yeah, details?!?
More info about the hit and run bikepgh posted on facebook?
Looking for details....
Thanks Lou!!!
Wow, that sucks, hope the cyclist is OK. I ride through that intersection (shady and wilkins for those who aren't on fb) every day but it wasn't me.
That's the thing, there are no details. We're trying to find details. Just happened this morning. I got a call from my mom who heard it on the TV. Sloaps sent a tweet about it.
I confused what happened?
no details about the victim at all? time? injuries? hospitalization?
total bummer
It was just reported on KDKA radio this morning that there was a hit and run involving a bicyclist. I heard from @sloaps that the bicyclist suffered injuries to his face. I talked to Moriah Bee from the P-G and she said zone 4 police have no information. Hopefully 911 does.
Time was prior to 7:30am (when my mom called me to tell me she also heard it on TV news) so probably somewhere btw 6:30 and 7am
i really hope the cyclist is ok and that the driver is apprehended.
@Scott -Thanks.
Gotta say, all this "hit and runs" at cyclists is starting to get ridiculous.......
Did they ever find out who hit the (2) Children's Hospital doctors??? I mean, WTF!!!! Is looking to me like running cyclists in Pittsburgh is becoming a habit now... UGH!!!!!
But while I do not promote retaliation, anybody interested in doing a peaceful ride? I mean, COME ON!!!
((just feeling frustrated -what else can one do?))
Were all well aware of the hatred most 'drivers' have vs. 'bikers.' But how you can HIT someone with a CAR.......and drive off? Is just such an insane thought..
That's a busy road at that time of day. Someone had to have seen it.
ryan, exactly! That's why we put the call out. Someone must have seen something and needs to come forward.
I received an e-mail from an anthropology professor of mine saying that he was knocked off of his bicycle this morning and hit his head. I don't know if it was the same accident (I hope there were not multiple!!), so I am going to ask him about it.
He said he went to the hospital and they did some scans and his head is OK. He said he will be back to teaching on Tuesday, so I imagine the damage done was not so bad.
I will be sure to update you with any details I receive from my professor whether or not this was the cause of the hit&run incident.
What's all this then?
I can't understand how KDKA radio/TV can report something like that and there are no other sources to corroborate the story.
I'm blaming that Lokay kid!
knocked off his bike by a motorist? what does "knocked off" mean? Most people say "a car hit me" or "someone ran me off the road." Knocked off sounds so passive.
I've flipped off some motorists.