the trip & the festival (don't forget to log you miles!)
Sorry to respond so late - yes, it will be Fineview again, but this time we do an extra 4 miles and an extra hill (well 2 hills, but one is down!)
Ugh, got got a flat 2 blocks from home, I'll try and meet ya on the north side.
I so wanted to see gogel and primus but I couldn't bring myself to pay $40/each. Have fun!
So I put a brand new tube in, rolled the bike onto the side porch and turned around to lock the door when… PsssssssT. Both tubes have holes about an inch from the stem, but there is nothing obvious that caused it. I’m going to go have a beer and swear a few times while I get out the patch kit and give it a better inspection. Have a good ride.
Edit: The tire bead has a broken wire, so I need to get a new tire - and another beer.
Haha sorry to hear that. We did more hills this week and it was a blast! Actually it was a really nice route. I just like to torture myself with my choice of bicycle.
Sorry about your flats. Dan had a magically bulging front tire and I think risked Suffolk but then made his way home. I assume he made it down Suffolk ok, as I did not see him flattened in the middle of the road or hear him groaning in some bushes off to the side of the road.
... and I'm bummed that I didn't look at mm's tag before it was too late - jeez! We were a block away!
We're riding the Fineview map for the 3rd and final time tonight - as long as it's not raining. We'll ride both hills tonight.
We'll be selecting a new map for next week.
Oh-oh, hte 3rd time is under the siege from a storm... Forecast is looking bad.
So the email said that there will be no notice of cancellation.. Could we get a cancellation notice here if that is the case?
While I'm not likely to join you, I'd say check the radar around 4:30 AND 5:00 and see if there are any storms on the way. Seeing storms on the radar is, itself, not a reason to cancel. Seeing which direction they're going, and how fast, can tell you whether you'll get caught in a storm or not. In any case, the severe storm watch is over by 7, so my guess is that the worst you'll see is wet streets or maybe a sprinkle.
Storm watch canceled, radar clear. Not my call, but I don't see why y'uns can't go for it...
It's soooo hot. After commuting home, and now sitting in my air conditioned house, i really don't wanna go back out there. It doesn't feel like it cooled off much.
C'mon, stef - I'm still going and it's ten degrees cooler than it has been for the last 3 days!
Humidity: 6 billion %. Perhaps.
Hm-m, Intellicast gives 60%, 70%, and 80% chances of precipitation for 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm correspondingly for 15212. And RH is 71%, 76%, and 79%. Chances of rain are a little bit too high for me. I have another 30 minutes before I decide.
You just have to accept the fact that it's gross out and embrace the fact that you're going to be sticky and gross.
That said, I'm too busy tonight.
Well, I am ok to be sticky and gross. I sweat like pig in any case. I just don't like the way breaks work on road bikes and how slippery those slicks are.
Well, looking at the sky I am going to pass. Happy ride, guys!
I hope you guys are safe out there. Its raining hard right now.
Yep. It poured on us from the bottom of Suffolk, east street, over and down spring garden (which was closed to cars..tree fell over), and let up around the Heinz apts. a guy wiped out going too fast over the tracks on River on the way back to the 31st bridge. I believe he was ok, and I am glad he was wearing a helmet. Gotta slow waaaayyy down on metal when it is wet, dudes. Edit: slow way down before the metal.
Glad you guys made it back ok, I have wiped out on wet train tracks twice its a fast hard fall.
Yeah I take no shame in slowing to 5-10mph. I hope the rest of the group made it home ok.
@stu, I think you can scratch Weatherman / Meteorologist from your 2nd career choices. It was a fun ride though.
We got soaked, soaked. But this is how beautiful it looked on the way back - on the 31st Street Bridge. Check out that sky and notice that the sun is under the clouds shining on the city. This picture doesn't do the actual scene justice.
There was some amazing cloud activity between 7:45 - 8:15. You could see the cold front pushing through as clear as day. Massive.
great pic, dan! i saw some fiery clouds on my climb up greenfield and a double rainbow when i reached the top.
my shoes may still be wet tomorrow morning and i need to clean the grit out of my chain, but it was totally worth it -- good times!
oops. sorry guys...
I got caught in the same storm, FWIW. I got a good look at the sky as I was crossing the 16SB. I made it to Millvale dry.
It actually was a lot of fun. The rain felt soooo good.
I'm a lycra clad cyclist, but a slower one. haha. I'd love to join in on this as well! Can someone get me the details? Time, location, distance, etc? Thanks and I hope to make it!
TeamDecafWeekend leads the rides and is a super nice guy. He can put you on his email list (I think).
But until then, it's Tuesdays at 6:15 leaving from Taza d'Oro on Highland Ave.
It's a great group spanning the full range of age, speed, fitness, etc. You'll fit right in.
Good luck, and welcome.
Today at 6:30 from OTB (South Side, E.Carson between 25th and 26th) -- PMTCC ride
Today at 6:30 from OTB (South Side, E.Carson between 25th and 26th) -- PMTCC ride
Thanks for the help! The calendar is exactly what I needed! cant wait to join!
+1 for PMTCC ride – I think Bruce said it’s a mystery route tonight.
That just means he hasn't made up his mind yet about where to go, lol.
Both Decaf and the PMTCC rides are super fun.
I get the feeling Bruce makes it up as he goes a lot. But definitely come to the PMTCC ride tonight, they're always a lot of fun. I'm hoping I can make it, we'll see how I feel when I get off of work though.
I'm trying to decide which map we'll do for the next 3 weeks. I'm kinda tired of going down Penn and across the 31st Street Bridge. Maybe you can vote on one of the 2 I've pulled out: Links to pdfs:
Zoom the Tombs - Three large city cemeteries
I vote for Fox Chapel. It's time to get out of the city.
I might return to the ride Tuesday. I vote zoom only because I've been off the bike for a while and fox chapel ride is a hilly beast. I want to get my legs back first
Dan, I think we are going to both of them 3 weeks each. So it's the order only, correct?
tombs! looking at gravestones is fun. plus, i can cut out and stay in greenfield after the last cemetery
+1 tombs! I'm back in town & ready to ride!
@mikhail - more than likely we'll end up doing both before the end of the season. I'm just trying to select which one next.
To All - thanks for the quick responses, I'll see how the week/voting goes.
Oh yeah team dropped is back and ready to zoom.
Mr. M, I expect to see you at the front of the pack since you've been doing all of that fancy training
Um...... Cry. I'll just stay in the back so not to show off.
