Signing up with a Pittsburgh-local ZIP code should get you in--go to (and maybe hit 'Local' in the upper left), and you should see the Pittsburgh info. The FAQ link on that page is for the national campaign; scroll down for info from BPGH (on the right) and some conversation (on the left), both of which may help clear things up.
There's some info here at http://localhost/mb/topic/ideas-for-getting-riders-signed-up-for-the-national-bike-challenge/ and a few other places around the board, as well.
To see how you're doing, go to and hit 'National' in the upper left (holy crap, I'm 476 in the country? whaa!?); hit 'communities' to see how Pittsburgh (#136, 160.42 p.) compares with elsewhere. Hit the 'show' dropdown to restrict to large ('Class I') communities--we're still #3, behind Madison and Lincoln NE, but way ahead of #4 Milwaukee, with #7 Cleveland barely in sight. Go back up top and hit 'Local' to switch to seeing how you're doing in Pittsburgh.
2013-05-13 11:22:35