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League Certified Instructors

Ok, I've been thinking about this off and on for a while, and the discussion on the Chatham thread has put it back in my mind.

How much interest do people have in becoming LCIs? It does cost $200 for the initial certification plus $25/yr to renew. I'd imagine if we could get enough people committed we could get a seminar in Pittsburgh (the closest one on the calendar currently is in Bethlehem). Also we'd all have to take Traffic Skills 101 first, so I think we'd have to persuade Lyle to teach that. I could help finding a venue (I assume we need a parking lot or something - I can probably get a classroom if needed).

I remember talking to Lyle about this before but I don't really remember his answers.

2012-05-08 04:06:43

err, make that "League Cycling Instructors". hopefully the ability to to properly expand the acronym is not a prerequisite.

2012-05-08 04:16:18

i think it's worth doing. i considered organizing something like this a couple years back, but some things fell thru.

also, bruce woods is the city's newest lci

2012-05-08 13:53:37

I would be interested in this program if it was offered here.

2012-05-08 13:58:05

I have some thoughts here, too. Salty, give me a call (412) WTF - LYLE and we'll get together for a beer.

2012-05-09 22:43:36

It sounds interesting. If it was offered in the city I might consider it.

2012-05-09 23:19:32

I would be interested in this.

2012-05-10 01:28:17

What does this offer someone that they can't really do already, other than a piece of paper and being $200 lighter, $25 lighter annually?

2012-05-10 11:20:45

There are certain grants available to orgs with LCIs and some other organizations prefer to deal with LCIs as well.

2012-05-11 02:57:54

Ahh, ok, makes more sense.

2012-05-11 11:21:14

I would be interested in this.

2012-05-11 12:55:39

I am interested. However, I am "If I'm available at that time" interested. Not "I absolutely have to do this, and will move heaven and earth to make it happen" interested.

I'm learning that I need to do a better job prioritizing this stuff. Working at a start-up, working the house, training for my next century, adoption process, writing code for hobbies, etc, etc, etc... just not enough time for everything I'm interested in.

2012-05-11 17:57:16

+1 for adoption. Just be careful--you might end up with a kid like me.

2012-05-12 05:18:07

If I get a tall bike out of it, that seems like a good deal. :)

2012-05-18 16:32:17

@myddrin - it mighht be a bit easier to make your own tall bike.

Even starting with iron ore ;)

2012-05-18 17:28:30

Heh, probably cheaper too....I can't remember exactly the cost estimates for raising a youngling these days... but it's upwards of "Holy Crap!"

So if I remember my advanced calculus:

"Holy Crap!" + "Adoption Costs" = "A Metric Crap Ton"

Or, in the old british units: "Enough to make a rich snob fall of his horse in shock." (At least, I think I got the conversion factors on that right....)

2012-05-18 18:48:33

@ Lyle - Way to go with an awesome phone number!

2012-05-21 14:41:19