He passed me on the way to work today! He is gonna be at the front.
Truthfully I'm in the best shape I've been in for years. I'm much stronger and I'm from a size 38 pants to size 32. The mistake I have made is I have not been on the bike much so my endurance is low. I had the strength to buzz past stefb this morning but I couldn't keep that pace for long. I talked about my lack of lung power to my Crossfit coach and they are starting my on a cycling specific workout starting Tuesday afternoon, so it's team dropped for a couple more months.
Then I don't have preferences.
Mr Marv, if you want to increase your lung power, breath in really deep and then forceably exhale during your climbs. You'll want to breathe in as deep as you can, then blow it out. After awhile, like a year or so you'll start to get lungs like superman. It might help if you ride and do this every day too. Before very long you won't even have to think about breating in deeply, you'll just do it automatically. If you have a coach already, just bring this up with him cause I'm just a guy speaking from my own exp, and it might not be a good idea for everybody,
@ Boazo thanks for the tip.
Another thing about deep breathing, make sure this includes relaxing your abdominal wall and not just expanding your ribcage.
By realzxing the abdomen, it makes more room for the lungs to fill completely.
When trying to take a deep breath, many people contract the abdomen and expand the ribs, thereby only filling their lungs partially. This is more evident when upright (I used to coach runners) but should be effective when cycling also.
Trying to decide if I'm going today, my legs and Gluteus maximus are extremely sore. So I need motivation. Who's going today?
I'm going to be making my first appearance in over a year.
Me. If it makes you feel better, I am riding fixed with cramps.. Of the female type... Unless it takes me too long to get home from work. You can do it.
I might be coming with my brother, who is on he way to some custom bike weekend in Leesburg VA.
He hasn't ridden in Pittsburgh since sometime in the 1960's, so I imagine the hills will be gratifying to him. (The reality is, he'll likely be able to keep up, and I likely will not. I won't get lost, though.)
We have ancestors decomposing in one of those cemetaries.
I'm really sore but I might come anyway I'll be juiced up on Advil.
It just started to rain, maybe it'll stop before 6
I hope so
I shan't make the start...I might try to catch up somewhere along the way. Just put drops and a new stem on the Bianchi, so I'm bound and determined to get some riding in and see which bolts I forgot to tighten.
Wait what? Are you taking about riding an upright?!??!? For something other than a commute?!?
I like my uprights, thank you very much.
It doesn't look promising with the rain, should I just give up on today?
I'm headed to Tazza, hoping this rain quits
Heading over now.
Me too
Got the highland park and realized my helmet is 20 miles away at home. I can't win some days.
@ Pseudacris I'm sorry I lost you on the ride. I didn't realize you were gone till well into the ride.
So much for all of my working out I was slow on every hill.
Mick your bro is going to the Cirque du Cyclisme? Damn that looks SO COOL! I need to go some year.
@mr marvelous - no worries.
I missed you guys by 6 minutes and went on my own ride. Still made about 28 miles.
@edmunds Mick your bro is going to the Cirque du Cyclisme?
Yeah. He's teaching a wheel building class there.
I think the weatherman lied. It's really sunny outside. But I will not be there this week I'll be at Big Dog at the Flock meeting. You guys have fun.
Yeah I think i'm going to the Flock meeting too.
two blocks away from home and the rain started. perfect timing. had fun. sorry to have missed the flock meeting. hope to see you guys again next week.
Another flock meeting next Tuesday. So I'll miss you guys again next week
My group was just leaving Schenley Park at Tech Dr when we got wet. It rained most of the way back.
I hit 1001 miles for the year tonight! Yeeeaaaaas!
whooohoo!!! great job. sorry about the rain. at least it was at the end of the ride.
Remembered by helmet this week. See you all after work.
It is balls hot out there. I just Want to sleep. If I make it I may need to use a camelbak
I'll be at the save Flock meeting again
Just got this from the weekly email and thought it would be good to post here:
"Something new for slower riders - we are going to have a slow lead group with a more casual pace, not a race. So if you've been missing the ride because the group has gotten too fast, join us now and relax"
It seems to have gotten kinda fast this year. Depends on who is in the front I guess.
I like the idea of having a slower group. If I get dropped by the faster group I can hang back with the slower one.
Anyone knows who leads the slower group
^ I think it's you Mr. M. (pdum bump)
Ha. I'll just get dropped by the slow group
TDW usually hung back with the slower group I thought.
Yeah, it's me. I'm leading the slow group.
Yup I'm gonna get dropped. Who is riding this week? I'll be there.
i am barring any clustereffs at work. i am gonna see if it still sucks to climb up to the overlook with one gear. i haven't been up there since last year when this group went up.
Count me in, slowly!
Where is the ride this week?
@steeld55 - the route that goes up to the West End overlook.
Depending on how slow this slow group ends up being, I might be brave enough to try this out soon once my new bike comes home. My presence will be beneficial for other riders' morale, because even if you get dropped by the slow group, you will still be able to drop me (but at least I'll look fancy getting dropped on my shiny orange bike)
Yes, we are going to the West End Overlook, but the map isn't on my website.
We're going to ride steady, but not at race speed.
Click this link to download or view the pdf:
Ok ill join up with yinz when you hit the northside.
I'll be there.
Someone get this on Strava and kick me off my KOM already. I've somehow held it for almost a year now.
Something unexpected came up and I can't make it. I really wanted to ride today. Tear
I will try to make it from work tomorrow. If the 31st st bridge is closed, will we use the 16th st bridge as a detour for the rides?
As of last Friday, the 31st street bridge is open to River Ave, but not to Rt 28.
Makes it sweet for bikes.
It's been that way for months. I don't see what's different. They're closing the whole bridge? I've been using it as a traffic-free way to get from the Strip to the NShore trail to Millvale.
As mentioned elsewhere on this board, 31st St Bridge was to have closed entirely today through probably the end of the year.
From the PG article:
"Starting Sunday, the 31st Street Bridge will be closed at the Route 28 intersection, likely for the duration of the massive reconstruction project that is expected to continue into 2014."
31st Street Bridge is completely closed. No sidewalk, no road. Completely closed. When it reopens it's going to be a highway on ramp.
While it has been nice to be able to ride on a mostly car free four lane bridge, there's still a good sidewalk on the bridge, so it's not like it will be inaccessible to bikes when it's done. Plus, once they finish the 28 work, it should alleviate some of the traffic on Butler, which will be nice for bikes. I will miss cruising down the middle of a great big open road though.
