All the vibes/prays/good Karma I have is heading her way.
Need positive vibes, please......
I just learned that my sister (who lives out of state) was injured while bicycle commuting to work this morning. Apparently, the incident involved a relatively low speed crash with another cyclist. My sister went down, and while her helmet saved her head and face, she will face surgery on Thursday for a broken elbow. If the winds over Lake Mendota could carry some positive vibes her way, I'd appreciate it.....
That's a shame. Best wishes though.
They'll get her fixed up. She'll be back in the saddle in no time. All the best!
Healing vibes going out to your sis
All the best! I hope the surgery goes well and the rehab time is short.
sorry to hear it and sending good thoughts
Bummer. Our thoughts are with her.
A cycle-cycle tangle? Same direction, or cross paths?
Blind corner (around a building); cyclists coming at each other from opposite directions. Both following the bicycle traffis signs to a T. As they approach, they veer away from one another, but rear wheels bump, throwing my sister off balance/over her bars. I did not ask about the other rider (sorry, she was the one with the details, and I wanted to show compassion for HER pain....) In writing this I realize that I am describing, almost exactly, something that could happen at any moment at the turn from EF Trail to Junction Hollow. I'll definiely slow down, stay right, and ring my bell the next time I make that turn.
That sounds like a sidewalk, not a well-designed bicycle facility.