Mike Tomilin rides a bike...
... but does not wear a helmet. C'mon Mike. You have seen how great head injuries work out.
Spotted today riding on the S Side on Water St.
you must not live in pittsburgh
Oh. Football. Disregard...
During the Fall I would see coach Wannstedt biking along the SS trail quite often. Always helmetless and always wearing a heavy sweat suit, even when it was hot out. 'Course he was moving along at about 6 MPH...
Maybe they could be invited to participat in Bikefest? I'm thinking of a tie-in to the ELB thread.
Hah. I knew it was Tomlin riding on that trail last Friday around lunch. Steelers sweatsuit, Aviator sunglasses, big old smile on his face as we passed each other.
But, yes, no helmet...do they make Stiller bike helmets??? I want one.
Always helmetless and always wearing a heavy sweat suit, even when it was hot out.
LOLZ I saw Wannstedt doing that about a week ago on the jail trail - sweatsuit and all!
You can flippin' bet that if the Stillers or Panthers had logo bike helmets, every kid in town would want one. Including larger kids, I'm sure. Much larger kids.
Yeah, he was wearing a heavy black sweatsuit, now that I think about it.
I was like WOOT IT'S MIKE TOMLIN!!! but I was by myself in the car, so I felt sort of dumb. But then I looked in my rear view and the person in her car alone behind me was having the same reaction so somehow that made it all okay. lol
x2 on the need for Steelers helmets. They have Steelers swim caps and they are quite popular w my masters team.
Steelers bike jerseys. You'd never get harassed again. Unless you were in Cleveland. Or Philadelphia. Or Baltimore.
Somewhere on this board someone posted that if you stick a terrible towel in your back pocket you get tons of respect from drivers on the road.
please. in cleveland they'd sell the steelers bike jerseys right next to the browns ones. they do that you know. sad...
Ha, ha! true.
Erok, you gotta get him one of your custom Bern Helmets with the reflective steel symbol. Need to make this happen!
What do you think the chances are he rides to/from work at the South Side training facility and the East End where he lives? We need to get him a BikePGH membership.
Mike Tomlin lives in the East End? Can he talk some sense into the little punks who've been giving us trouble? Can we get him to join us for a ride around HP/ELB?
Positive peer pressure might do more good than carrying weapons.
He lives in a mansion off of Shady in Sq'ill. Not exactly North Pt Breeze.
However, if Tomlin was seen riding it'd be great PR. Perhaps he could do a PSA to encourage kids to stop beating the shit out of innocent cyclists for fun?
< shameless product plug >
Man, he could really use a sweet fender.
< /shameless product plug >
In other news, do these guys just get so tired of wearing helmets all day for games and practice that they just can't be bothered when on bicycles…or motorcycles…
I agree that he could be a great influence, even if he doesn't ride every day, but just shows that 'cool people' ride bikes too.