An outage plus losing a week of messages shouldn't kill the board since it's already undead.
2019-09-01 13:30:13
I am actually bummed that we lost the last week's content. With the fatality on Freeport Road, I think the group's comments/thoughts were important. Things like this are simply horrible. There is something valuable about the dialog that the community has to offer that helps us get through.
2019-09-01 18:37:21
One has to wonder how you lose data like that. I work in I.T. and have for most of my adult life. Something must be really broken for that to happen. Even in small I.T. shops, this doesn’t happen.
2019-09-02 19:12:14
Maybe the web service does weekly backups and the web server crashed and had to be rebuilt?
2019-09-02 20:30:05