The Steel Valley Trail Council and Regional Trail Corporation will hold an event to demonstrate various cycles that will allow individuals with disabilities to enjoy local bicycle trails. This will be in cooperation with the Waterfront Bike Rental service next to Mitchell’s Fish Market in the Waterfront on May 20, 2017 from 11 AM to 3 PM.
The EXPO will take place at Waterfront Bike Rental, which is located at 201 W Waterfront Dr, Homestead, Pennsylvania 15120 (across from Waterfront Town Center via the pedestrian bridge).
The Steel Valley Trail Council is a volunteer organization of the Regional Trail Corporation that supervises and maintains a section of the Great Allegheny Passage trail from the Glenwood bridge to the McKeesport RIDC.
Special participants in this EXPO will be the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers, Achilles Pittsburgh and Three Rivers Adaptive Sports, who will conduct a clinic to fit hand operated cycles to individuals unable to operate a foot-pedaled cycle. Additional volunteers will show various personal adaptive cycles, such as recumbent, tandem, electric assisted pedal cycles, tricycles and even a recumbent tandem quadricycle.
This event is open to the public at no charge to encourage persons to consider such devices so that they can begin, or continue, to enjoy our local trails.
For questions, please contact