A while ago I said this:

Sure enough, I was riding home last night, on Braddock Ave...in the new bike lane!!!!
...And this happened.

It is just an artist's rendering, but I assure you the actual spectacle was something to behold.
Seriously though, thanks to Bike PGH and everyone else involved for making these bike lanes happen.
2013-07-30 14:06:51
Umm, want to give us a direct link to the photo and somebody else can add the HTML?
2013-07-30 14:13:57
I finally got it. Man do I suck at computers.
2013-07-30 14:14:39
ha. if only that was an animated gif. someone with skillz?
2013-07-30 14:26:25
If it becomes an animated gif, my life will be complete (for this week. anyhow).
Please please please...
2013-07-30 14:32:48
What section of Braddock Ave is this on? I ride on Braddock Ave in Braddock as part of my commute and noticed no bike lane, then realized you were probably talking about N or S Braddock
2013-07-30 14:53:31
As with a lot of major-road names in the county, there are several Braddock Avenues. This one's the City's Braddock Avenue, south of Forbes.
2013-07-30 15:12:21
the whole thing or just penn to forbes?
2013-07-30 15:56:21
South Braddock, Penn to Forbes.
I'll work on that animated .gif
2013-07-30 16:11:12
Gifs aside, can we please get a photo of the lane in question?
2013-07-30 16:51:04
from @bikepgh's twitter account,
earlier today:
2013-07-30 22:33:48
On Braddock Ave looking south toward the intersection at Forbes Ave. A marks the end of the new bike lane. B marks the line between the right turn car lane and the straight/left car lane, do it's somewhat ambiguous what a cyclist is supposed to do here (as usual, where bike lanes end).

There's no bike lane on northbound Braddock, between Forbes & Penn, but there are sharrows.
2013-07-31 21:04:13
@RoadKillen: why is that picture of rainbow scat not your current avatar?
2013-07-31 22:19:06
this thread just made my week.
2013-08-01 16:43:53
re the Braddock striping:
Maybe it should be like what they have at the Bloomfield Bridge X Liberty intersection: green carpet and dashed lines?
Irrespective of that, it's amazing to (finally) have a lane on that stretch.
What would be also nice, although it's maybe not a Pittsburgh thing (I think) would be to have lanes where Braddock goes underneath the Parkway.
2013-08-01 19:40:54

Idle hands.
2013-08-01 20:25:34
jonawebb wrote:
Idle hands.
That is chock full of awesome.
2013-08-01 20:27:49
jonawebb wrote:
Idle hands.
2013-08-02 14:19:31
My week is complete!!! Thank yinz!
And I second JaySherman5000. Time for an avatar change.
2013-08-02 15:33:41
Ahlir wrote:What would be also nice, although it’s maybe not a Pittsburgh thing (I think) would be to have lanes where Braddock goes underneath the Parkway.
I'm not certain, but Braddock may be a state road here. If not, Braddock from a point between Henrietta and Overton to a point a bit north of Edgewood Ave is the dividing line between Swissvale and Edgewood boroughs. Except for the section of Frick Park along Nine Mile Run, which is City of Pittsburgh.
If the Google Maps town lines are correct, and
if I'm reading them correctly, the roadway of Braddock Ave is wholly in Swissvale north of the northernmost Parkway ramp (from SB Braddock to WB 376), and wholly in Edgewood from that ramp south.
tl;dr: Jurisdictional control of Braddock Ave is a royal mess.
2013-08-02 16:01:32
It's even weirder than I thought...

The city lines more or less runs down the middle of the street
Here's an

Maybe a local historian can tell us what is up with that bit of Swissvale that muscling in between those other jurisdictions. It looks like Pittsburgh and Swissvale were fighting over Regent Square, and then some Solomon showed up.
Anyway, except for that bit that's Edgewood's (why?), it would appear that the two municipalities are divided straight down the middle of Braddock St. I would hope that there's a single authority or committee in charge of of the street; I guess they would be the people to ask about getting lanes put in. On the other hand, I should look more closely the next time I'm through there; do the two sides of the road look they were paved at different times, by different contractors? And if so, who was responsible for painting the centre line?
We used to live in Regent square. Our property straddled the Pittsburgh-Swissvale boundary. Fun fact: for tax (and voting) purposes the entire property belongs to the municipality that contains the larger portion of the land.
2013-08-02 19:44:17
Braddock Avenue is a jurisdictional mess. The first job in getting anything done with it is to get the communities to all acknowledge that a) there is a problem and b) agree to work together towards a solution. Over the past year or so a group of residents from those communities has sort of coalesced to see if they can make that happen. They seem to be making progress on both counts. I don't know who all is involved, but Mike Boyd and Darija Wiswell have been keeping me in the loop a little bit, and I know they are actively involved. I suspect they'd welcome support and assistance from other folks in the cycling community (pedestrians too).
2013-08-02 20:00:00