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Looking for a fork

Well I crashed my bike and bent the fork on it, so now I am in the market for a replacement fork for my cannondale f600. The fork is a DD50. Its a late 90s headshok model. I'm just looking to place it with something similar, nothing fancy needed. I was told i could put a reducer on it then put a regular size fork on it but I was having a hard time finding a fork that wouldn't change the geometry. If anyone has this fork, or something similar like a DD80, that they dont need feel free to contact me and let me know how much you are looking to get for it. thank you all

2010-01-26 20:53:02

still looking

2010-01-28 19:00:27

Dunno if you've tried Free Ride, but I've seen Headshok bikes going through there. Might have been some stripped for parts.

2010-01-28 19:45:51

I haven't but that sounds promising. I'll have to look up the winter hours and check it out.

2010-01-28 20:37:35