Anyway, the ride is not the west end overlook this week. We are going through fox chapel, and the email says it is hilly. I will be there unless my dog is still sick tomorrow. I may also bring a bike with gears for the two bottle cages rather than do the camebak thing.
I say bring the fixed gear then I can keep up with you on the hills....... maybe.
I'm going to try this new medium paced group. If I get dropped by the slower group then I need to workout harder.
I need to work out harder!
@ Pseudacris are you coming tonight? Team Dropped all the way. We can hang in the back and not worry about being dropped.
No, I'm out for the next month or so -- will try to start catching the Wednesday rides after the holiday. You are ready to bump up the speed and you should go for it!
Boo. See you in a month or so.
I don't know if one bottle will be enough in heat like this. I have to get a clip on water bottle cage. My fixie is only drilled for one.
While it has been nice to be able to ride on a mostly car free four lane bridge, there's still a good sidewalk on the bridge, so it's not like it will be inaccessible to bikes when it's done.
Am I supposed to be happy about a "decent sidewalk" where two cyclists have to squeeze by one another and the only current option is to follow the sidewalk where it narrows further on to the island.
I am more likely to say, at least there actually IS a sidewalk.
I keep planning to come to one of these rides but the heat has been too much for me. If we get a day that is < 90 I will come!
Plus, there is no ramp at the end of the bridge sidewalk, just an enormous curb (15"?) requiring either one mother of a bunny-hop, or dismounting and walking up/down.
Last night I went out to make a trial run at the route - man, I forgot just how hilly it is! Climb and climb more.
I am so gonna get dropped.
Mr Marv, the best way to get faster is to ride with faster people! Though if it's 92 F out I don't know if today is the best day to start that plan.
^ I agree but maybe not today.
It's raining.
Dear friends: next time I show up with a bike with gears, make me take it home and get one with less parts that are liable to break! I think the bolt snapped in the rear dérailleur. We are gonna clean the road grit off and see what exactly happened. I would like to say that I am just THAT strong, but I bet it was just old. Thanks to everyone who stopped to check on me. My ride is close.
Sorry that your bike broke Stef! That's what happens when you ride geared bikes, your legs break derailleurs.
I have spare bikes! I am gonna have to do this route sometime. I don't spend much time in the north hills.
@ stefb glad you made it back ok. Does this mean next week you are riding your All-City.
Riding with TDW's group was fun, the pace was perfect.
Thanks Marko for giving me riding tips.
Yeah gonna ride it almost always. Haven't sold the SE lager yet. May just flip it back over to single and ride it when I am lazy and don't feel like pedaling down hills.
That was a really nice ride today, except for the mechanical troubles. Also, did someone else drop out while we were riding?
I wish I could've done the whole thing - everybody in the fast group missed the turn at Squaw Run. Brett (?) and I also went down the wrong hill into Etna (we ended up west of 8 instead of east). Going up Stanton sort of made up for it though
nice. while i was on the way home, i saw a few people coming up one wild place, then i saw some more on hampton in morningside.
Well, I was late 7-8 minutes. But ride started 6 minutes later. I've park one block up and fast riders flew by me. I just had time to say hello to some of them. Then slow group flew by me. By the time I got bike out, put some air inside, get my shoes, gloves and helmet on I was something like 5 minutes behind. On the bridge one of fast riders (he was late too) caught me and we were together by Fox Chapel Road. But he was way stronger and faster than me and by the first hill he disappeared. I caught slow group at rest stop and rode with them. We also did take Squaw Run. TDW told that it was "by design".
To stefb's derailleur - Get well.
Interesting to hear that the fast group missed Squaw Run - it's the nicest part of the ride - visually speaking. I did see a few riders at the end of the evening who made it down Squaw Run and up Hunt.
Yeah, we passed Squaw Run on purpose, maybe next week we'll do it.
Dear everyone - please take the lane on the highland park bridge!!! I think Dan was. Nice video. I really love the contour. Mine didn't come with that piece you had.. I am betting you have a different model. I haven't worn it much lately as I haven't gotten a mount for the top of it. Wearing it on the side makes my helmet crooked.
Most epic video ever. Biggest summer blockbuster hit of all time.
@TDW thanks for posting the video, It's a really good video showing how much fun the ride is. Defiantly something you should post more often.
I'm bummed that I didn't get a shot of stefb waiting for her ride back home - a highlight I missed!
I was in a small group somewhere between the fast and slow group.... a few of us did do the Squaw run part, and it was absolutely the most scenic and fun part of the ride.
Three of us took the wrong ramp and ending up biking north on Rt 8!! Nothing makes you go faster than a 4 lane with cars blowing by you..
Are we doing this ride again next week?
@stefb - I'm not leading this week (7/10), so I'm not sure. Bill - this week's leader - was annoyed by all of the oil and chip surface we had to ride on last week. He's been talking about pulling out an old ride or using one of his new maps. He's created some good maps, including the "Lost Overlook." He mentioned a new route to Riverview Park.
If Bill changes the route, I may pull the Fox Chap map back into the schedule later in the season.
It's the Riverview via California ave ride this week. Should be fun. Hope to not get stuck at work late!
Hi @wilmus -- I tried posting to your other thread but the messga board seems to be broken there.
If you visit the Team Decaf ride web site
There are some parents who use the forums here, hopefully someone will post some ideas about how you can get more challenging riding in.
Does anyone know of riding clubs for high-school aged people who want to learn paceline & group riding, etc?
Hi willmus - the ride web site says 18+. I don't know if they grant exceptions, you could try writing the ride organizers directly
Can anyone here recommend group riding opportunities for someone under 18 who wants to do some paceline riding & group rides?
(just changed display name) I go by roger. And thanks. Any IMO on stuff like this would be very helpful
Willmus, I can ask Bruce in regards of OTB ride on Wednesday if you are interested.
PMTCC from time to time uses the Oval for lessons in pace line and etc.
Hey guys! I emailed the group this morning and they said its okay! So I should be there (weather permitting). I ride a blue and black road bike, wear a Michigan jersey, and a black and yellow giro helmet. See you guys there!
I will miss again today.... Presidential duties.
I am out till Monday when my bike is going to be ready. Nothing bad just regular stuff -- stretched chain (just in time to change without damage to cogs and/or chain ring), stretched cables, wash lube, tighten another service after 1,000 miles.
But I can be a "SAG wagon" for Tuesday and Wednesday. If you want. I have space for two bikes (probably 3) and 4-5 people.
