Heh. Did that bean bag get too gross? That happens.
Looking for a Couch for Bike Pittsburgh
We're looking for a couch for the upstairs section of our office. Does anyone have ideas for where we could find an affordable, comfy, non-gross couch? Or do you have one you'd like to give us or know anyone rich who wants to buy one for us?
I would donate mine if I had one to replace it, but it may fall under the "Too gross" category.
I have a couch (more of a love seat) that I love, but my husband does not. It has been with me since I was 5. I have had it cleaned thoroughly many times, and it's amazingly good shape (it's 25 years old). It is beige. It is so comfy it will make you fall asleep instantly. It comes with an oversized ottoman that, when pushed up next to it, turns it virtually into a double bed. The ottoman against a wall with some cushions is basically a second couch, it's that huge. If it qualifies as "not too gross", this is the only logical place I could concieve of letting it go to without inducing sobs.
It is still loved, so if it is "too gross", I would actually be relieved and just refocus my efforts at convincing hubby not to banish it. but I love hubby more than couch, so there's the offer.
It's lived with both cats and dogs, so while it's clean, if you've got a severely allergic person around, this is still not a good idea.