2016-07-19 12:40:12
You should report the problems with the trail to 311 (use the link on the message board or search for Pittsburgh 311 for a web form).
2016-07-19 12:50:27
The cuts were made by DPW at spots where roots, presumably, have caused those bulges. One can only assume that smoothing the trail comes next. The cuts are up and down the trail around Rivertech, Page's, etc.
2016-07-19 14:03:08
There were more cuts being made across the SS trail today, late morning. I would also assume it's to deal with trail defects.
2016-07-19 17:36:33
They've had 1 call like marks around here roots for months. Glad they are smoothing them out.
2016-07-19 22:37:10