W Roger, sorry I didn't say hi. I don't think I recognized you after we started. Forgot to look for you when I got there.
Just got in the door. Thank you to everyone for bein so kind and helpful! I've never ridden that far at once! It was so hard but finishing was even more rewarding. That was sooo much fun!
cant go to otb tomorrow though. sorry guys
Yeah, Roger, great that you joined us and had so much fun. Looking forward to seeing you ride with us again.
Did this ride go on the North Shore trail, heading west, around 6:45-ish? I saw about 25 roadies out then.
Pinky, it was it.
We actually had 42 riders sign in, we were split into 2 groups - one fast, one medium-paced. 26-mile route. Fun.
Nice - and shows my poor counting skills. Some day I'll make it to one of these.
I do want to mention something that I hope will be taken constructively. I had multiple sub-groups buzz me closely with no warning, and the trail was pretty pedestrian and kid crowded at the time. A little call out would go a long way in situations like that.
@pinky A little call out would go a long way in situations like that.
It's also legally required.
Also "averaging high speed" and "riding on trails" are not compatible with each other, especially if the trails are crowded.
Every time the route includes the north shore trail, I voice my dismay to the closest rider. I have failed to bring it up cause usually forget about it after the rides, but it really is not a good idea to take a fast group ride on that trail. I don't know if there is an alternative way that would work (16th st to the north side?) instead. That trail is packed when there aren't games. There are also a lot of geese that were really in the way, not to mention the blind turns around the kayak rental place.
@TDW Actually three groups. At Friendship just before Negley where I was waiting for you first group was separated by traffic light (something like 5-7 guys + 3 after). then slow group came. And it was separated later -- Ben, Andrew, Robin and a couple more guys were 5-6 minutes ahead of you at Allegheny Ave. And fast group (or groups) were gone by the time middle group arrived.
@stefb: 16th st into chestnut, left on concord, right on east st all the way to riverview?
As someone who was on the trail going the other way on one of your other rides I'd agree. Big rides don't do well on the trail.
The jail trail seems more reasonable, as it has pretty good sight lines, but the north shore trail and the south side trail are very congested.
I would prefer somethng like this instead of using the north shore trail.
Wish I was there. Was feeling under the weather today. Glad to hear it was fun.
Hmmmmm, I admit, I've thought about the the trails as problematic, but now, hearing about it from other sources has made it impossible to overlook. I'm thinking.
Not sure where you were coming from, but you could do River Ave along some of it.
Or even if you stay on the trail, but communicate and stick to a lower speed and cautious riding for that section? I'm thinking in particular of the stretch from Kayak Pgh to the water stairs.
@pinky Both TeamDecaf and PMTCC rides come of 16th/31st bridge to River Avenue and continue west, and entering North Shore Trail right at River Ave and Grantham Str and continue west.
@ pinky - yes, I agree, we can at least communicate to all that we should keep a low speed and call out as we approach.
I want to continue to ride the downtown trails, of course, mostly because the views of the rivers and city are so great. I don't want to ride feelin' guilty about messing up others fun though.
Dan, Could we limit our speed on trails and proposed an "escape route" to the faster group?
I like Mikhail's idea. I don't see any reason to consider the trail to be off-limits for group rides. TDW is right - they're too pretty and nice to be on. I would just suggest outlining some guidelines for the group's speed and passing distances.
Who is riding today?
In. (and yes mr m, i'll be on your wheel)
If you can keep up. Ha
I have a Tuesday night summer class -- See yinz in August!
Ugh I was going to but trauma call happened. I may still make it depending upon how the rest of the afternoon goes.
What is the route? It is gonna be close...
We're riding the same as last week - up California to Riverview - 26 hot miles.
After I lost stefb's wheel I joined another group who kept stopping for breaks so it took forever to get back. I never ran into TDW's group, did you guys finish ok
Yeah, we finished okay - we took a long stop to watch two guys jump off the Ft Duquesne bridge, check it out!
I'm bummed that my phone camera is slow on the trigger - I wanted to get the guy as he was in midair. He was coming down bent forward. Not good. Crazy night on the trail!
Kinda sad that I missed this.
I did that once when I was 17. It was still "The Bridge to Nowhere" then.
Great experience, but I have no desire to repeat it.
That's ridiculous. I thought people died from shit like that.
There were actually three guys. As I was riding toward the bridge, maybe 75-100 yards away, a big splash caught my eye. The first guy in the water was swimming back to shore as I arrived. Maybe 30-40 people were watching, the guy in water says "my balls!"
All three were okay - swimming back to shore - talking, yelling primal noises (hey, I would too if I just did that!).
Anybody have any idea how high that is - can you tell? Assuming the guys were about 5'6" or so.
@Mick - that's crazy, but if anyone asked me who I might know that jumped off the Bridge to Nowhere, well...
It looks like tonights (7/18) PMTCC/OTB ride has been cancled.
Booooo. -25 miles.
Team Tag-a-rama getters is gona take a hit
OTB informal at 6:30?
Works for me.
I can make it
See ya at 6:30.
Anyone going today?
It's not going to be as fun without TDW being there.
Not going to make it today
Actually I don't think I am either. Dog is sick.
You guys missed a beautiful evening. And an entertaining slow speed flip over the handlebars (not me & no one got hurt).
I'm sorry i missed that. Sound very entertaining.
Looks like I picked the wrong Tuesday to take a four hour nap. Glad no one was hurt, glad it wasn't me!!!!
I'm riding slow in the back today.
I'll be there, as long as the weather holds out. Right now it looks to be threatening thunderstorms
I will ride with you, marv. Bring your single speed.
Single speed gear is way to easy for this ride
(edit) I spin out on flats above 18mph
(edit again) I'm gonna bring it HA
Moving out takes longer than I remember.. Guess I won't make it today. Hopefully get to the PMTCC ride tomorrow instead
Most fun ever! I am proud to be apart of the gearless group.
you did do very well on your first official long group ride! once the rides get hillier, you will learn how to attack hills out of necessity. i had a great time.
nice going mm, love the bike too, "son."
@ TDW haha I better stop taking the lane, and be a good "son"
@ stefb thanks for coaching me during my first single speed experience, I couldn't have done it without you
Sorry, but I'm going to skip tonights PMTCC/OTB ride. All these crashes have me in a bad mood.
