Sweet. That's me outside of Ohiopyle last week. Me and my girlfriend grew up around there so we took a biking vacation there. Boy it has gotten commercialized since the mid nineties. I guess it was bound to happen. At least all my old friends have good jobs working up there now. Anyhow, the bike is named Frank (short for Frankenstein). He's ugly and made from the parts of many dead bikes, but is an awesome piece of machinery.
Long time rider, first time poster.
Wanted to say hello to everyone. Also wanted to see if my post and avatar made it out of the ether.
howdy and welcome.
btw... you are aware that newbies buy frequenters a round at OTB, right?
All the H2O you can drink my friend.
Still haven't been there even though its three blocks from my house. Maybe I'll show up and in my finest hunter s thompson mode buy drinks for whomever can site this post.
so, uh, you like palindromes cbobc?
Do geese see god?
I don't know if I should post this here but, I have some pretty nature pics from my trip. If you want to scope 'em go here >>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41409912@N05/
party booby trap
just learned that one last nite
Pretty sweet photos.
Rise to vote sir.
Sit on a potato pan otis.
Tulsa, night life, babe. Filth, gin, a slut.