I was visiting a collector (well, packrat) friend today, and I noticed that he has a collection of what look like bicycle license tags from the 1950's, all from Johnstown PA.
They are metal plates, maybe 4"x5" in size, and say something like "Bicycle (insert plate number and year)" and "Johnstown."
Has anyone ever seen these things before? I can find them for sale when I Google them, but I'm interested in the story...Was there a requirement for bicycle license plates in the 50's and 60's? Anyone know the back story?
2013-12-24 19:15:02
No clue, but I have a friend at the Cambria County Historical Society, so I'll inquire.
2013-12-24 20:22:08
I was surprised to see these things...if they really did have bicycle license plates back then, I am sure we would have seen someone in the PG say something like, "...and back in MY day, bicycles had to have license plates...."
It's curious to me, because that's exactly what they look like. They even have a mounting hole.
2013-12-25 08:59:04
I have a vague memory that some place in Wisconsin used totem in the 60's as well. They were mini models of a real plate, and must have cost a fortune to produce.
You can see the Johnstown plates on eBay. There are several listed, all from the mid to late 50's.
2013-12-25 11:14:23
It seems that Erie had them too.
Edit: did Erie really have over fourteen thousand bicycles registered?
2013-12-25 14:06:34
Hi Craig from Bicycle Heaven,,,i have some and buy them,,,412 716 4956 come and chek out the new find at the Museum,,the bicycle tree Two vintage bike that tree ate up through the long years,,the tree grew around the bikes,,the bike are in through the trunk of the tree ,very kool rare find,,,1930s Daton and a 1960 Schwinn,,,i just bought it from someone in Ohio...
2013-12-25 21:57:16