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L.A. Hit and Run Victim Finds Driver

From LA Weekly

The officer said, "Yeah, it's gonna take a couple weeks to run down the plate. You could try to find the car if you want."

2012-12-27 20:54:49

I thought we had it bad. Pittsburgh seems much better than that part of the US. Seems no one cared at all. We at least have an arrest... well sort of when someone gets smashed into. What ever happened to that Jeep driver in Lawrenceville? Are they getting off with a little fine and a slap on the wrist like they do in LA?

2012-12-27 21:32:24

My brother lived in LA in the late 80s and was hit 4 times. Once he woke up in the hospital, not knowing what happened. The woman who left-hooked him was there in tears with flowers. The other 3 times were hit n runs.

2012-12-28 01:22:19

Update on Lville crash: The perp has had a preliminary hearing and the arraignment. I haven't heard yet if all the original charges are being pursued. I'll try to find out soon.

2012-12-28 16:07:17

I took off and went to LA the year of the sno

mageddon. I was there for 5 weeks I think and

rode like 1500 miles or so.

It was interesting. 4 way stop signs, cars

expect you to run it and they yield. There

is a HUGE population of young kids that are

into riding bikes. There was an even where

there was 500 or so teenagers riding to and

from. Imagine seeing gangs of 14 year old

girls riding around on fixed gears. Crazy.

However, I would say that cars there drive

worse than Pittsburgh. Faster, and give less

room. It was kind of scary.

2012-12-28 19:50:27

For the Lawrenceville case:

If you go to this site:

Dockets then click public dockets link then choose a court type (criminal?) then change the search type to "participant name" you can look up the docket on a case. Won't give you case details but you can see the flow of hearings, trials, etc...

I don't have the name so I didn't look it up, so I can't vouch if there is a docket viewable or not.

2013-01-02 15:25:57

Fascinating, it's Beau Fishinger. Latest is 11/19/2012.

Says he was in custody at the County Jail 11/8. Arraignment is supposed to be tomorrow, 519 Courthouse, 9 am.

Nothing recent on Jeffrey McClure, the guy that killed James Price, BTW. And I can't find the name of the woman who killed Anthony Green, apparently he was killed by one of those SUVs without a driver.

Edit: found the SUV driver, it's Danielle Thompson. Nothing there either.

2013-01-02 15:46:26

There was a bail adjustment posted on 12/27. Looks like it was lowered from $25k to $10k. It doesn't show any status so I wonder if that means he is still in jail?

2013-01-02 15:58:47