Interesting that even a DA is so unfamiliar with the laws (and IMO probably blinded by car-owner prejudice) that he would write a letter so contrary to the law.
Interesting that even a DA is so unfamiliar with the laws (and IMO probably blinded by car-owner prejudice) that he would write a letter so contrary to the law.
Hahahaha... I just posted about thinking about doing this myself a week or two ago on one of the other threads on here.
I only rig up my camera for special occasions like critical mass so I can record it if a cop gets out of line and beats someone's ass for no reason.
It would be interesting to see what I could record.
And lawmakers have no idea what the laws are anymore these days. It is all politics and bullshit.
How many bills get passed into law without our lawmakers even reading them first (ie... The "Patriot" Act, and Patriot Act II, the banker bailout bills, the military commissions act, etc).
People don't realize that they have enacted so many god damn laws anymore that no matter who you are, you are breaking a law right now that you probably don't even know about.
That is what happens when a police state is created and the corrupt leaders need excuses for when they decide they are going to lock up the enemies of tyranny.
Just look at how "The law" treats cyclists in America "The land of the Free" vs. China, a brutal communist dictatorship.
I would not trade the freedoms we have left to move to China anytime soon, but you aren't going to need to worry about being fucked with on a bicycle over there!
damn, dan goldberg, you're getting around!
The clip with the snowplow looks scary.