I am also in a fucking awful mood. I was gonna go but I have saddle sores now. Ugh. I knew it was gonna happen last night and tried to prevent it, but it was just painful to commute today.
Wish I had read this earlier, would have said todays ride is a must ride.
^I dissagree. Me screaming at every asshole driver does not help the victims nor us as a community. I will ride tomorrow like I do most days, but right now I am just too angry. When drivers start thinking like I am, then maybe we are making progress.
Too bad you guys didn't make it, it was a really nice ride today. The group was pretty small. We went Birmingham bridge to Kirkpatrick, through Downtown, by the Convention Center, to Larryville, up Penn, into Highland Park, around the reservoir, down One Wild Place, and then I split off with Bill to head up Stanton. One of the nicest (and toughest) rides I've had.
Are we doing last weeks route today? Is everyone riding today?
It is thewest end overlook this week I think
My right knee is going to explode tonight.
Sorry to post so late - yes, West End Overlook.
Saw Dan & co ride by when I was in my car. Too tired from swimming today to ride. Such a nice night for it too.
I got my second wind as I was climbing up panther hollow. And my knee didn't explode going up to the overlook, so that is fine. I think the 15-20lbs I carried on my back today home from work just aggravated it a bit.
I've posted this on another thread too...
Click here for a video of theTeam Decaf Tuesday Bike Ride to the West End Circle
I usually ride with the slow or medium paced groups, and honestly, my favorite reason to get a red light is because I can take a break from the pace. My computer usually has 12 - 13.5mph average across a 20-25mile ride.
Check out the size of our ride group - I think I counted 44 (me included).
My apologies for the whack music selection!
That is one of my favorite songs ever.
^ Haha - Dead or Alive!
Who is doing the 12 bridges ride on Saturday?
Dan and I going to be there.
Im in
Dad's birthday is this weekend. Gonna have to miss it
Ride is at 11:00 am today
W Roger it was good to finally meet you. It was a great ride.
Damn. Didn't get to meet him. I saw some people crossing the fort pitt ped bridge when I was driving through around 12:30. Wish I could have hung around.
@ stefb you are da party pooper
Haha it was nice to meet you too Mr. Marv aka my TWIN!!
Haha because I'm sooooo young. (not old)
Finally got around to posting some pictures from the West End Overlook ride -
That hill kicked my arse, but the view was worth it
I like the pictures! Never realized how much people look at their feet when they are clipping in! That appears to be happening in the last pictures.
Yo Jim, those shots are great! Thanks for posting.
I was able to do the 12 bridges ride & had a blast. although somehow i seemed to get seperated from most of the pack when i went onto washingtons landing & about 95% of the other riders kept going down the trail.
When i swung back around to the main trail i encountered a rider with a flat & spent 15 - 20 min helping them get back up and rolling again (with a donation of a tube from another friendly rider.) Kind of a bummer for the guy with flat since his bike was 3 days old, but once we rejoined the tail end of the ride we all made it back to the cafe, albeit a bit further behind schedule than intended.
@pbeaver: the western bit of the island is not really suited for biking: You end up either pushing your bike through the middle of a restaurant or wading through a shoal of 3-yr olds on a residential cul-de-sac (in my experience).
It would be more expedient to continue down the trail like the others. But then the right thing to do would have been to cross the main bridge to the island and do the northern bit of the trail, getting back onto the ride path. And it would still be 12 bridge crossings...
[caveat: I have not gone out this way since last year, so some details may be wrong.]
Hmm, I was following the map, never saw any restaurant or packs of wild 3 year olds roaming the trail.
But it worked out karmically, my poor sense of direction enabled a changed tire and let someone else continue to enjoy the ride instead of calling for a lift home at the 4th mile.
FWIW, the pack I was in did the island loop, but we hit the street as soon as possible rather than stay on the soft trail. We also added five more bridges to the end of the route by going up through Schenly park and crossing the bus way twice. Great ride!
@pbeaver -- it is cool that you took the time to do that. it can really make or break a new experience for someone.
@stefb Nope, But that time I was clipped in. I was adjusting front derailleur. I have a triple one and it has one "spare" click in middle of it to adjust it so chain does not rub frame of it if you are on side cogs. It just easier for me to look down and see the current position instead of going all way left and back (for the left cog) or all the way right and back for the right cog. People with double chain ring do not have this problem and that is why "true" racers have only double chain rings. It works sharper and crispier, saves seconds.
Haha I was just joking, mikhail. I suppose I also look down to see what gear I am in when I ride my Fuji, especially of I had just climbed and I am going to be descending, even though I would automatically shift to the highest gear.
Tomorrow's ride map - The Lost Overlook - 8-14-2012
It looks like the rain should end around 5pm
It's this the west end overlook ride? If not what is the climb in this ride
Taking into account that 31st Street Bridge is still closed and trying to avoid North Shore Trail due to "excessive amount of geese and walkers" ... could we do something like this ?
@mm two good climbs (federal/henderson and mt. pleasant/colby/chapin).
Thanks. Couldn't see map on my phone
@ Mikhail - I forgot about the 31st Street Bridge - jeez.
Yes, good ideas - the variations you suggest. I've already printed the old map so I'll let everyone know that we'll take another route. We'll see how many of us actually follow the suggestions!
I think the buccos are in town again. I am in favor of saying we are going to avoid the trails and actually doing it this time
Pirates are at PNC thru Thurs, then essentially alternate weeks in town and away the rest of the season:
Forgot to mention. Isabella is a cobble stone street so we can ride as real spandex guys.
I was gonna bring my redline tonight cause of the fenders, but I realized that the disc brakes need to be adjusted. I don't know how. Booooo. Clip on fender and usual bike for me I guess. A 30lb bike isn't fun to ride anyway, unless it is to the grocery store.
I can't make it tonight - I was up waaaaaay too late last night (I'm just hoping I can ride home from work without falling asleep
Have fun and be safe everyone - I'll be back next week on my MTB as usual.
you need to get on a road bike. you are one fast dude on a mtb
I hope everyone made it home safely. It started to storm when we got around allegheny center and we took cover at a nearby school until it passed. We got split up into a bunch of tiny groups.
Lowlight of the ride was when I had to smack the side of some asshole's POS red pickup when he squeezed within 5 inches of the cyclists in front of me on Edmond st(?) after going around the friendship parklet. I then got in front of the guy when he tapped on his brakes cause it was too narrow for a vehicle to try to share the lane with a cyclist. When he revved his engine, it was meant to be intimidating, but it wasn't. I regret not having my camera charged for this ride.
