2014-11-12 10:59:34
Does it count as imitation? Seems almost more like a local station's show getting picked up by the national network...
This campaign originated in Pittsburgh, PA, where local advocacy group Bike Pittsburgh created a public service campaign, Drive With Care, in response to a series of bike rider fatalities. Thanks to Bike Pittsburgh for working with us to take their PSA national!
(kinda too bad they couldn't keep the Pittsburgh images, but i do like most of the new ones...even if they did replace the NFL player with a race car driver.)
2014-11-12 19:56:16
very nice
2014-11-12 21:42:24
RE: cyclist with the giant knife.
Subliminal message?
"Tread Lightly".
2014-11-12 22:11:08
I love the idea of these ads but these seem poorly executed.
The idea is to humanize cyclists and make people look at them as real people, possibly even someone they can identify with. This will hopefully cause people to drive with more care around cyclists.
Choosing professions like polar explorer or race car driver could have the opposite effect. Most people don't work that type of job and don't have any friends or family that do either. That perpetuates the us vs them perception rather than making cyclists part of the us.
2014-11-15 08:30:00
2014-11-15 08:42:31
Believes Joseph Smith was a prophet
Drive with care.
2014-11-15 09:04:46
A bit fluffy, but I'm OK with it.
I'd like to see them run a series of ads in Field & Stream, Muscle Cars, Journal of Oppressive Jagoff Research, and the like, delineating that cyclists may legitimately ride on the road in all 50 states.
2014-11-15 14:22:10
"BikePGH must be flattered with the Church of Latter Day Saints then, because I think that’s where this ad campaign came from"
That's a stretch...I remember those ads on the radio, where they build up to the big "surprise" at the end. "And I'm a Mormon." I see just a little similarity in theme, and almost none in execution compared to the BikePGH campaign, or the national campaign.
2014-11-17 20:12:30