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Mini BikePGH Member Drive
So...... Right now we're at 1,199 members. No joke. I need one more member to make it to 1,200!!!
Is this you?
If you love reading the messageboard, riding the new bike lanes, locking up to the bike racks,the Pittsburgh Bike Map, events, and generally having fun on your bike, we need you to become a member! Without membership, this great stuff won't happen as we won't have the resources or support for it.
Just by signing up to the messageboard doesn't make you a member!
A standard membership is $30 - that's about 58 cents a week.
I'll even throw in a FREE premium bike map to the next membership i receive online - a $10 value!
Also, if your membership expired, that means that you are no longer a member!! Even if you renew and bring us to 1,200, i'll throw in a FREE premium bike map.
OH, PS, mention the BikePGH Messageboard in the "Additional Comments" when you join online so i know you found out about it from here
yer good to go mister
My membership in in arrears. I'll fix that now.
Thanks! But, technically you were still in the grace period, so we're still at 1,199!!
I have resorted to putting on Abba, at a significant volume, in the BikePGH office. This will not end until we reach our 1,200 member. please save us...
I didn't want your stupid map anyway.
Is anyone magnanimous enough to kick up a membership for Bumper Bike Guy? (Aaron?). Pool?
I already joined last week, otherwise I'd help out...
You can dance,
You can dance,
Having the time of your life,
See that girl,
Watch that scene,
Digging the Dancing Queen...
it's like pouring salt in a fresh wound
Ow, now my eyes hurt.
They wrote a musical in the 80's, called Chess... Really quite good, about a huge US vs USSR chess match during the cold war and all the intrigue and politics and craziness involved. The music was really good, one song made #3 on the US and Canada charts... "One Night in Bangkok" The show was a huge hit in the UK but fizzled in the US (the music was still a hit).
There was a musical? Oh my…
erok, maybe you should throw the door open so the construction crew can join in. Maybe a bit of a reenactment of the musical here in doughboy square?
I will poke at a few people I can think of to make sure they are all members…
Alright it's done.
1200 awesome people exist
Hahaha ... come on! ABBA can be a lot of fun!
ps: 'Dancing Queen' was the #1 song on the Billboard charts when I was born!
NICE! I will hand deliver this one so i can get my hands on some seitan wings as well.
Doesn't mean that we gotta stop though! We <3 members! and thanks for letting me turn off the ABBA