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Liberty & Main surface

A little bit of work going on up there... does anyone know if upgrades will bring the rumored bike/bus box outbound at the bridge? Other lane marking improvements?

2011-05-09 14:27:31

Curious about this as well.

2011-05-09 15:41:01

this is scary to ride on, that's for sure. But if it improved things in the future, I'm not opposed.

2011-05-09 19:01:06

I had to drive to work today for logistical reasons and ended up on the north side. I take liberty outbound until I make a left onto main. I saw new pavement from approaching liberty and main to as far as I could see up the rest of liberty. That road needed to be paved. It had awful gaps and I am sure it contributed to some of the flats on the keg ride this weekend. I saw no white markings on the road anywhere yet, not even traffic lanes. On a side note, It was perfect weather for riding today, it seemed. I also think that my parking pass stopped working because I have not driven to that office in maybe a month.

2011-05-10 00:28:49

stef - pretty sure that's also where i bent my back rim on the keg ride last year.

2011-05-10 02:18:46

To be honest, David, we have no idea. BikePGH paid for new work orders back in the fall for this stretch of street that the City has not returned comments on after inquiring about on multiple occasions. We included a dotted colored bike lane (as opposed to a bike box) crossing the slip ramp to the Bloomfield Bridge. I just wrote my contacts tonight asking for a meeting ASAP to discuss. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

2011-05-10 02:53:17

Cool... Thx for the update.

2011-05-10 14:54:17

The asphalt between the Bloomfield bridge & gas station is done! Sooooo Smooth! No lines yet.

2011-05-10 17:41:10

What's the over/under on how long before one of our utility companies digs a hole through it?

2011-05-10 17:51:39