I saw that on the news this morning. Hilarious!
Lithuania deals with cars parked in bike lanes.
Paging Luke Ravenstahl....
Dude, he swept up the glass post tank. So awesome.
haha, Lithuanians like take a different approach to things.
In Soviet Russia, Lanes Park on YOU....
Lithuania used to be in the Bloc, no?
Not like I like cars (I don't), or illegal parkers (I don't), but I can't help but think it's a waste of a perfectly good car. Should just repo it then sell it at an auction, starting price is cost of towing+ticket+fees. Car gets new home, owner loses car, city gets money, residents get passable bike lanes.
Well, this could have been staged somewhat. I'm sure the city bought the guy a new car, and I'm sure he (or no one else) will do that again. Regardless, this video is so full of win, I can't stand it.
"Staged somewhat"? The car was brought in especially to make the video. The "car owner"'s unconvincing performance was scripted.
I suspect it wasn't even a functional car. When Hollywood needs to show a car being destroyed, I understand they normally buy a totaled car from a junk yard and fix up the exterior so it looks good enough for the shoot. It's rarely necessary to destroy a working car.
Memorable video, nonetheless.
Go figure... I enjoyed my fantasy better. Some things are worth over-thinking (or over-Googling) to me.