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Interested in Leading a Bikepool?

Spring is here! It's the time of the year when people start to get back on their bikes. As commonly said, there is safety in numbers, so what better way to ride to work than in a bikepool?

We are looking for people who are interested in leading bikepools for the first Car Free Fridays event of the year: Bike to Work Day on May 20th. Bikepools are a great way to allow people to feel safe and comfortable on the road. It would be great if you could lead a bikepool on May 20th, and it would also be awesome if you wanted to put together a bikepool that meets regularly.

Please e-mail me at if you're interested in riding into work with some other people from your neighborhood on Bike to Work Day.

As of now we have confirmed breakfast stations in Market Square, REI at South Side Works, Chatham, CMU, Pitt, and on the North Shore Trail, so if you're headed towards any of those places, your leadership would be greatly appreciated!

2011-04-20 18:04:11

i can do. I'll try and be civilized for it.

2011-04-20 18:37:38

email sent

2011-04-20 20:18:56

I can do one, although Stu and I usually end up on the same route (and I don't think we've ever actually had other riders join him/us).

2011-04-21 17:25:51

Being as far north as I am, I am fairly flexible in meeting a person or group. I chose West View because of its relatively central location, ease of hide-and-ride parking, and fairly level path into town (via Bellevue). If need be, I can meet people along McKnight, farther down into the North Side along Perrysville somewhere, or along Babcock into Millvale. Or just start at/near my house near CCAC North if coming from even farther up.

Short answer, if you're north, talk to me.

2011-04-21 19:55:17