Here's the deal on Junction Hollow. I've been observing it from the Blvd of the Allies bridge.
It looks passible. There is still a lot of snow on it.
A couple hundred yards or so has been plowed sometime ago, just north of the parking lot. That is now wide, clear, dry path.
It looks like someone has cleared a shovel-width path under the bridge for another hundred yds or so.
Here's hoping Scott is right about the plow.
In any case, I expect there to be packed ice on parts of the trail and various places where a plow would leave snow right where a rider would want to pass.
The weather today and tomorrow is 35-40 in the day and about 20 (that's cold!) at night.
What I envision:
-Starting at 2 pm Sunday. (Give stuff a chance to melt.) Meet at the north end of Junction Hollow trail.
-Cruising first Junction Hollow, then maybe some of the jail trail (like the entrance at Bates St.)or Hot Metal.
-There might be some icy stuff along the trail, but I think we would be clearing the entrances, exits, and any really bad parts of the trail.
-I envision mainly riding with shovels - and that any problems would take just a couple of minutes to clear up.
-I don't think it would be worthwhile to travel a distance to do this patrol by foot. I could be wrong, if they don't plow, though.
In any case, after sunday, the temps are in teh 40's in teh day and above freezing most nights - this will all be clear in a bit even if we do nothing. Although if we don't do it AND the city doesn't plow there might be some icy spots for the next two weeks.
I'll bring cookies.