TDW did you make it back ok?
@ marko no I did NOT need to walk my bike up any hills. Ha
I did not make it. Or I almost made it. First, I had to investigate a problem with our software (my piece) on a client's machine. I finished it around 5:43 pm. Changed clothe and got to my bike around 5:55 pm. So jumped into the car and saw all guys just started and thought I could chase you down. And then my wife called and we had to wire transfer some money for her mom. So, I turned around and was ahead of the pack at west penn circle.
We made it back, but in a car. We worked for 20 -30 minutes to free Jaine's chain, but it was jammed. We called Robin Woods (she lives close by) and she picked us up and drove us back to Tazza. Way dark by that time.
Sorry i didn't stay with you i feel bad. I'm glad you made it back ok
Robin is awsome! She waved hi as we went past her house.
Sorry to hear about the mechanical failure. That was really awesome of robin! I was kinda hoping she was going to jump on a bike and follow us after we passed her at her house though.
This week's map:
(and yes, there's a weird error on the return trip - just continue down Federal rather than chosing the Henderson/McCory street turns.
Federal, right onto N. Commons, left onto W.Commons, right onto Ridge Ave, left onto Merchant St. correct?
^^ that gets you from Federal inbound around Allegheny Center, bypassing the parks, and drops you behind the Clark building heading towards Pnc park/Heinz.
Yes, Mikhail, that works for me. I might also turn Right on Jacksonia (just to ride by randyland). Then left to go down to Arch Street. It doesn't matter much which way we go.
Mossfield is a terrible road to cycle on.
With a large group I think will be might be fine. We have ridden on some roads I only ride on with this group.
Mossfield is a terrible road to cycle on.
Indeed it is. But Schenley / N. Mathilda provides a pleasant bypass (and the climbing is not bad).
I'm not going to make it tonight
Have fun, it's beautiful out there...
Who's riding today?
I'll be there hanging in the back.
I am going to be there and I am going to bring my son in law for the first time so I'll be there hanging in the back too.
It is storming in bethel. Hope it stops and hope that I make it there in time.
According to the interactive radar map it's coming to downtown. And the second big chunk is pretty close. We are out.
Yeah, radar is looking bad, but I'll show up - maybe things will improve in the next hour - ha!
It doesn't look great out there but it is not raining here at BkSq yet - although it looks like it might be raining over in Morningside?
It is, and it's raining in Stanton Heights
I should open my own weather reporting station here. And I should go home before I have to get wet in the process. Although that never seems to work out - it's the cell hiding on the other side of the hill I can't see that always gets me.
/queue's Jaws theme music
Technology and 2nd report (north side of Mon): it stopped for a moment but south-west looks gloomy.
I felt like I was riding straight into one of those big orange blobs all the way home, but nothing. I must have squirted right between those bastards. Like a weather ninja.
It's clearing out to the west right now.
We are also ninjas. It looked bad once we got to the north side but never hit rain. The sunset is beautiful.
The ride was great. No rain, I enjoyed the new route.
My cateye was reading 0mph for most of this ride. How many miles was that?
My garmin has it just over 24 miles
Jeez, I'm mad at myself!
Like salty, my predictions are never right. I'm so annoyed that I didn't go for it, yoi.
after i got home, i realized that i didn't see you or anyone else on the way down perrysville, dan. we missed you. are we doing the same ride next week? it was a good one this week. tried to cat 6 it up federal and perrysville, but wasn't too far behind the front of the pack.
Yes, same route next week. Bill Campbell created the map. I like the variation from our normal route - especially up perrysville, across 7th St bridge to the river trail past the convention center, and the circle around riverview park.
Bring some ketchup next week. Lots of bugs on that trail.
Yeah. Don't people put ketchup on dead animals when they eat them?
Gnats and ketchup yum yum yum.
I think Gnats would be better with garlic salt and butter.
I am riding today, who's with me
ya'll leave too early for me to join in the fun.
I'm there.
I'm tired and currently really feel like continuing to sit on my couch eating cereal forever... but I'll be there
^ this, but replace cereal with m&ms
Both of you get over here
Aw man, I just woke up from a killer nap! Probably too late to even intercept you guys though, so have fun. The weather is soo nice….
He-he, I was going to but 7 minutes before I usually leave two my my bosses (boss and boss of the boss) walked into my cube and announced that this is my lucky day and I have to do something for them... So 20 minutes after ride started and finally I can go. Boooooo
Stupid Trek bike. Now I'm stranded
Are you ok marv? I hope you got home safely. I didn't see you at all. I barely made the ride cause I had a saggy chain issue before walking out of the door. Dan told me later what happened. Sorry. I cat 6-ed it the whole way. I actually ate a ton of said m&ms. I felt like the great cornholio because of it and went nuts. I hauled ass all the way up federal and perrysville, then up Riverview. Stayed right behind the lead group. Got to the top of Riverview and a carbonfibery spandexy skinny dude was like "thanks for the pull". Seriously! You sucked the wheel of a chubby girl on a fixie that just did a century plus 2 days earlier. Not cool dude. So I was gonna tell you that it isn't about the bike..
Stef, what was the century? And quit hate'n on the skinny dudes in kit.
Mr M what happened?
My "rear axel" broke. Or something like that. Second broken hub in a month. I was up to 36mph and the bike started the death wobble. I almost ate pavement.
wtf? how does that even happen? what actually broke?
I don't know 100% what broke, but something in the hub to make the rear spin out
That is terrifying. And was terrifying to watch. After observing that I will not be buying any Trek/Bontrager hubs... ever
Bontrager makes awful wheels. I thought I was going to die.
Trek makes some really nice stuff under the bontrager brand. But they also make some really cheap crap. Just like every other major brand out there.
I got cheap crap wheels. I do love Bontrager tubes they are as close to flat proof as you can get.
Even cheap wheels shouldn't be that shitty. Otherwise it seems like a lot more people would be dying of hub failure. Not acceptable.
I've always been under the impression that (for the most part) tubes are tubes and that they probably all come from the same factories anyway. Is there something special about the Bontrager ones?
Damn, I have some wheels that are like 40 years old and I weigh SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS and I haven't broken an axle. That sucks. something not right.
I won't touch bontrager wheels after what I've read... I know that the rims on my 520 are an accident ready to happen based on online noise.
Glad you are ok mr marv!
