Hi Everyone. new to the forum but got wind of it through a local shop. Sorry if i'm not posting in the right place. So, I have a trip planned but looks like my buddy is backing out. I'm an Avid biker from Southern NJ. age 43 years old. Arriving in Pittsburg Late night on June 5th. Looking to ride about 75 miles a day first 4 days, then 30/35 last day in to DC. Full 330 miles. I do 60-75 gravel rides frequently in my parts so i have the fitness. but easy going pace (maybe average 11-12mph overall pace - thinking with stops and scenary views, riding 8-9 hours a day). Have all the bags/gear (in fact, I did a tester ride on C&O for 2 days a while back). Staying in motels along way (I like a good night sleep vs camping) and always up for a few beers after a long day on the saddle. We planned an itin:
Day 1 - Pitt to Ohiopyle 75 miles - have a double bed room in local motel
Day 2 - Ohiopyle to Cumberland, MD - have a motel room reserved in town near the breweries
Day 3 TBD - either 60ish to Hancock or maybe 85 to Williamsport - depending how feeling. Open minded and didn't reserve anything yet
Day 4 - Ride to Harper's Ferry or Point fo Rocks or somewhere in between.
Day 5 - Finish up to DC. get home
I'm open to modifications and if weather looks like rain WHOLE time, i'd probably bag. Love to hope on a group with similar goals/skill level - dont have time to make it a 6 or 7 day trip with work, but can be flexible.
Hoping someone here is interested or can hook me up with others!
Thanks a bunch - Mike G
Text or call 856-287-2700
email: mike at GLAbrands.com
2019-05-28 16:26:54
amazing ride. I did it in 2014.
Make sure you know about the C&O detour around mile 50. The park service says there's no safe on rode detour and you need to take a shuttle.
2019-05-28 19:24:27
Thanks Eric! Very helpful as I didn't know about that!
2019-05-28 22:01:46
I spulled rode da Rong way. I can spell correctly in real life. :)
Check in at the c and o visitors center in Cumberland. People there are nice and knowledgeable. Plus they have a cool canal demo for the inner 4 year old in me.
2019-05-29 07:44:51
Will do Eric! sure you can't be enticed to do the ride again?
2019-05-29 09:58:42
Full week of work. Plus I'm fatter than I was in 2014 when I did it last.
I did it solo. It was nice. Plus I have TMobile so my phone didn't work on 50 percent plus of the trail. So it was super solo.
2019-05-29 12:39:58
You might want to check out Golden Triangle Bike Rental to see if one of their customers is also looking for a companion. They are friendly folks, so don't feel weird that you are not booking through them.
2019-05-29 16:27:11
Eric - LOL and gotcha.
Mark - thanks. Already contacted them this am. They painted me to the Facebook group!
2019-05-29 17:47:17