^ Yes. (Eric's post)
What I really want to see happen is transparency. I've been after their Customer Svc dept since the mid-1990s to make their complaint handling system more responsive. To no avail. It's always a bit bucket; no getting back to you, even if they do follow through on the complaint, which they more often do not.
I've worked in corporate environments since the early 1980s, and all of them have had as transparent and accountable reporting systems as the technology of the day allowed. I think PAT's approval rating would increase greatly if they would/could just put the information out there, let people see what happens, be able to trace whether what they reported actually made it to someone who could actually do something about it, to see what that something was, and that the problem was resolved, or just what took place if it didn't get resolved.
Specifically, I want to see this:
* 2011-11-23 11:40 Complaint 12345; rcvd via web. Person on bicycle reports being cut off by bus 5346, route 88 outbound, eve of 11/22. Link to video provided. [link]
* 2011-11-23 11:41 Complaint 12345; automatic email sent to complainant.
* 2011-11-23 11:42 Reviewed by CustSvc rep xyz, routed to Operations Manager at East Liberty.
* 2011-11-23 14:45 ELib OM review. Operator 9999 identified as operator of ob 88 5346 on 11/22. Issue deemed valid.
* 2011-11-23 14:47 Call posted for operator 9999 to speak with OM at first opportunity.
* 2011-11-24 09:03 Operator 9999 called on carpet. Video reviewed. Rules reviewed. Note made on record.
* 2011-11-24 09:45 Email sent to complainant. Matter closed.
Now maybe they can't make all that publicly available (legalities, etc., which is understandable), but if they did something, they should follow up and say so. In writing. They're not doing that. And need to.