Wow I 'm glad you're ok. Was this the new bike with belt drive? I'd be pissed.
bontrager quality may depend on year of maufacture, i have a front wheel thats 10 years old and still does a great job, the rear had to be replaced though because banged the hell outta the spoke holes.
oh why does it have to be so much fun to ride down stairs?
It was the new bike.
wow - that is a big bummer. glad you were not hurt!
Considering that this is the second hub that has failed in ~two months, they owe you something realllll nice as a replacement. And an apology. Stuff breaks, but not brand-new stuff, twice, in such a dangerous way.
Cheap stuff breaks often even it's a brand name stuff. It was not designed for big job. Remember Colin said that there is a border line for dérailleurs -- you go to bottom professional and suddenly it lasts, it works, it's reliable. Hubs, BBs, wheels are the same.
This is why I am paranoid about my bike all of the time. Was it making any mystery noises before that?
Marko- reddan made the route.
Soooo I guess I need a new set of wheels. Hmmmm carbon maybe
It's not about the bike....
I know just an excuse to buy stuff, I could just get work on a stronger engine but thats not as much fun.
So, we don't actually know what happened but already we are boycotting stuff? Stuff breaks. You guys are ridiculous.
@steve k
So, we don't actually know what happened but already we are boycotting stuff? Stuff breaks. You guys are ridiculous.
No one mentioned boycotting.
Other than you, of course.
I'm just saying watching my friend's wheel start wobbling like crazy, with no warning, at 30+ mph, on Penn Ave, was scary as hell. That, plus the fact that this is failed rear hub #2 for this (new) bike in two months, doesn't give me much confidence in Trek's entry-level hubs/wheels. Now I may also be slightly more inclined to avoid low-end Trek components. Not that I was shopping for anything like that to begin with.
Wary of ? Boycotting
"I will not be buying any Trek/Bontrager hubs... ever "
"I won't touch bontrager wheels after what I've read"
Yeah, Mick, nobody
This somehow is my fault I know it.
@pearmask We don't know what exactly failed yet.
I may be a little bit prone to speaking in hyperbole.
For the record, I'm not boycotting Trek or planning to picket at their headquarters or anything.
And I recognize that the plural of anecdote is not evidence. Maybe Mr Marv just has really bad luck, haha
That must be it. Or The Hub Mafia has a hit out on me
Or you should go to another bike shop and get a second opinion on your hub issues.
@mikahial Yeah, Mick, nobody
Yes, that is right.
A boycott is calling for others not to to buy something. We haven't seen that.
I knew someone else that broke their Bontrager rear axle into two pieces. But then again, their stuff is everywhere due to the ubiquity of Trek. Percentage-wise, who knows if it's any worse than brand X, Y, or Z.
I'm not boycotting anything, just going with wheels with a better reputation for my needs.
In fairness, my Bontrager Fairlane's haven't cracked yet but I will only use them for training, not touring given their reputation.
What are things that cause a hub to break anyway? Anything specific or just poor quality materials?
If it's a new part, there may be a recall notice, or needs to be. Stuff like this shouldn't happen on new equipment, so they should be told about it.
Marv puts out too many watts.
"Got to the top of Riverview and a carbonfibery spandexy skinny dude was like "thanks for the pull". Seriously! You sucked the wheel of a chubby girl on a fixie that just did a century plus 2 days earlier. Not cool dude. So I was gonna tell you that it isn't about the bike.. "
Seriously, Stef? Sucking your wheel all the way up the hill and then NOT saying thanks would be not cool. Sucking your wheel all the way up the hill and then flying past you the last 100 meters would be not cool. I don't see anything wrong with trying to stay on your wheel and saying thanks at the end. If I could have pulled more, I would have. If you have a problem with my bike etiquette in the future, I have no problem with you bringing it up to me in person.
And I'm going have to disagree with your assessment of me being skinny and you being chubby.
Seems to me the pull going up Federal St would mainly be motivational, not aerodynamic.
But then, I've literally never drafted anyone on a bike, so I don't know.
You have gears dude! Good etiquette would be to then pull the person without gears!
Guys, what was your speed? If it's 16 and under there is no pull. Literally. At speed 19 mph about 80% of your energy is spent to fight air resistance. This is were pull start to be significant.
Stef, just because I have gears doesn't mean I could go any faster. As I said in my previous post, I was tired and I couldn't do the pulling.
In my experience in groups rides, it happens all the time that stronger riders pull weaker riders (regardless of what kind of bike they're on). And at the end the weaker riders say "nice pull" or "thanks for the pull."
I guess you have difference experience and expectations, and I've got no problem with that. The next time I'm struggling up a hill on a decaf ride, I'll find somebody else's wheel.
CAT 6! I don't know mikhail. I was probably going slower than I thought. I thought it made a difference at 15mph. No big deal.. It is a club ride, but I guess I was just annoyed.
Stefb, you should by CAT 5 license and participate one time in TT on the Oval. Then you can look at CAT 6 like at ... you know.
15 mph is the beginning. If there is no head wind then you almost do not feel the difference.
I have a CAT 5 license and I'm still slow.
Getting pulled when you fade is fine but IMO proper etiquette requires that you do some time in front once you have recovered. That or wear a pig nose for the ride.
If I were you I'd take colin's advice and find someone who can tell you what exactly went wrong. If you've never taken a hub apart before, it's a pretty godawful simple piece of machinery and AFAIK this isn't a common problem at all. Did the axle actually snap? Is it quick release or does it have nuts on the ends? What exactly happened the first time, and what did the shop do to fix it?
Definition of BOYCOTT
: to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions
? ?[boi-kot] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to combine in abstaining from, or preventing dealings with, as a means of intimidation or coercion: to boycott a store.
to abstain from buying or using: to boycott foreign products.
I don't see your meaning.
it's the "concerted" in the Webster definition and the "to combine in" in the second one
but either way, like I said, not actually absolutely refusing to ever buy Trek products nor telling anyone else to do so, despite my original (hyperbolic) statement
but I do like cburch's idea of getting a second opinion
First of all, proper etiquette requires to announce if you got on someone wheel. Yeap, simple "on your wheel". Then rider in front of you will know that (s)he is responsible to pass info back such us: whole, poll, car, etc.
And then you usually work together. Shifts could be greatly unequal but still working together.
But front driver also benefits from pulling -- biggest part of turbulence is away back (behind the last rider) and does not suck you back.
+1 pearmask.
@ Mikhail WTF?
@ which message?
Did you read the defintitions you posted? Boycotting isn't what's happening here.
this is a silly argument
I never realized that vegetarians boycott meat.
