Congratulations on kicking the former & keeping up with the latter habit!
2011-05-07 19:39:57
Hi. Moved to PGH 4 years ago to go to grad school. Last year I quit my pack-a-day smoking habit on my 30th birthday and was delighted to discover my lungs and a newfound love of aerobic exercise. I picked up a 1982 Centurion 10 speed off craigslist for $30 and learned to fix it up courtesy of the amazing Dr. Kraynick. Fell in love with cycling and have been riding most days since (including all through the brutal winter with my awesome '88 Specialized Hard Rock I found for $40). Joined BikePGH after being pleasantly surprised by all the nice trails, people, and general bike advocacy around the city. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on kicking the former & keeping up with the latter habit!