america, the west virginia of the world...
Making cities bike-friendly = UN conspiracy
According to a Republican candidate for governor of Colorado, Denver's bike-friendly transporation plan is all a part of some dark plot to turn American cities into vassals of the United Nations. Here's the link to the article for your entertainment and disbelief:
"The B-Cycle program places a network of about 400 red bikes for rent at stations around the city."
Red bikes = Socialism = bad.
Maybe if the bikes looked like this it would be better.
We already have a de facto world government of multi-national corporations. Obviously, they would be resentful of other global power structures, so the right wing opposes the UN.
Those whose politics are influenced by the corporations would also oppose bicycle transportation, yes?
No surprise in any of this.
uh, did you see the poll in the article? 22% of readers take his comment "very seriously". Please tell me people are just clicking on that for laughs.
"america, the west virginia of the world..."
Must we always revert to the disparaging (analogous or otherwise) of Almost Heaven?
This is hardly the most outlandish thing to come out of the tea party.
I saw that and was going to post it, I'm glad someone also caught it. This is the kind of staggering genius we are up against.
And the 22% that took his comment seriously? The number of average amercuns who think the UN is plotting a new world order is unbelievable. We are a country of willful and self inflicted ignorance.
And yeah, leave WV alone, among other things, there are people down there who are fighting to stop mountaintop removal mining, which by the way people in this area should be helping with.
This is hardly the most outlandish thing to come out of the tea party.
The tea pary strategy seems to be expelling honest conservatives in favor of delusional (or lying) right wing extremists in the primaries. I hope it comes around and bites them in the butt.
It may be that the majority of Republicans in some districts fall for this stuff, but I'm hoping the majority of people are still patriotic Americans and will vote for more sane candidates.
I'm hoping the majority of people are still patriotic Americans and will vote for more sane candidates.
Jello for prez?
Just saying.
I'd vote for him.
america, the west virginia of the world..."
Must we always revert to the disparaging (analogous or otherwise) of Almost Heaven?
actually i love wv, and have contributed a bit of money to anti-mountain top removal groups. i was trying to be "funny" and tried about 4 or 5 other location analogies, but none had that classic "hey wv pot, my name is kettle and i'm from sw pa so i'm gonna call you black!" ring to it, and all were just as mean and offensive to the area named.
also i did vote for jello way back when he ran. since then its been nader. the least insane and incompetent person on the ballet, no matter who he was sharing it with.
How about "America, smartist country in the third world".
re; Mick, "I'm hoping the majority of people are still patriotic Americans and will vote for more sane candidates."
You don't get out to the suburbs much, do you? Way too optimistic.
cburch wrote "actually i love wv... i was trying to be "funny" "
Yeah, I shoulda figured you were just messin'. The riding down there (among other things) is pure magic.
I wonder if Western PA might get a taste of what it's like be a people and a place that's overwhelmed by a natural resource extraction industry should the Marcellus frenzy kick into high gear here in the next few years. I'd like to think we'd be taking cues from someplace like Norway, but we'll probably just get more like the rest of Appalachia than we already are...Paris or not.
cburch, don't play it off. i hear " you're from beaver county. that's almost west virginia" about once a month.
thats because you get all mad when i say that
MSNBC's Keith Obermann takes on the subject.
OMG.. I didnt know soylent green was people.. its so tasty.
yeah, try working for the industrial military complex for 4 years. I was surrounded by these people, who were otherwise very smart, interesting, kind, competant, and in general good coworkers and friends (many still are). I'm still trying to recover. Admitting that there's even a problem is the first step, right?
Hello. My name is Eleanor. And I like government mandated environmental handcuffs on big business. I also like bicycles, recycling, the color pink, and the parliamentary system of government.
Let the healing begin.
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