I really don't see how any of the given definitions have anything to do with this thread. Go out and ride, this is a stupid argument.
@mick Just trying to get deeper into english since I see articles like and
And yes, I've read definitions. And orchestrated is not always connected with involving a group of people.
It will never end
Would everyone please quit the bickering and just go out and ride?
Once I boycotted broccolli for a year.
It was kind of rough when I went out for Chinese food though.
Boycott the boycotting of boycotts!
@mettjackets, Touché.
Buffalo the buffaloing of buffaloes, too.
Buffaloes eat broccoli.
@Stu I did yesterday OTB ride. First time after I got sick last week.
@Mick you rang?
Something came up and I don't think I can make the ride today.
I'll be there unless it gets rained out. I hope it doesn't. I have been inside all day "lesson planning" (or reading the entire Internet and procrastinating, same thing), and I may spontaneously combust if I don't get some exercise
I am out today, tomorrow and day after tomorrow due to deadline on Thursday at 23:59:59.
I may actually be able to get to one of these this week, unless it gets all thunderstormy.
As i was the last person @ work to be asked if i wanted to cover the overnight shift for monday, i "won" the shift by default.
I peeled off for home at the top of 18th street - it started raining as I turned on to my street. Good timing!
so, people did ride tonight? darn it, i wimped out watching the dark creep toward highland park.... glad you got in before it started pouring, marko!
We got nailed a soon as we turned off of dawson in Oakland. Should have ducked under the tent in schenley plaza. Got soaked. Puddles everywhere on the road. Thunder and lightening. Got home safely. Dripping wet now. Do I really need to shower?
i was in the trailing group, luckily we were able to make it down Jane st & onto Hot Metal before the skies opened up.
I live a block from Dawson & Boulevard, so instead of a 6 mile round trip to the cafe & back, i just peeled off the ride. Still had fun though.
And Yes stef, you should shower, spending the evening with soaked in road funk is never a good idea.
i'm rarely opposed to getting soaked (though tonight clearly i was closed to the idea), and i do always shower after riding in the rain. as has been stated, "soaked in road funk is never a good idea." glad you guys still had some fun. hope to see you all next week!
It was kinda fun except for when I couldn't see because I had nasty water in my eyes and contacts. Shower has been done.
I highly recommend an occasional evening soaked in P-Funk.
P-funk: classic music
road funk: classically annoying
I was with pbeaver and about 7 others. Like he said, it poured on us starting on the Hot Metal Bridge.
Soaked, but the rain was warm.
When I left Tazza, I saw a cyclist had been hit by a car in Highland Park. I wasn't sure when I went by. At first I thought it was a pedestrian, but heard it on FOX53. Hope he/she is okay. Driver arrested.
yeah, it was a fun ride, but i still think we shoulda taken the bus up 18th.
I hope this is Happening tonight. The rain stopped then started then stopped then started
I don't think i can make it yet again. I have a lot going on and no time to do any of it.
Getting out my redline... It has fenders and disc brake.
What rain? ha!
I'm thinking it's gone for the day.
What is the name of the route? I didn't see an attachment in the email. Maybe I am blind
i'd love to go, but i dont think that 20 miles in the rain would be productive to beating this summer cold.
So only 5 of us showed. NO rain. Beautiful weather. Nice ride. Except for the douchey Access driver. I will be calling them tomorrow as a cyclist that was harassed and as a medical profession who is concerned for the safety of her patients who may possibly be transported by an unsafe driver.
I haven't gotten out to ride except commuting in about a month. cry
Next week is the last official decaf ride of the year..
Really?!??? This year flew by fast. I'll be there with my kamikaze bike.
hmm, i'll have to see if i can leave work early if its the last one.
can raise my total to 2 rides
Maaaaan... anybody wanna have some not-so-official Tuesday rides this fall? Or non-Tuesday rides, for that matter? We're just now getting to light jacket weather, which is obviously the best riding weather (and everything else weather).
I think Dan is doing a lot of unofficial rides.
BTW Where did you go? I though you are going to repeat last week ride. I was 25 minutes late doing route in reverse hoping to catch you. Didn't happen. So I went to Reservoir and did a loop there and went up and down Stanton, then Butler, Penn Ave, Jail Trail.
I remember doing the "cold and dark we ride anyway" Tuesday nights led by reddan. Had some great routes!
Panther hollow by way of te usual route, jail trail, grant, smallman, butler, one wild place, looped around the park, then was done. Nice easy route. Very pretty sunset.
There a route planned for next week? I might have to make it out if it's the 'last ride.' I haven't touched a road bike since MS150 haha. I think i need to before Winter.
It will probably be the one I mentioned. Same as this week's route. They tend to do shorter rides as we lose daylight. Though we did do some bonus miles. A few of us had lights.
I just wish these didnt start @ 6, but thats because i get home @ 6:30 and cant get to the start until almost 7.
But since the sun will be going down @ 4:30 and lights are then needed, why not delay the starting time?
Next week's ride (yes, the last official ride of the season - 9/25/12) will probably be the same 15-mile route stefb described. People who want a little longer ride do a few loops around highland park.
More unofficial rides? By this time of year, I'm tired of making maps, sending emails, etc., so maybe some low-key invites on the board, no sign in, no real obligation to follow maps, eh?
Last ride of the year. I'll be there with my suicide bike. Who's coming?
that was fun. thanks to dan for leading so many rides and so many of you for coming along. always a good time.
i showed,
i rode,
i got wet.
i ate 24 miles of road funk, i think i need fenders.
and to drop about 20 pounds off my bike, already dropped 20 off my stomach & butt.
we should have switched bikes. you're about 5'4", right? haha
5'12"-ish, close enough.
that would have worked out well. who needs spd compatable shoes for spd pedals anyway?
never underestimate the power of the samba's.
Thanks to all who rode with us this year! It's been fun, wet - always great company.
@stefb - thanks for pushing me to ride in the rain - you're an inspiration on wheels.
Thanks! Nothing like HTFU in some slightly rainy weather. I was warm enough after sprinting on the jail trail. I only got cold on the way home after chatting with you guys at the end. Moar rides!
Really looking forward to next years ride. This ride is so much fun I miss it already.
Awesome ride tonight - rain and all! I'm going to miss the hell out of this weekly ride. What am I going to do without my Tuesday night fix now?
Thanks to all the ride leaders and those who figured out the routes and printed the maps. You guys rock.