I was driving south on West Liberty Avenue at about 8:00 on Friday evening when I came across a cyclist, also heading south. He deserves a shout out for the effort he took to be visible. Coming up from behind him I first noticed a 12" x 1" (best guess) reflective strip on each ankle/lower calf. Perhaps a strip around the zippers on his riding tights? Then I noticed at least 3 red blinkies -- the big multi-lamp ones. I think he had one on his bike, one on his backpack, and one on his helmet. In front he had a big nicad looking lamp. Frankly, a flashing light on the front would be a good add. But, he was CLEARLY looking to be seen, and has found a good way to accomplish that. I saw him from a block away, even though I would have thought West Liberty Avenue was somewhat bicycle unfriendly and was NOT expecting to see anyone riding there at that time of day.