Just contact Seth at seth@bike-pgh.org about BikeFest. In the future, it would help to title your threads in a way that reflects the content. I may never have found out that you had a question about getting your friend's restaurant involved with BikeFest had I not been interested in reading more about this speeding Olds.
I never seen a 88 oldsmobile hang a right at 70mph before living in East Lib
Sigh... Anyways since I survived, My friends restaurant has employed me to make it more bike friendly and in addition seek out information about running a food cart at bike related events.
Bike fest has gained there intrigue due to the projected size, but who should I contact to make these arrangements for this and other significant gatherings?
From our conversations they have good intentions towards the organization and don't wish only to line their pockets with cash.
Being that I am a mechanic by trade I have little knowledge of how to get this rolling.
Ciao, P.Leon
2012-06-01 20:50:00
2012-06-02 13:58:46
2012-06-02 17:49:03