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Need your help: Try-A-Bike Something or Other

Reddan and I are starting to plan out the Try-A-Bike event idea that emerged on stefb's females on single speeds/fixed gears thread. We need your feedback and help!

1) What should the event be called?

Bike Tasting

Try-A-Bike Rodeo

Pedalcycle Jamboree

Pittsburgh PedalFête

Something Funnier and More Clever?

2) We're making plans for late morning (~10am-1pm) Saturday, July 2 ....location TBA. We'll announce the location as soon as it's firmed up. People can potluck picnic during the event. Feedback?

3) We need volunteers! Can you help organize or host? Are you willing to lend a bike or help clean up?

4) We're also working on plans for safety, security, & liability. If you have particular experience in these areas, it would be great to have some extra help.

5) What do you want to ride or lend? Wait! Don't answer that yet. Reddan is working on a fancy spreadsheet you can add to soon.


2011-04-21 20:18:04

I dig this, a lot.

is it possible to lend a bike but not to be ridden? I have a few kinds i can lend that can be ridden but one in particular I wouldn't really want to let anyone RIDE, but they sure can LOOK and TOUCH and DROOL ON :)

2011-04-22 03:12:33


2011-04-22 11:39:49

@Bikelove: Sure! It's entirely up to the owner when, how, and by whom a bike is ridden; if you just want to show off your toy, feel free.

@ALMKLM: I like "Smorgasbike" a great deal.

2011-04-22 11:46:00

For what it is worth us overgrown children that obsessively play bike polo will be hosting our third annual July 4th polo weekend at the Bloomfield court at that same time. There is a large, flat, covered place under the bridge that could be used for this bike sharing event, and we typically have a bunch of food and other ridiculousness going on at the polo court.

Just throwing it out there, not trying to run your event for you or force you to tag along. I wouldn't expect much overlap between the polo and crazy bike groups otherwise.

Glad this is finally happening!

2011-04-22 13:08:11

I like Smorgasbike a lot, but you don't want to get so clever that a random person doesn't easily identify the actual activity. I'm tending toward simply "Tryabike rodeo".

I have to offer for riding:

Raleigh 20" folding 3-speed

Regular old upright Sears 3-speed

Fuji mixte 10 speed

50 cm Cannondale road (for shorter legged folks who have never tried a fast road bike)

I also have a 1969 Schwinn Hollywood womens frame w/coaster brake that would be ideal for adults who never learned to ride to learn on. If people know someone in that situation, I would be happy to volunteer for that gig.

That's primarily what I have that I think people might want to try.

I also have a 12'x12' collapsible tent shelter thingy that I can bring.

I wouldn't mind having the Love Bikes guy and maybe Clankworks having stands, maybe someone could give some mechanical self-help instruction. But feel free to cut me off if I get overly ambitious.

I would like those enchilada people who were at the Lawrenceville pool to be there, only because I want to eat those freakin' enchiladas at every possible opportunity.

I am intrigued and excited at what Bikelove may have.

2011-04-22 13:36:29

Brad! I like that idea...I've always wanted to try bike polo but I'm certain my commuter is not ideal for this sport.

I think the two events could co-exist and compliment beautifully. Different bikes encourage different types of'll be a good catalyst for people to diversify their riding.

2011-04-22 13:40:22

also, from a marketing perspective, I agree with edmonds, but why not use both?

Smorgasbike! Try-a-bike Rodeo

Though I don't like rodeo...I don't know why.

>>Try-a-bike Extravaganza?

2011-04-22 13:44:34

BradQ: what time is the Bike Polo event scheduled for on that day?

ALMKLM: Smorgasbike is hilarious!

edmonds59: Wow, that is an amazing lineup! I was going to bring an old Schwinn Mixte 10 speed with friction shifting and upright handlebars. Although we can probably do some seat adjustment on site, it will be great to have frames of various sizes. Some overlap will be good.

Bikelove2010: I think it would be great to show off your bike but not lend it, so long as you make it gleam. After all, the Grand Prix is the next weekend :-D

2011-04-22 14:33:54

Polo is all day, Saturday and Sunday. We tend to get there at like 10am to lay claim to the court and start playing. Play until dark, then move down to Arsenal Park until the lights go out at 10pm. Not the best weekend for beginners, we get a bunch of out of towners from all over the place that weekend and the play can be pretty aggressive, but super fun to watch and heckle.

2011-04-22 16:53:13

ahh, ok well I haven't even watched a round of bike polo, so that might be pretty fun.

2011-04-22 17:23:45

I'm not sure I know what a try-a-bike actually is.

2011-04-22 17:56:34

Drat! I have a HS reunion out of state that day.

2011-04-22 17:56:52

im excited for this. ive got a fixie, a folder, and a road bike with nice big baskets that people might like to try if they're looking for good storage solution. I know i tried a lot of things before i found the basket/rack i have now. I'd also love to show off my electric cargo bike, it lets me get around to places i never thought I could. Its a great option to see, both for the electric part and the cargo bike part. but for the simple reason that it's electric, and i crashed the first few times i rode it, it'd probly be a terrible idea to let people test drive it. did i mention im excited for this... --EDIT- my posts wont show any emotion for a few days as my keyboard is broken and the shift key doesnt work, meaning no question marks or exclamation points, and not enter keys so no separation. haha

2011-04-22 18:00:39

@Shawn, the idea is to get a bunch of people to volunteer to lend bikes so that others can take them for a spin to see what different types of bike feel like to ride.

I've never ridden a tandem or fixie, and I'd love to try an internally geared hub. I have an older bike with friction shifting & know some people have never tried that. Etc.

Sort of a show n tell hands-on event. Is there anything you've never ridden but are curious to try?

2011-04-22 18:19:56

Schedule permitting, I'll bring a unicycle or two. Myself, I'd like to try a unicycle with a tall wheel, at least 26".

Most of my rides have two wheels, friction shifting and are 30+ years old. The odd one is my son's old made-in-Dayton Huffy with a 3-speed Shimano IGH.

I have no idea what it's like to ride anything modern. Carbon fiber, disk brakes, 8-speed IGHs, Rohloffs & 'at, all the geeky stuff.

2011-04-22 18:27:58

Great idea! Too bad I won't be here. :(

2011-04-22 18:42:02

i love this! let me know if there is any help i can offer.

can we get some weird bikes like tall bikes, and swing bikes?! i second tandems and recumbents.

2011-04-22 18:43:34

Stu, want to take a spin on a 19 lb titanium road bike? Special for you. ;)

2011-04-22 19:17:48

I'm hoping those with the modern geeky stuff will show up as well...belt drives and Nuvinci hubs and whatnot would be cool too.

2011-04-22 19:19:33

So, this looks like a go. Saturday July 2nd, 10-1PM, at the Oval. Thanks go out to the ACA for letting us use their Saturday permit, and to Flock of Cycles for providing sponsorship.

Further details shall be forthcoming...however, we'd like to get a better sense of what people are interested in trying out.

If yinz would be kind enough to fill out this survey (as many times as you'd like...Vote early! Vote often!), that would be appreciated. After a week or so, we'll tabulate the results, and push out another survey asking folks what they can bring for trial purposes.

2011-06-08 13:04:32

I'll be out of town that weekend. Sorry!

2011-06-08 14:58:18